Pitch adjustment suggestion for traktor



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    Do you know of any software that can speed up live input?

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    OP wants to fast forward the radio

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I have stated clearly what I wished if you can't read english it's not my problem. Also pretending like you know what you are talking about gives you zero credibility since you are not the developer so don't act like one.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    tbf you can slow the live stream down further, you just can't speed it up.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    Don't comment about people's English skills when you report having a "broblem."

  • pARty_bOy
    pARty_bOy Member Posts: 155 Pro
    edited August 2023

    if you want your tech12s to have more pitch, you can have it set to +/-10 %, like I have, there is knob to adjust that under the platter. search youtube for that. you can also workaround Traktor TimeCode "Relative Mode" to have more pitch (tempo) slider/range, lets say you load a track on deck A turn pitch all the way down to -10%, load same track on deck C and "Clone" it back to deck A, now when you move the pitch slider on the techs to +10% you will have +20% in Traktor.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I know about the tech platter pitch adjust and there is also brek adjust next to it, but when you do that the pitch becomes very unstable and can't start to wobble +/- 3% which is super huge amount that is why I doi't do that.

    I tested your pitch down upload trickit and it works! I think this would be a potential workaround since it work although it's stupid that this feature hasn't been integrated since then it shouldn't be such a chore :(

    Also this proves that these trolls here are wrong about their made up physics agument fallacies since the platter speed stays same and the pitch amount inside traktor only changes just like I am suggesting!

    Since this is already working, but a workaround trick it would not be that hard for native just code like extra button next to pitch slider to add / subtrack from the original pitch amount. Back in the days when I used cd players some of them had like this feature to wide the pitch range and for example pioneers players still have this like 8/16/32/100 or something like that. For me personally widening the pitch 8% would be enough.

    Thanks for the tip buddy this is what this forum should be all about and not about nay sayers self made experts who don't understand what they are talkin about.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert
    edited August 2023

    Mate, we asked you at least two or three times if you meant this to be in DVS or live input. You just came back with insults. Could have told us right in the first post.

    As a matter of fact I asked if you meant DVS relative mode in December last year.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I told in my first post that I use traktor for vinyl and scratching. Blaming me for your lack of understanding english is not my problem so stop with the ****** exucess and blaming me for your own mistakes of missreading and making circular argument fallacies. It's childish behaviour.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    You can use vinyl and scratch without DVS, tons pf people do it. So stop with the ***** exucess and blaming me for your own mistakes of missreading and making circular argument fallacies. It's childish behaviour.

  • FinBloke
    FinBloke Member Posts: 19 Newcomer

    I have clearly explained my suggestion that I use vinyl and traktor and I need more pitch adjustment for traktor so if you can not make logical conclusion that I use traktor for dvs from that when it's clear as a day then you are a moron trying to blame me for your own failing in basic logic. You are clearly also a child who's ego is so hurt that you just have to come up new excuess to blame me for your own failings.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    I didn't know if you were using DVS from your description either.

    For feature requests there is an area for that. But they are very selective and take time to add anything. Hopefully new stuff is coming soon though. We all have some features that are much needed in Traktor.

    Most interactions are from all of us just trying to help on this forum, if someone requests more information, they might help with the answer sooner if that information is given.

    Native Instruments team and development leaves most of the forum to the users to interact. Most interaction by Native Instruments is usually for the Beta test area when active. Or for major bugs and announcements or pushing through issues that need extra support.

    I think the Production area of the forum has more interaction and more individual features regularly added. Plus just way more information due to the many plugins. Traktor doesn't change or add nearly as much as Kontakt or Maschine.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    One could argue that on purpose not clarifying when asked for details is also somewhat childish ;-) Or throwing around insults on an online forum.

    But I don't mind being a bit childish.

    All in all I had fun.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Once again, and with all the quietness, I’ll try to help you telling you that you are too aggressive.

    Try to understand that if people ask you for clarifications, probably you have not been clear as you think you were (because…yes…Traktor can be used with vinyls also not in DVS mode, using one deck or more as live inputs for “standard” vinyls, as a lot of djs that were there before 2000s probably do).

    Try not to answer insulting people that are just trying to help you, calling them morons, stupid or telling them they are childish just because they tell you you never answered to a very simple request of clarification about something you didn’t specify (between, saying they “made up physics agument fallacies” when they just told you something perfectly correct). Or telling them they don’t understand English (specially if then you are a guy who uses “BREK adjust” and talks about exucess…)

    In any case, what is a logical conclusion for you, may not be so logical for others, specially if you didn’t give all the informations needed. And specially since you are a guy whose logic seems to work out of the standards (otherwise your aggressiveness towards people trying to help you is not explicable…)

    I’m sure in this way you’ll find more people happy to help you

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