Missing Album Artwork in Traktor



  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    So, this issue started cropping up in the last rekordbox update too, so I did a little diving.

    if I export artwork, then re-save it as png, and re-attach the artwork as png back to the files, artwork shows up in both rekordbox and Traktor without issue. Wondering if this is an artwork size limitation?

  • supertrigger
    supertrigger Member Posts: 6 Member

    Any updates on that issue? I have the same problem (v3.9.0).

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    Fixed personally by exporting artwork from files, resizing to 500x500px, saving as png, and re-attaching file to the audio files for me. It was a long pain in the butt process, though.

  • John_M
    John_M Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    The script you need is called "Re-Embed Artwork." To access its full features, you can make a donation. Here's how to use it:

    1. Open Apple Music and find the track for which you want to re-embed artwork.
    2. Left-click once on the track to highlight it.
    3. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the script.
    4. Double-click on "Re-Embed Artwork.app." This will open a small window, and you will see the script in action, adding artwork to the track.
    5. Now, open Traktor and scroll down to the iTunes section.
    6. Click on the location of your files within iTunes.
    7. Add the track you re-embedded to your Traktor collection.
    8. Voila! The artwork should now show up for the track in Traktor.

    I hope this explanation helps you out!

  • supertrigger
    supertrigger Member Posts: 6 Member

    Genius! The script works perfect, thanks! 🙏

  • supertrigger
    supertrigger Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2023

    Unfortunately, the problem is not solved after all: When I run "sync song infos", 90% of the cover arts are gone again. However, if I pretend to change a track name, then they reappear. Very strange behavior, see attached video.

    However, this is not a solution either, because I have to sync the song infos sometimes.

    Same Problem on Intel and M1.

  • MattG84
    MattG84 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thanks for this! I used his scripts and artwork is now showing up in Traktor

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    I was able to manually fix my artwork issue by resizing all art working across my library down to 500px X 500px.

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