BUG: Updated 3.6.1 -> 3.7.0: Now missing tracks from m3u Playlist import. Why?

haco_nico Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi all,

I've updated my Traktor Pro 3 Software from 3.6.1 to 3.7.0. And now I have missing tracks in my m3u playlist. Yeah.. this should be a "fixed" issue in 3.7.0... but for me it does exactly the opposit. For now I downgraded to 3.6.1 again - everything fine there.

From 3.7.0 Release notes:

FIXED Missing Tracks in Imported M3U Playlists Playlist imported in m3u format now correctly include all tracks containing special (accented) characters.

For example, I have these two tracks (folder root path is the same for both):

D:\...\Music\Genre\Angelic - Can't Keep Me Silent (Timo V Mix).mp3

D:\...\Music\Genre\Angelic - Can’t Keep Me Silent (DuMonde Vocal Mix).mp3

The weird thing is: Only the second one is missing.

And it has nothing to do with the file itself, because I can load the track when I move it on to the deck from the Windows 10 file browser manually.

It just doesn't make any sense...

There are also some other tracks with e.g. ä,ö,ü, (...) characters that are missing. But still, these were working fine on my Traktor Pro 3.6.1 version.

**** Update:

For the two tracks above I've narrowed it down to the ’ symbol in the second track. I've changed it to the ' symbol of the first track. There are also a bunch of other tracks that were missing cause of this. Tracks with ä,ö,ü still missing.

But the issue still doesn't make sense, because the 3.7.0 patch notes say that "m3u imports with special characters "are fixed"... but imports with special characters in v 3.6.1 were working fine.


Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,319 mod
    Answer ✓

    I think it is not a Traktor bug, but an m3u playlist bug.

    I am not quiet sure (because i stopped use m3u since years, Traktor native playlists are way far superior), but i think the problem might be that m3u lists are not UTF8, thus they can not recognize multilingual characters.

    Try this! Open your m3u list with Notepad, then click "Save as", select as "all files" (not .txt), add the extension .m3u and then check the encoding! If it is ANSI, change it to UTF8 (or UTF8 with BOM), save the file and check it with Traktor again.

    ok, this might be an intelligent discovery, or a complete nonsense, i have no idea! But, there is no harm to try it :-)


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,319 mod
    Answer ✓

    I think it is not a Traktor bug, but an m3u playlist bug.

    I am not quiet sure (because i stopped use m3u since years, Traktor native playlists are way far superior), but i think the problem might be that m3u lists are not UTF8, thus they can not recognize multilingual characters.

    Try this! Open your m3u list with Notepad, then click "Save as", select as "all files" (not .txt), add the extension .m3u and then check the encoding! If it is ANSI, change it to UTF8 (or UTF8 with BOM), save the file and check it with Traktor again.

    ok, this might be an intelligent discovery, or a complete nonsense, i have no idea! But, there is no harm to try it :-)

  • haco_nico
    haco_nico Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thx a bunch!!! That brought me on the right track. I use MusicBee for my music library management and it auto-exports any dynamic playlists. The m3u encoding was set by default to .m3u(ascii) in the MusicBee preferences. I've just changed it to m3u(utf-8) and now it works!!! 💪 Maybe this helps others with the same issue.

    From a developer standpoint I'm still curious why it worked fine in all 3.6.1 and previous versions. Never had issues with special characters. I wanna know 😄 (I'm pretty sure they converted m3u playlists internally to utf8 before and now they removed it in 3.7.x and just added support to utf8 by default - which breaks any other encoding) 🧐

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,319 mod

    Great! Glad to help :-)

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