Super 8 : GUI bug, impossible to use in Ableton Live with a 4K monitor

creal Member Posts: 38 Member
edited October 2024 in Massive X & Synths


Super 8 is a great synth for sure. But it lacks hi-dpi support. It seems like it's half-integrated because, in Ableton Live:

1) When unselecting "Auto-Scale Plug-In Window", the plugin appears sooooo tiny

2) When selecting "Auto-Scale Plug-In Window", the plugin GUI only appears at the left bottom, the rest of the window (75% of the space) is just black. But controls appear in the background, so that you can turn the button at the right place without the GUI (which is impossible to use)

Is it possible to get a fix someday? It always worked like that, so it's a useless plugin for Ableton Live users who work with a 4K monitor.

Can someone confirm the behavior before sending a bug report?

Thank you,


Best Answer

  • X4U
    X4U Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    The problem is caused by Ableton, because their UI engine ist completely outdated. There are a lot of 3rd party plugins, which are not rendered correctly within Live, when using HiDPI on Windows. Google for "Ableton Live HiDPI Windows". This problem is known by Ableton for years (my last ticket was from 2021, before I've switched to Bitwig, after support told me, that this will not be fixed in the near future, because they would have to modify / recode more than 50% of the source code). So it was more important developing Push 3, instead of fixing there UI engine 😤

    The only solution is to use the Compatibility Mode within Windows, which doesn't work for all plugins and is not really a workaround.


  • X4U
    X4U Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    The problem is caused by Ableton, because their UI engine ist completely outdated. There are a lot of 3rd party plugins, which are not rendered correctly within Live, when using HiDPI on Windows. Google for "Ableton Live HiDPI Windows". This problem is known by Ableton for years (my last ticket was from 2021, before I've switched to Bitwig, after support told me, that this will not be fixed in the near future, because they would have to modify / recode more than 50% of the source code). So it was more important developing Push 3, instead of fixing there UI engine 😤

    The only solution is to use the Compatibility Mode within Windows, which doesn't work for all plugins and is not really a workaround.

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited July 2023

    Wow, this is bad news! This is the only plugin I have (among +150) that has such an issue. For the others, compatibility mode works well (but it's blurry due to the not native hi-dpi interface of those plugins).

    I think I just have to exclude it from my work, at least in Ableton Live. It's a very good synth, though!

    EDIT: in fact, I also noticed that GRM Tools also have GUI problems (the window is always open at its full size, which shouldn't be the case). So I have to always reduce the window size to work with them.

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