What Is Going On With NI?



  • mmk_music
    mmk_music Member Posts: 40 Member
  • ScoopDogg
    ScoopDogg Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    @darkwaves Idk man. This community is strange. So is Apple’s. Apple even more than NI because they are a mega corp, literally the richest company in the world and people will physically fight someone over having ill words and criticizing them. Every device I own is Apple and I will never not criticize them, or use other products that are better/suit me better. This whole entire thread is refreshing, because people are being honest for once in this forum. I could be confusing D-One’s blind optimism for shilling. And I could just be pissed off because, I’ve been with NI since 2012 and it sucks to witness this from a (much much tinier) company that gave me the tools to start creating music.

    I got the Live 2, then shortly after the Plus is 2020. Nothing has been done with the plus except NI making actually usable. Meanwhile Akai just straight up makes a complete album maker in a box that you can create with while sky diving if your heart desired. I’ve made legit fully produced songs with vocals on that thing, and it sounds just as good as vocals recorded into logic. No dumbed down guitar rig for the plus, no vocal effects (they freaking have isotope now) Nothing. They abandoned their flagship, most expensive product, and it pisses me off.

  • ScoopDogg
    ScoopDogg Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    @D-One You know what man, my apologies. I think from years of skimming the forum when I needed answers, etc. I may have thought you were one of the pseudo gatekeepers of NI whenever someone had a slightly less than stellar opinion. My bad. Like I said in my last post, I’m… Well, a little.. butthurt.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,093 Expert
    edited August 2023

    In facts, D-One is probably one of the most critical “internal” of NI. It’s not the first time I read him saying “I barely use Maschine anymore due to my sheer disappointment”, although he is clearly very expert on it because of his long use of it. And he is very honest about things, saying what he thinks, being it in agreement with a comment or confuting an opinion. But being very polite, he often do it in a “quiet” way

    And I deeply believe him when he says he stays around here because he has pleasure in helping others.

    I say all of this from the point of view of someone who is often criticizing NI, more about their behaviors than their products. As D-One and you, I use their stuff from a looooong time and still believe the workflow I learned to love in so many years with Maschine is the one that fits me the most. That’s why, like you, I’m so burned by the “new” NI: they inherited very good products…and not only they are not valuing them…they are also quite “destroying” the work done before.

    In any case, exactly beacause I’m so often criticizing things, I do accept that in a forum (specially the one of the company I’m criticizing ) I will surely receive comments of people that don’t agree with me at all. In the end I’m expressing my opinion and they have all the rights to express theirs. Then, if I think they are blind…I’ll tell them they are blind 😂. This doesn’t make of them Fanboys, nor a Hater of me

  • Wouter De Muynck
    Wouter De Muynck Member Posts: 248 Pro

    As a moderator D-One is indeed a true asset, he doesn't spare NI at all and is very transparent in how he's looking at things going on at NI. In fact they should better pay attention to his feedback and talk to the man instead of only provide him with a forum.

    When I read through the comments I have the feeling a lot of us are very loyal to (and therefore patient with) NI because we go back many years with the company. On the other hand we are anxiously waiting if we still fit in the NI picture. After many months it all remains very vague where things are going, nothing tangible, which only feeds negativity and conspiracy theories. In the end the stubbornness of NI will have an impact, but maybe that is a calculated risk on their end. I'm losing my patience, that's for sure.

  • DJ MickyTeK
    DJ MickyTeK Member Posts: 5 Member

    I been a loyal customer of NI for some 3 years now and recently and certainly over the last year they have dived right downhill, discontinuing their Traktor S8 that was way ahead of its time and a great piece of kit they replace it with the M2 and sorry the M4 is nothing more than the M2 with 2 extra audio channels, the software well that's just a joke and I even purchased a Maschine mk3 and Maschine + and after trying so hard with them for the last year they both constantly crash and fail on both Mac and PC and I can tell you right now the biggest pile of unreliable rubbish I have ever stupidly purchased.

    So now saving my pennys and moving over to Pioneer, I am so done with NI, worst equipment I have ever had and certainly not equipment I would ever be able to trust on going Live with.

    Its a shame, was so happy and excited with my Kontrol S8.... and now as far as I am Concerned NI are Dead to me.

    was even Looking at their keyboards but after my experience with my Maschine's NO WAY would I be stupid enough to go near anything NI ever again.

    Bye Bye NI.

  • heinrichz
    heinrichz Member Posts: 33 Member

    Ableton is great, even though I prefer the NI since which I've been using since 98. Since NI was sold to private equity, they seem to have lost interest in developing their legacy software instruments with the exception of Kontakt, which they probably do because they are putting out preset content now. This is probably not so much in the interest of many serious synthesists or other legacy users.

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