Traktor Pro 3 and Windows 11 compatibility?



  • Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    For what it's worth I'm having the exact same issue, ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14, AMD Ryzen 9, RTX 2060, 16GB DDR4. It was fine on Win10, same hardware, but since moving to Win11 I am having the slowdown/dropout degredation mentioned above.

    I'll give LatencyMon a shot, but I think it's going to have to be set up on a second OS on this machine because I cannot trust it to play for 15 minutes without issue at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Definitely Traktor Pro 3 isn't full optimized for Windows 11 currently or something going wrong in Windows 11. I'm using Windows 10 for now. Its stable like a rock.

  • Member Posts: 162 Pro
    edited April 2023

    Hey, I don't think I'll be adding much to the above but I'm going to give this a test. A couple of strange things I've seen along the way is using Audacity to encode at 48,000Hz mp3 can sometimes really stuff things up on Traktor MacOS. 41,000Hz would be the first thing to ensure consistency and I don't use Audacity to encode.

    Is this for all files or just a handful? I wouldn't mind testing the files you are using. Send me some links privately. I'm about to install Windows 11 again on a new machine.

  • Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Its for all files my friend. all files are mp3 at 320kbps. I used and tried all audio latency settings in Traktors control panel.

  • Member Posts: 162 Pro
    edited April 2023

    Perfect you are using mp3 at 320kbps. I should have asked a better question.

    Are you encoding mp3's yourself? And if so, although you may specify 320kbps, are you encoding at a 41,000Hz bitrate or 48,000Hz bitrate? Are you using Audacity? Are you using a lame encoder? Either way, I'd like to have a copy of your problem files.

    Share it with me on Dropbox or another link in a private message because I'd like to compare it to my Windows 11 install. Hopefully, I can help or at least replicate the issue.

  • Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Hi. i'm encoding most of my files with EZ CD Audio Converter(

    I think this problem is not related to my mp3 files and the way i'm encoding them. but its ok to test them for your self to check it. i send you a private message. thank you.

  • Member Posts: 162 Pro
    edited April 2023

    You have been encoding files at 48,000Hz. This only is useful when applying audio to video.

    your mp3's will work consistently when encoded at 320kbps with a sample bitrate of 44,100Hz

  • Member Posts: 162 Pro

    I would encourage you to use another program also. I'm going to re-encode the tracks you sent me and it would be good for you to test them. I'll be using lame. On its way in the next few minutes

  • Member Posts: 42 Helper

    but my audio card is at 48.000hz default and also my audio settings in Traktor at 48.000hz. also i remind you that same mp3 files in Windows 10 works great.

  • Member Posts: 162 Pro

    Totally get it, but I have seen this software issue before, and it's been something that's stuck with me. I just want to rule out the encoding. I'm going to upload some files for you.

  • Member Posts: 42 Helper

    as i suspect it. i got again the dropout/slowdown/robo music. with which program do you encode the files? i want to encode a big mix to let it play and see what i'll get. you see the audio latency tests i uploaded as images in the post between win 10 and 11 right? why this difference? i'm curious for your test about differences with win 10/11 for audio latency. thank you my friend.

  • Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I do not think that measured latency has anything to do with your problem. I mean those 500 us (0.5 ms). 1 ms equals roughly distance of 30 cm (for sound trawelling in air). So in your case we speak about 15 cm.

    Latency monitor should show you source of problem. You have to run it for long time to catch the dropout or slowdown.

    I used to have problem with slowdown at my older computer. But it was caused by "interaction" of Traktor and Zoom. I was not able to resolve it that time, so I ran Traktor on one computer and Zoom on another.

    Maybe you wrote about it. Do you use ASIO driver? And have you tried different audio interface. It may be some kind of problem with driver of your audio interface....

  • Member Posts: 54 Helper

    Have you checked the following:

    Make sure your PCs built in soundcard is set to the same frequency as your Traktor device. This weirdly, strangely makes a difference. Also ensure any usb sleep or power saving settings are off. Finally, try the usb buffer setting at 3ms.

    Aso, I agree with other comments here, use 44,100 to encode your mp3s. It makes very little difference going 48k for playing mp3s out on traktor. That aside, s4 soundcard on 44,100 is way more stable on windows in my opinion and I've owned it since it was launched.


    PS: Despite the workarounds I agree with you that there is an optimisation issue with 3.8 and it's not limited to Win 11. Besides, the ASIO drivers for S4mk3 haven't really been updated in a while, so there could be some optimisations possible there.

  • Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2023

    Hi to all of you. First i have to say that i use the Asio drivers. Anything else makes it worst(wasapi..etc) Now about the soundcard of my laptop i use the same frequency of soundcard which is 24bit 48000hz. In my tests i saw that with 48000hz is more stable than 44100hz. About buffer setting at 3ms i get buffer underruns, so i set it to 4ms without any issues. All optimizations and recommendations done in my laptop. The issue is not there. For 48000hz sure it can drive a little more pressure in cpu than 44100hz but my system is powerfull and i dont think the problem is there. I tried also 44100 but same issues happens.

    I started this post to let everyone know that there is a compatibility issue between Traktor and Windows 11.

    In Windows 10 all is working perfect in the same laptop. So common sense says that the problems has to be in Windows 11. And i have to say that i used Windows 11 for a couple of months before the problems started to happen. So maybe its Traktor that needs some optimizations in 3.8 version and up or Asio drivers some improovements or some Windows update screew something in Windows 11 that is crusial for Traktor to work flawlessly.

    Thank you all for your answers. Be well, cu!!! Spiros-Greece

  • Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Your photo here is very strange.

    My latency has never looked like that with a spike to the max.

    Unfortunately I think this is probably a driver issue for Dell (Alienware) windows-11. Dell has been pretty bad about keeping up with audio. I went through a lot to get my G7 working about 4 years ago. It still has issues with sound. For some dumb reason it will just uninstall the Realtek drivers after almost every Windows update. And as I said elsewhere, the Support Assist causes bad Dpc Latency.

    Even though your Alienware works on Windows 10, more than likely Dell (Alienware) has not optimized drivers for Windows 11.

    I use a paid driver updater called Driver Booster by iobit. Of course I disable it when Traktor is running. I also regularly check for any changes in The Device Manager. At least a couple times a year I update something automatically through the Device Manager, that wasn't done by Windows or Driver Booster or my support application.

    I say this because of the issues I had with Dell in the past and tons of research and so many posts about audio issues on the Dell forum. And also because the latest laptops I have used with Traktor have had very good Latency. Hp and Asus.

    Even the my ***** Lenovo Yoga can almost run Traktor, I use for editing and playlists with Traktor and no controller on the Wasapi drivers. It does sometimes have issues but for a $400usd laptop it is pretty good.

    I am using 3 windows-11 laptops regularly with Traktor.

    Have you tried different usb ports and also tried different cables. Are you using any external USB hubs? If so are they powered?

    A spike like the one in your picture almost looks like something plugged in or unplugged. A big power and processing spike?

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