Missing Album Artwork in Traktor



  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 255 Pro

    After creating a bunch of MP3’s manually and adding artwork at 500px X 500px, it’s still a crapshoot. It seems to just randomly not display covers with no observable pattern.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I guess after all the betas update this has still not been address. Wow, on windows 11 and all the other music or DJ programs including Traktor DJ 2 shows the cover Art except for Traktor Pro 3. By the way I am on the latest beta. Still no fix for this problem.

  • NikkosC
    NikkosC Member Posts: 9 Member

    For those who prefer "the manual way", head to https://bendodson.com/projects/itunes-artwork-finder/ and search for the cover you want. Then add it to the track with the missing artwork. Covers come in high resolution.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    Still not fixed on the official Official update. This is just ridiculous that no one from NI can tell you what's going on with this issue or what change in the new coding to cause this issue.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,452 mod

    There is nothing "wrong".

    If your files have the artwork now, you still need to RE-ANALYZE them in Traktor to show the artwork!

    Otherwise they still keep the older tag, without the artwork.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I don't think you understand what's going on with this problem. Your suggestion will not fix the problem, no matter how much time you reanalyze the file or files in question. There was always a cover art imbedded in the files in question the new Traktor Pro for some reason does not see the art work as well as any cue points that was added by mixedin key as well. I am asking for any info from NI about any solution to said problem. Only new files added to your library cover art work get imported. But no mixedin key cue points.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 255 Pro

    Unfortunately re-analyzing does not solve the issue. Artwork is displayed in all other dj software (VDJ, Rekordbox, Serato, and Engine in my case), but does not come up in traktor.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,452 mod

    I don't know guys... in my case i can see on Traktor every single file who has an artwork (Flac or mp3)!

    So, i have to ask one question: maybe your files are .WAV? because as far as i know wav files does not support artwork

  • bizniz
    bizniz Member Posts: 14 Member

    Found an easier way to import missing covers to files.

    Downloaded VDJ 2021 beta version, opening tracks and import covers. It also has missing info from tracks like year, album, genre etc.

    Then in Traktor I just make a "check consistency" in tracks and missing covers are there

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    All we are trying to find out is why only Traktor Pro 3 is the only program that doesn't see the cover art of the files in question. That's all we are saying every other program sees it because it is already embedded in the tags. So, no matter what you do in any other program it doesn't fix it in Traktor. This is just a Traktor Pro 3 issue.

  • Tekknik
    Tekknik Member Posts: 3 Member

    thats so fu**ed up, started again djing after a 10 year pause, bought traktor and Kontrol S2, importet my files from itunes Music and every cover is missing. i will not reedit 3000+ Files to see the cover. this is a major problem that should be solved a quick a possible.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I have been asking this in another thread, and no one can give me a solution, and no one from native instruments is saying anything about it. It seems that Traktor is handling meta data differently 🤔. Because all my information was visible in the older version of Traktor pro 3 since the new beta and official release of 3.6.1 this is became a problem. Deleting cover art folders or ni folders in document and do a full collection re-import doesn't fix the problem 🤔. I am waiting for a comment from someone from NI.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 255 Pro

    Don’t know if it’s related, but had a bunch of tracks lose hotcues after updating to 3.6.1. Fixed it in lexicon

  • Phil Harmony
    Phil Harmony Member Posts: 2 Member

    I updaten to Ventura, Traktor user since 2008 with every version, now with 3.7.1 I lost all my artwork too… using a Mac mini M1, worked perfectly until 3.7.1 now all artwork is gone for my past collection. It can’t find my collection so I have to re import everything and when I do I have no artwork…. Catastrophic….. When I import a brandnew song all is fine, just my old collection won’t show any and I know all covers are in the Tag because it’s shown in the files and in music app so…. 26k Tunes missing artwork in Traktor is a desaster for me!

  • hoppenstedt
    hoppenstedt Member Posts: 1 Member

    covers from my old collection are shown but new imported tracks do not...re-analyze does not help.

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