Missing Album Artwork in Traktor

myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

About a third of my collection is missing album artwork in Traktor. The Artwork shows up in Serato, Rekordbox, VDJ, and MP3Tag, but does not display in Traktor. Any ideas?



  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member

    Same problem with me... I'd love a patch for this. I use a Mac and all of my track Artwork is there in finder but they don't show up in Traktor. Re-editing the tags, or even re-loading the track to Traktor won't fix the issue. It's something fundamental with the program. I read somewhere it could be the size of some artworks. Can't verify though.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    I checked em and files with 500px x 500px artwork are still hot or miss in Traktor. I have two files that are duplicates in different folders too, one shows artwork and the other doesn’t. It’s a weird bug.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,326 mod

    Make sure that:

    1- right-click with your mouse at the top bar

    2- choose (left-click) Cover art

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    The issue is missing cover art for miscellaneous files, not cover art not being visible in the browser.

  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member

    Yeap exactly... the issue is for me "some" files artwork just don't show up. The setting to display cover art is there.

  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member

    That's interesting... I tried the same thing and yeah I also encountered that if I duplicate the same exact file somewhere else then import, it shows the artwork for the new file. Something wrong with the way the collection is handling existing files.

  • DJDQmusic
    DJDQmusic Member Posts: 35 Member

    I had the same problem and found a solution with this and it works!!


  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member

    How did you use that script? Or which specific feature of it? "Re-Embed Artwork v3.3"?

  • DJDQmusic
    DJDQmusic Member Posts: 35 Member

    Re-Embed Artwork is the script. Make a donation to get full access.

    First open Apple music, Find the track you want to re-embed, left click once to highlight the track then open the folder where you have downloaded the script and double click "Re-Embed Artwork.app" the script will open a small screen and you will see it adding artwork. Then open Traktor and scroll down to iTunes and click on the location of your files then add the track you re-embedded to your collection and the art work will show up.

    Hope this helps!

  • WilliamThaKonqueror
    WilliamThaKonqueror Member Posts: 18 Member

    Call me old school but....

    Whenever a new song comes to traktor, I go on google and search the artist, and song title and i'll save the picture of the album art. Right click the song in traktor and assign the proper album artwork with that song.

    Now on Songs that I cannot find the album art, I usually will put a either a picture of the artist or something that I will remember.

    I come from the vinyl days so I always would remember and associate the album cover with the song, call me a visual person, but it's something that still carries over till this day.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 242 Pro

    Same with coming from vinyl. I rely on that artwork. Just made the switch back to Traktor for DVS, so in my case manually adding each piece of artwork would be too time consuming. After creating a playlist with just the missing artwork tunes, it's a little over 2200.

  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2022

    Nice... yeah the script works. One thing I did to make it a bit easier than importing from iTunes collection again, is to just highlight all the tracks with missing artwork -> right click -> choose "Edit" -> Then just click "Ok" (without editing anything).

    Also if you place the script inside `/Library/Music/Scripts/<Re-Embed Artwork>` then it would show up in your Music app menu bar to be able to run the script on any selected track

    Thanks yall

  • spunito
    spunito Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hey guys, can anyone confirm that the artwork is still missing when importing music from apple-music into Traktor? I'm still a little afraid to update my mac to a newer version than macOS Mojave (would loose iTunes). I am not a fan of using any scripts or third party software to solve this issue. In most cases i have to import newly purchased music right during a live performance...so there's no time to do some extra work (like reboots or restarting my software).

    Any suggestions here?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,920 admin

    Hi @spunito unfortunately, because of the way new Apple Music works, this will either have to be done manually or through a 3rd party service. 😔

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