Is there a fix for Native Access 3.4 yet?



  • MIDI Bear
    MIDI Bear Member Posts: 18 Member

    I already told you that they removed that from the new EULA. So, you are looking at the wrong EULA and the point still stands.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,264 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Sorry - did not see that.

    Unfortunately, there is no concept of a "wrong" EULA or multiple EULAs or one that applied in 2020 and another for 2022 etc - it's a single active (enforceable) EULA that exists at that link.

    This is the document that is legally binding (for all of us NI users) and NIs lawyers would use if anyone attempted to challenge that "missing" clause. NI is well within their rights to change this agreement at any time and it appears they have. ("All specifications are subject to change without notice")

    In any case - if it's a real concern for you - you really should reach out to NI Legal and see what you are entitled to (and not entitled) to regarding the EULA. Maybe you will find out something positive in the realm of manual activation/keys etc.

    Only NI can definitively settle this for you.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,107 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Sorry. I liked your last post, but on this one you are wrong. The valide license agreement is the one you “sign” when you buy a product.

    Anything coming after is valid only for subsequent products.

    A contract is a contract. None of the parts can change what is stated.

    It’s like if you go in a shop where there is a sign saying “if you give us 100 bucks we give you this article” but, once you give them the 100 bucks, they change the sign in “Thank you for donating us 100 bucks”. Would you agree? 😂

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,264 Expert
    edited June 2023


    I won't debate you on this any longer as we are simply speculating on this.

    My understanding is there is only ever one EULA - and it's current form is all that matters.

    NI (actually any software company) can change their EULA at any time and you (and I) will be bound to those changes. Or we can uninstall the software.

    Like for MIDI Bear - suggest you contact NI Legal and get it straight from them regarding what you believe you are entitled to and what you are actually entitled to.

    Only they can 100% confirm the scope of the EULA for us in this case.


  • MIDI Bear
    MIDI Bear Member Posts: 18 Member

    That's not how it works. The new agreement doesn't nullify the preexisting agreements. If agreements worked like that you would probably end up living in a cardboard box lol. Your phone company could just change the agreement so that you now owe them a kidney for services rendered lol. I would encourage you to seek out a better understanding of the law, not for the sake of argument here but for your own benefit as I wish you success that you might need it.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,264 Expert

    Suggest you contact NI Legal and get it straight from them regarding what you believe you are entitled to and what you are actually entitled to.


  • MIDI Bear
    MIDI Bear Member Posts: 18 Member

    That would be like asking your accountant to check if he is stealing from you lol.

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