iMaschine gone from App Store



    DJ FEEL-X Member Posts: 7 Member

    I hope testing news is true. Thank You All for standing up. IMashine2 rules. Can waint to start working again. Restarted my Iphone and forgot about the purchased products option. Thanks. Does Anyone knows how to download the Quantum Epansion? Even when testore purchase button is pressed the download does not work.

  • Hebreww
    Hebreww Member Posts: 37 Member

    The Imaschine expansion store is broke: it has problems.. People who bought expansion including me are not eligible to use many of them including quantum. I have been waiting for a few years now for something I paid for but can't use. I have been complaining for so long that I simply do not feel heard and do not try anymore because what can you do when you are ignored? If native instruments were the government of a country they would long ago be overthrown by the people but we live from the internet where we the people can exercise little power over people who don't feel called to do the right thing for the lovers of their product and that is unfair en really evil.

    DJ FEEL-X Member Posts: 7 Member

    OK so I have last question. If today I will to restart my Iphone6s. And than bring back all Apps that I’m useing. Would it possible to install Imaschine2 and all of the expansions I’ve bought? And how? I’m about to do so will Anyone answare me asap? Thank You. I checked and I can’t find an purchased products section. And I worry that when I restart the phone, I wont be able to reinstall my bouht Imaschine2 App. Anyone?

  • Hebreww
    Hebreww Member Posts: 37 Member
    edited December 2022

    This would be a very detrimental move on your part. I myself have an old iPhone 6 and a slightly new iPhone 8 plus. On that iPhone 6, Imaschine works much better than on that the iphone that have an old iOS. because your new iOS handles the Imaschine software very poorly. This means you will experience defects in many places such as: projects you will lose, purchased expansion will not be able to be used, program crashing, etc....

    On my iPhone 8 Plus I now have iOS 16.1 and there is little guarantee that it will flow 100% nice. I must say that I did try it and I managed to create a nice beat with some audio losses. once you record audio you just have to save immediately that idea also for tapping in new patterns you wish to create that you record. Although this is not a guarantee I advise you to bounce it right away to the most secure place: iTunes storage. This is my workflow if you want to be sure to see all your recordings back so you can build further with it in maschine. 

    I hope this has helped you how to proceed.

    I have created an account for all enthusiasts on instagram called : "IMASCHINELOVER" I can do live video guidance with you there should you or anyone else be interested....

    Happy Christ remembrance and merry Christus to all!!

    DJ FEEL-X Member Posts: 7 Member

    Sorry but where is the answare to my question? How will I install my purchased copy of imaschine2 and all of the expansions on my restarted empty of any content iphone6s? First I will restart my phone. Than install the apps I need on it. How will I get my purchased (2018), imaschine2 app? I will check the instagram page for shure but first need to reinstall my phone, because it needs an restart cleaning. I want to know, if that will be done. I will not end with no imaschine install possibility. Can You please answare that? My em@il for later is Thank You for any reply. But I really need to know that first.


  • Hebreww
    Hebreww Member Posts: 37 Member


    Okay, if you bought Imaschine and decide to delete it again there is a possibility in the AppStore that you can download it again. Look at app purchases. Although this option is there, there is no guarantee that you can use this same expansion and sounds that you had before because the program Imaschine has complications. However, if you decide to just restart your phone I don't see a problem but if you mean reset that's going to require you to download all the apps again. 

    So to the answer to your question: 

    Yes you can just download Imaschine again after uninstalling it in AppStore.

    Bless up, Hebreww

    DJ FEEL-X Member Posts: 7 Member

    The imaschine app is not anymore aviable in the app store. I mean to reset my I phone and after reseting it how will I be able to install the imaschine app? If its not in the app store? Where can I find the purchased apps section useing my iphone not ipad or macbook? Will the last backup help? Is it possible to reinstall the imaschine app without backup? How? Please reply. I again, don’t understand what You have answered me. I need to reset completelly my iphone6s. I can’t fond the purchased apps section. I think its imposible to install the imaschine app without the app store. Am I wrong? Please help. My phones I OS is very messed up now I need to restart the unit asap.

    Thank You for Your time.

    Sebastian DJ FEEL-X

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited December 2022

    AFAIK there’s no way to reinstall an app which was removed from the app store, except if you made a local backup to your computer. But then you have to restore that backup which includes all other unwanted data as well.

    Since your problem is related to Apple products, I suggest to search the Apple user forum, contact Apple Support or get an appointment at the next Apple Store Genius Bar. It’s probably a well known issue.

  • Hebreww
    Hebreww Member Posts: 37 Member

    I was able to successfully download Imaschine 2 and 1 again after I got a new phone and after I reset that same phone again...I can talk about my situation, that I still have access to both apps.... 

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2022

    The app is not removed, just hidden from the store for the time being. To redownload just go to your Purchases> Not On This iPhone and install.. Old phone, new phone none of that matters, whats matters is your iCloud account.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Thank you for checking.

    What about the purchased Expansions? I expect them to be gone.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2022

    No prob.

    No idea, I never bought any but there's a "restore purchases" button. I only bought the app to contribute to its development, which (not surprisingly) never happened.

    Pressing the Install button on the free ones doesn't seem to do anything... so not sure whats the situation with expansions.

  • exnfox
    exnfox Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    The free pack has been broken for some time now. You can still purchase the add ones that are there and they will download. I still use imaschine 1 & 2 on all my iPhones. I use Filza to import huge folders of samples I’ve converted to 44khz 16bit and usually will put them in the imaschine 1 folder snd then tick the rescan imaschine 1 database option in settings then open imaschine 2. It’s confusing how imaschine 2 sample folders work because they have two “samples” and “my samples” … can be very problematic when using imaschine the way I do. On imaschine 1 it will take damn near a minute after hitting the button for it to finally show the user sample browser. This was fixed in imaschine 2. However 2 has that same lag (actually stops the audio during) when loading the user project browser )

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited January 2023

    Please Native Instruments! You never showed love to iOS, but at least LET US CONTINUE TO USE THE MINIMUM WE ALREADY HAVE. Put iMaschine back in the AppStore and IAPs expansions available again

  • Vinncredible
    Vinncredible Member Posts: 4 Member

    Users of Imaschine have been waiting patiently, hopefully the info posted about testing it for a relaunch will come within this year of 2023, so WE the creative can get back to rocking fresh ideas and beats on the Go!! Make it right NI, Make us proud!! Respectfully, Peacefully....

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