NKS Development Discussion



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert
  • overlord25
    overlord25 Member Posts: 20 Member

    JesterMgee's Omnisphere presets are superb value, unlikely that free ones would add anything new, a lot of effort to reinvent the wheel I think :)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited July 2023

    Yes they are - on the whole, since there are still a lot of plugins that don't have NKS there is no need to replicate existing work, and it certainly shouldn't devalue that work. However perhaps there is scope for a different approach sometimes that creates choices without undermining another's work?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert
  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    I don't have Omnisphere, but if I did, I would suck it up and pay for the presets. I do have the Korg Collection, and to me it's worth it to have them all tagged and with previews like factory presets. I think there's enough room for both approaches. The community approach works well for effects like reverbs and delays, and small synths, but when you're talking thousands of presets, to me it makes sense to pay somebody to do them properly. But my whole workflow is built around NKS, so if you work differently you might not agree.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert

    It’s not about working differently. It’s about “if someone wants to give back to the community and make them for free, let him make it “😉

    As you said, enough room for both approaches

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    I think we went a bit "off topic" here and i suggest to keep this thread "clean", completely practical and informational instead of yet another post for debates.

    So, i will repeat here, as a general answer to all, something that i wrote on another post, sometime ago:

    "Freelancesoundlab presets definitely worth their money (same as anyone else who spend time and energy on something and want to get back something for his work). We (the few of us who create NKS presets for free) try, as much as possible, to not interfere with Jesper's work. If he already did something we don't do it (or, we are not sharing it publicly), with few random exceptions."

    Let's keep this as a general rule, an ethical but not mandatory rule. All happy, all good.

    As Kymeia wrote, there are hundreds of VSTs out there, without NKS presets, or even official support. Lot of work, for a lot of time, for everyone! :-)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert
    edited July 2023

    If it’s not mandatory, why practically saying the guy not to do it? If he wants to do it and share it with the community, let him do it.

    Maybe for you is not the case, cause you think to do something “ethical”, but in practice what your self proclaimed rule is doing is protecting one user at the expense of all the others who could benefit of a free version.

    You are totally correct in saying that someone who worked hard has all the rights to sell his stuff to have something in return. What is not correct is asking someone else who wants to make something free of charge for the community not to do it cause a paid version already exists. A little bit like if all the companies producing virtual instruments went to Spitfireaudio (or any other free Kontakt libraries producer) telling them they can’t release their free Labs instruments cause they already did paid versions of instruments. But in this case we are all happy to have some free plugins…why not here?

    This is quite far from what I would define “ethical”

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    Why you are always make things difficult? :-p

    Personally, i never said to the guy "don't do it" (neither i will ever do such thing, to anyone)! Instead i encourage him to learn the process and send him a link for study. Neither any one else here said such thing. I would love to see more people active on this case and i will love to download their free presets too. But if you think that someone can suddenly start to make all those things immediately (especially something so complex as Omnisphere) and without lot of practice and experience, then, you don't know the case.

    It took me 1.5 year from the time i first hear about NKS in the old forum, to fully understand the whole process, learning the tools, start making my first presets, mistakes, experiments, etc etc. before i dared to publicly share my first work! In fact, in the old forum i didn't even comment, ever. Only read and learn (and... download). And believe me, i am pretty smart and a very quick learner.

    So, back in our case, i find my self again explaining the obvious to you, because of your wrong impressions. I never write anywhere and said "not share your presets because a guy has paid versions". On the contrary. The only thing i said is that here, we have a kind of "silent agreement" not to interfere on the works of others. And it feels very right to me, so i suggested if everyone want to follow this "rule" it will be ok (ethical) but not mandatory of course.

    So please, don't try to create a case here, out of thin air, like those ancient sophists who convinced the naive Athenians to sentenced Socrates to drank the Conium... 😊

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert

    Ok. You’re right. Your point of view is “obvious”. Everything others do is “stupid” (as you said in other posts). You KNOW the guy can’t make NKS, he has no experience, he needs to study and of course he needs YOUR help and your links. I give up. You won

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    ...an incredible recital of twisted words and meanings...

    Well done. I give up. You won back my whatever win! 🏆️🎖️🎁

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited July 2023

    I think the main point is those of us who have been making NKS a long time know how laborious (and often tedious) it is and therefore respect and value each others work. I have had a few times myself where I have worked hard for several days to create a NKS bank only to find someone else has posted their own version of the same thing. It's frustrating but there's nothing you can do when that happens and there's certainly no point in complaining about it - after all that other person has also put in that work in good faith, and they are also only trying to be helpful - so we just accept that's the way it is and say thanks and move onto something else.

    So over time we have evolved this 'unspoken agreement' if we can even call it that, to as much as is humanly possible not to replicate each other's work whether it is semi commercialised or not. Simply on practical grounds it makes sense as there are always new plugins to convert and it means any work done is not time wasted, but I think this is also the civil thing to do. These are not 'rules', this is all voluntary, we can't tell people what to do or not to do (except never post commercial banks that undermine copyright because that would be wrong, and also break forum rules) but I think it is perfectly reasonable to let new people know this so they don't unintentionally waste their own time and use their developing skills productively. I don't think anyone was saying don't do anything, in fact help and support was offered.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert
    edited July 2023

    All very valid points, in the case of the work you guys do here for free.

    In the case of a NKS that is available only by buying it, an user offering to make a free version is not making a duplicate work that is a waste of time and will not offer anything: it will give the opportunity to all other users to have the NKS without having to pay for it.

    That said…if the reason is not to mess with the paid version, this is another question. But as I said, it is to the detriment of all users

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited July 2023

    Again no one is saying 'don't mess with the paid version' - that's a straw man. The whole point of this thread from the start was to primarily to empower users to do it for themselves because NI certainly were not doing that and we had to find out how to do this ourselves the hard way. We were able to show users that it is possible for anyone to create NKS patches of their own, for free, and likewise people are free to share them too and we are grateful for everything people create whether for free or for a small payment (within what is legal and acceptable on this forum of course). However I think Freelance Soundlabs are just as much part of this community as the people who do this for free, I don't want to foster an 'us and them' mentality here, I think it is ultimately counterproductive and that is to the detriment of the community we have built up together.

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