Pitch adjustment suggestion for traktor



  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    Saying vinyl & Traktor implies using actual vinyl records. Because if you meant digital vinyl you should have said that

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I have been clear on my first post no need to troll more. You are all trolls becuase you started to give advice of physics and know how of the software and now accuse me not being clear when in my first post it is impossible not to understand that DVS is what I ment. If you would have really misunderstood instead of playing expert of physics and developer of traktor which you are not then you would have staited it, but it is clear you are trolls since now your agenda is to blame me when first you play your little expert roles. Lol

    Also I clearly replied early on this:

    "I don't mean that. I adjust +8% from my turntable pitch slider and on top of that I can add 10% from traktor which in total makes +18% pitch adjustment :)"

    You are just dumb trolls to me and it is clear since I have been clear, but you are not address that since you are a trolls

    red nick and lord carlos

    I can't argue with halfwits and trolls so go on make some new issue, but don't address my first post and the one I jsut quoted that is all the proof people need to see what you are.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I flagged you since you also seem to have hard times to read and understand and also defending these trolls

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer
    edited August 2023

    You aint helping you take side of trolls.

    This topic is not about helping so don't play jesus and get buthurt when you are lazy and don't read my messages on the beginning. I just explained how I on early on, on top of my first post clear as a day told exactly what I mean and you say you don't undertstand I ment DVS come on seriously ???

    I only make suggestions and these trolls then came here play experts after my post where clarify to lord nick

    "I don't mean that. I adjust +8% from my turntable pitch slider and on top of that I can add 10% from traktor which in total makes +18% pitch adjustment :)"

    This was my

    and when clearly it's possible to do the thing I'm suggestiong like pARty_bOy explained and I confirmed it. These trolls just want to be right no matter that they have misread my post and you also being lazy and also not reading my posts shows that you are not here to help, but to stirr the conversation in behalf the trolls.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    This is also what trolls want to make me write tons of other unrelated messages and keep arguing out of context so I'm out this point this forums is toxic AF

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    If you can't interact with the top users in this forum, that have helped countless amounts of others for over a decade, maybe this isn't the help you need. I suggest you try and contact support directly.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    No one is trolling, they are simply trying to educate you on how this forum works and the information you left out. When you need help or have suggestions, if people say they don't understand or need more information it doesn't mean they are stupid or mad at you.

    Contacting support or Native Instruments directly would require the same information and probably even more explanation.

    Some subjects don't work that well when communicating with text. An example is trying to explain midi mapping or routing. Or figuring out Dpc Latency issues. A lot of explanation and information and patience when helping or asking.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    This is the first and last time that I will ask something like this, but…

    If you think that some posts here have been flagged without a reason, please put a like to those lord-carlos and red_nick posts to give them back the points they didn’t deserve to lose.

    And please don’t put it to mines…they already did it for me and I would feel really “dirty” having points after I asked for them ☺️

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 329 Pro
    edited August 2023


    You can set the range of the tempo faders in Traktor (when you‘re not using live input).

    RTFM instead of insulting people who want to help you. 🤷🏼‍♂️ (english manual, page 148: Preferences -> Transport Page -> Tempo)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited August 2023

    Now he flagged also zephry and cOnsul…and my request to put likes to the others losing points…

    Funny thing is he was accusing others of childish behaviour

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    It sounds like the flag system is linked to the points count automatically.

    Normally a person would review any flagged content -> react to it - and then remove the points.

    This thread escalated and needs to be closed. The request is something that Rick and Marty would scratch their heads about. (not sure if flux capacitor would fix this).

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Yes it is automatic for the points detraction.

    And if it happens that someone review something (and not just ignore you), you could end up with someone saying “your comment have been misinterpreted” but warning you publicly anyway, practically validating the accuses made to you…

    Since you cited Rick and Morty…

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,221 mod
    edited August 2023

    I think it also might be a 'Back To The Future' reference. 🍩 (Flux Capacitor?)

This discussion has been closed.
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