question re: tempo faders

d_j_m Member Posts: 68 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

This is a TOTAL newb question, please be kind.

I'm using Traktor 3 with an S2.

I'm getting super frustrated with the tempo faders on my controller because sometimes when I try and give one a tiny tiny nudge, the tempo JUMPS instead (totally random example: i have a song on 117bpm and it jumps to 128bpm instead of to the 119bpm or so that I was going for). I've been trying to record a set for a week and THIS is the thing that has ruined every attempt so far, lol...

What the h-ll is going on??? Maybe this is a setting? Can I change this? Please tell me I can change this. SO frustrating. I can catch it manually sometimes but i'd rather just be rid of this "feature" if I may.

Best Answers

  • mode:masters
    mode:masters Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    go to settings, at the bottom left you will have S2 settings. Change tempo fader to RELATIVE not ABSOLUTE. In this mode if you run out of pitch fader room hold shift, move fader to center, release shift. Holding shift prevents the fader movement from registering, allowing you to return the fader to a better position.

  • d_j_m
    d_j_m Member Posts: 68 Helper
    Answer ✓

    @mode:masters thank you.


  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Have you tried fiddling around in the preference settings?

    Preferences > Transport > Tempo: set tempo range

  • mode:masters
    mode:masters Member Posts: 8 Member
    Answer ✓

    go to settings, at the bottom left you will have S2 settings. Change tempo fader to RELATIVE not ABSOLUTE. In this mode if you run out of pitch fader room hold shift, move fader to center, release shift. Holding shift prevents the fader movement from registering, allowing you to return the fader to a better position.

  • d_j_m
    d_j_m Member Posts: 68 Helper
    Answer ✓

    @mode:masters thank you.

  • d_j_m
    d_j_m Member Posts: 68 Helper

    @c0nsul I have! It turns out it I was using sync wrong. So I spent last night correcting a bad habit. Thank god I'm still new and didn't let that get too far.

  • D2Lover
    D2Lover Member Posts: 59 Advisor

    This happens to most of us at some stage i'm glad you've solved it.

  • d_j_m
    d_j_m Member Posts: 68 Helper

    thanks, really appreciate the supportive words - people can be nasty with newbies and our questions sometimes. This is something I have wanted to learn how to do for YEARS. The controller I'm using right now was basically in a box most of its life until it came my way - an S2 MK1 lol - old school for the old school - but it's working just fine to get the basics down but man there's a lot to learn.

  • carliii
    carliii Member Posts: 34 Member

    Thank you so very much for all the info in this thread! Much appreciated!

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