Is there a fix for Native Access 3.4 yet?

Dermot McD
Dermot McD Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

After the bugs in NA 3.2, I was hoping that 3.4 might have been better. But no, it's probably worse.

The dependencies problem, once fixed, remained OK for a few days. However with 3.4, whatever I do, I am required to confirm installing dependencies (whatever they are) every time I run the program after a failed install, even though I quit and restart immediately after confirming.

However, that's not the worst problem. After shelling out for a Komplete near-ultimate upgrade, I have to download new instruments one by one because NA fails to install and reports an "issue" with something requiring a restart, reconfirming the dependencies and then apparently restarting the whole process, even though there are over 20 GB of iso install files in my downloads folder.

Honestly, I couldn't give a toss about a new corporate identity, I would just like what I paid for to work!




  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Perfectly agree.

    But at the moment (and I’m afraid probably for many months) the only alternative is reverting back to a previous (better working) NA version

  • Dermot McD
    Dermot McD Member Posts: 11 Member

    Any idea what "There's an 'issue' (I assume issue in this context is a mistranslation of bug or problem' with the the installer service" actually means in English?

    Is this some service on the NI server or some problem my end? It's not the download(s) which all appear to do fine. Just downloaded 8.9 GB to have it fail again. Again.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    NA 3.4 (and also most of previous versions) works just fine on two Win10 comps. Yes, I have to confirm installation of dependencies every time NA starts, but IMHO it is intended behaviour and not a mistake...

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert

    After what felt like a "holiday" running 3.2/3.3.x of NA - after installing 3.4 last weekend - I have now had at least two instances now where NA 3.4 starts - but then prompts me for login creds each time.

    Once I do login - NA 3.4.0 takes what feels like about 2 minutes trying to get my configuration up on screen.

    In all versions prior to this one - the ONLY thing that WAS good was my login creds. Those stayed hardy and working despite all the other issues presented in the 3.1/3.2/3.3 cycle.

    It seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps back every time with this thing.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I do not need enter credentials or anything. 3.4 starts, OS asks about installing dependencies and it is all. On my setup....

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert

    And I get the opposite :)

    These two "creds" checks have occurred after two launches on two different days but to date with 3.4 - I have yet to have NA 3.4.0 go thru that bizarre "let's install all the dependencies" again phase.

    There is definitely something going on here that has changed.


  • Dermot McD
    Dermot McD Member Posts: 11 Member

    My main problem is failing downloads. 4 last night and now almost every time I try and download something larger than 2 GB it chokes with the so-called "issue with the installer service". Is this my side or on the NI side?

    If the problem is on the NI side, perhaps fee HDDs with some of the larger purchases like Ultimate and whatever you have when you go beyond Ultimate if there is such a thing. Really pissed off!

    After starting, quitting and restarting NA a few times, I haven't had the dependencies bug again. It would be nice to have a clue as to where these processes were going wrong… my side or theirs? The 3.2 bug was really time wasting, running through a lot of deletes and terminal processes which tend to signpost a host of programming errors from someone.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Since many users are encountering many problems with latest versions on NA, I don’t think is your side…

  • Stecko
    Stecko Member Posts: 1 Member

    I just bought a guitar library last night, funny how making purchases is never affected...

    in any case, I’m on Win11 and when clicking on NA, I get “Unable to start the NTK Daemon. Please restart..blah blah blah”... NA is 3.2.0. Is it better to revert back to a previous version?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert

    I would not roll back in anyway - stay with 3.40.

    And this fix for this is to go to Services and search for NTK Daemo. Change the startup type to Automatic (Delayed) and then restart the service. And then restart your machine.

    When it comes back up - go back to Services and ensure that (after a short wait - like a minute or two) that NTKDaemon is running. Then fire up NA2 - should be good.

    This whole NA2 package is a disaster and rolling back to anything that is not current will just expose you to an older version of this madness that usually had even more hassle than the current version.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Usually I would agree with you…but it’s 3 months I’m answering to these kind of questions…and that makes me even more happy I’m still on NA1, since I never encountered any problem.

    Sometimes a previous, working version is better than the shiny new thing

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert


    While I totally agree with you that "working" is ALWAYS better than "shiny" - unfortunately it's really not a matter of "if" but "when" for good ole NA1. That ship will sail into the sunset (without warning I am sure) and then you will be forced to move.

    Now that move may be easy OR it could be difficult - but for me - I would rather be well positioned in the "new" rather that coasting along without a care in the world and then have the rug pulled out from under me with the "old" only to be left scrambling. Or find out I cannot activate my product or download them or what have you.

    Each to their own - but NA2 is slowly getting tolerable and usable. It has not stopped me in anyway (Yet).



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    This is exactly why I will stay on 1 till it’s possible: the hope that they will remove it ONLY when 2 will be reliable

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod

    Hey, so when you get that notification in Native Access it indicates that the NTK Daemon heartbeat cannot be contacted, either due to a delay in checking for a heartbeat or the NTK Daemon has crashed. We're researching a few solutions to address this, and planning a release to add more error tracking so that we can identify what the NTK Daemon does before it crashed.

    We're aware that the NTK Daemon is a lot less stable than we'd like it to be and commit Q3 (after that release, should be the next release) to identifying common steps to reproduce to address some of the NTK Daemon crash events, hopefully limiting the frequency that this goes wrong. We'd have liked this release to have come out this quarter, but allas.

    There's another reason why the NTK Daemon crashes that we have identified and are addressing for that next release as well, and that is when a computer falls asleep the NTK Daemon can crash. But we still have a lot of major issues to address. Apologies!

  • Dermot McD
    Dermot McD Member Posts: 11 Member

    "But we still have a lot of major issues to address. Apologies!" I guess in English that means NA3.4 is seething with bugs.

    What you're missing though is that customers pay money for software, lots of it in fact, and then have a nightmare few days trying to download it. Wouldn't it be honest to mention up front, when one pays for this software, that right now, NA is bug city and the purchaser will be in for some pain? For some time?

    The admission that NA3.4 isn't very good is not very comforting for this user and doesn't compensate for the zillions of quits, restarts, terminal operations etc. I had to go through.

    2/10. See me after.

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