Traktor Pro 3 and Windows 11 compatibility?



  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Please can you upload a photo of your laptops audio latency check to see how it goes to you my friend? Please tell me which Tractor version and of course in Windows 11 the audio latency check. Thank you.

  • MrCee
    MrCee Member Posts: 162 Pro
    edited April 2023

    And for what it's worth and I hope you don't mind @djspiros2012 Some of the 320kbps 48,000Hz test singles provided appear as per below which means they have been re-encoded and have lost much quality. In my humble opinion, this mp3 was of bad quality, to begin with, and it's been encoded from mp3 to mp3, and converted from 44,100Hz to 48,000Hz and the conversion has caused major discrepancies and quality loss. You will see a time stretch when converting sample rates if not done correctly. You will ALWAYS lose quality converting lossy to lossy.

    Just keep the mp3's as they were original. Converting mp3's via the app you use is making it worse.

    Just because they worked on Windows 10, doesn't mean they are future-proofed and this might not necessarily be a Windows 11 / Traktor issue. It's the encoding, I'm sure of it. The mp3's in question would not be viable for playing by most DJ standards.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    I hope you are right my friend. I'll make another test tomorrow. I'm downloading original flac files to test. without encoding to mp3, nothing. I'll test it with Traktor 3.8 and 3.9 beta 2 in Windows 11. Only those flac files. nothing else. if it will work without issue then its the encoding re encoding to 48000hz.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,112 Expert

    You should try another audio interface to rule out the problem is in audio interface driver.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2023

    i tried my friend. problem gets worst. best option for me is Asio. in Windows 10 of course. i cant trust Windows 11 for now.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,184 mod

    Did you try Traktor's demo Tracks from Loopmasters or any of streaming services?

    Dell laptops are not easy to troubleshoot, it is best to debloat Windows and hopefully make some more headroom for Traktor in that way. Being a gaming laptop, you should disable the GPU audio driver too. (if any)

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    no i didnt try Traktor's demo Tracks but with the help of MrCee i'm trying now the asio4all drivers. until now seems more stable and no spikes as with Traktors asio drivers. tomorrow i'll open my Jbl 815 speakers to hear how it goes because its really late here now. more info tomorrow. thank you all, be well, cu!!! Spiros-Greece.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,112 Expert

    @djspiros2012 Try different external audio interface ("sound card"), not just different drivers for your audio interface or internal sound card.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Hi, I tried asio4all drivers. Its better than Traktors asio drivers. I didn't had any dropdowns or slowdowns like with Traktors asio drivers. Latencymon running for 1 hour only found wdf01000.sys for 1.290ms And turned black color saying that needs powerthrottle turn off through bios or speedstep etc disabled. I already had disabled all these. But the sound played fine without any problem. I finally managed to have sound in my speakers with asio4all only if I uninstall the Traktors asio drivers. Both installed I had no sound. It's a problem with traktors output settings. It didn't have the options to configure the output sound. When disabled Traktors asio drivers sound worked great. So it seems that Traktors asio drivers is not optimized for Windows 11. What's your thoughts about this my friends?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,112 Expert

    And what driver have you used in ASIO4All? If you used NI audio interface, ASIO4All had to use a NI audio driver...

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    NI audio interface was my only option for traktors output settings when in audio choose Asio4all.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Hi, i did some more tests. i installed the latest insider beta windows 11 build.

    what a beautiful surprise...

    audio latency is way better than latest windows 11 official build. it isnt so great as windows 10 audio latency but i didnt had any errors or audiodrops or slowdowns or robo audio play. all working just fine.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 496 Pro

    Don’t worry as soon as MS get fixed all the beta bugs you will recover all the extra latency you lost.


  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor
    edited May 2023

    Maybe I'm to late to the party, but have the OP tried to disable NVIDIA VGA adapter and use only the integrated one Intel? Right click in the device manager on NVIDIA and select DISABLE. That's it.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    yes, i already disabled nvidia gpu. same behavior.

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