Petition for Linux

Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I've an Ubuntu Studio rig running the vast majority of the NI stuff, and think it's a shame that komplete kontrol doesn't work under wine. Perhaps any Linux people could bump this thread if you want to lobby for it.


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  • Member Posts: 3,090 Expert

    highly doubt you will get far as this question has been asked several times in the past, often with only a few users interested. Hard enough supporting users for windows and Mac and the user base for Linux is just far too small to add extra overhead like most other companies. Would be great to see but doubtful. Have to accept it that for production you need to choose a mainstream OS no matter what your stance.

  • Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Maschine+ is on a Linux base AFAIK.

    That might help…

  • Member Posts: 373 Pro

    It'd be great if Linux came into the picture. But realistically on a personal level I think it would have to be a workable option sort of on a par with the other 2 offerings and the chances of that happening unfortunately are slim. Im test driving Mint right now typing this as I prepare to ditch Windows for internet stuff. Im only on Mac for music because thats where I started many years ago and its late in the day for someone like me to change DAWs. Stability would probably have to be the biggest thing before the average person would climb on board.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited January 2022

    Maybe releasing some driver for NI hardware, at least to send midi would be great start. Something like: . I would love to use my mikro mk3 with some linux software.

  • Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    After some searching, I've gathered some info about attempts to use Ni Maschine hardware in linux here: . Found at least 1 working way to have midi messages from Maschine Mikro MK3 in my case, Maschine Mikro MK2 and Maschine MK3 should be also working. Its rather simple solution ( for example no switching groups etc ). All keys / pads and strip should send midi messages.

  • Member Posts: 1 Member

    I'm in the middle of figuring out how to get Traktor working on Linux Fedora. I've gotten as far as installing Traktor from Native Access, and getting all my settings, midi maps, and collection on there. But can't seem to connect the midi controllers and route jackaudio into Traktor (Jack doesn't even show up as audio devices in Traktor).

  • Member Posts: 28 Advisor

    Yes please! Just tried using MIXXX in fedora and I felt the power of linux os! Using vinyl control felt so responsive with nearly no latency while scratching...

    MIXXX is still missing some sync features for vinyl control and crashed non-stop so sticking with Traktor.

    Traktor in linux would be a dream! Please keep me posted about your progress!

  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    I'd be surprised if they weren't working on it. This would allow them to step up from simple controllers to having a full-blown hardware synthesizer. A synthesizer with Komplete built in would rock the market. They'd be able to do that with a "firmware"-based solution running on a tailored Linux.

  • Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Exists and is called Maschine Plus.

    Or did I completely misunderstand you?

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    Everything mostly works under wine, save Komplete Kontrol and Native Access can't mount iso images.

    For anyone passing by, the command format is

    mount myisofile.iso /path/to/mountpoint -t udf -o loop,unhide

    where unhide makes the hidden files available.

    yabridgectl has been amazing for making vst instruments available to Ubuntu Studio 21.10.

    512 samples latency on Jack organised by cadence is fine.

  • Member Posts: 4 Member

    NIHA/NIHIA (the Native Instruments Hardware Agent/Native Instruments Host Integration Agent "services") are the "hard" part. Everything else is doable, Mac is a close relative..

    There is many people that have more time than a big company. Here are some examples:

    "Rebellion is an ongoing project which lets you use Native Instruments devices (such as a Maschine MK3 or the Komplete Kontrol MK2 keyboards) outside the Komplete Kontrol or Maschine software." Sadly, it's only for Mac/Win, but has potential to include Linux.

    I use my KKS49MK2 with Qkontrol, which opens up some configuration. OSC is possible in Reaper and Bitwig, when combined with DrivenbyMoss.

    C'mon NI, linux is not "that" hard..😏

  • Member Posts: 14 Member

    Want NI to support your Linux? Turn on your effing Data Tracking ya yokels!!

    I think we're on the cusp of a Linux revolution (thank you, Winblows 11!!) but it might be a few years yet... We can probably thank the Manjaro devs for for a new influx of Linux users, myself included. Linux has never been this user-friendly, not by a long shot. Not to mention Yabridge allows nearly all my plugins to work under Linux. In most cases they're more stable and responsive (no idea how that's possible...).

    What we need is more brave people to take the leap. Even more importantly, LINUX USERS NEED TO TURN ON DATA SHARING! How is NI going to know there are any of us otherwise? This is how they determine what we're using and how!

    I know the migration has a lot to do with privacy concerns, but in some instances, sharing our data can help us directly. Help NI help us do what we do better!

    All my NI software works perfectly under Linux, but none of my NI hardware. I'm getting around this atm by delegating a shizzy old lappy to run the hardware, sending MIDI and audio to my Manjaro rig. Had to do the same for iZotope since they only allow Ilok dingdongle authorization and it's not compatible with Linux.

    Bottom line is it's now the perfect time to take the plunge. Lemme know if you need guidance. It's really not hard if you can follow instructions.

    For your reference:

    Working flawlessly for me in Manjaro (installer workarounds will be required): Waves, NI, Plugin Alliance, IK Multimedia, Softube, Spitfire LABS, every install-free VST dll in the known universe (ok i didn't try them all, only about 1000), all the small-time vendors I know.

    Not working: D16 plugins, iZotope (dongle only), NI hardware (MIDI works, but not the software driver), ILok dongle (software authorization works tho)

    Be brave, Y'allz! Let M$ and App£e eat our dust!

  • Member Posts: 2 Member

    I would love to see this!

    I am using Linux and search for a way to get Traktor Pro 3 with my S4 Mk3 running on it. Since Linux Systems (especially lightweight distros) need so little resources Traktor could run so much smoother, especially on older machines. Also I love the available sound drivers like PulseAudio etc.

    Traktor Pro is seriously the only reason why I am thinking about setting up a dual boot.

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    I don't know so much about Mac but Windows is a moving target. I suspect you could, for example, disable some of the automatic processing (updates, antivirus etc), them be reinstated silently and only find out about it in a live setting when it falls over. It's not an outrageous position to want to want knowledge, let alone control of installed software on your own rig.

  • Member Posts: 1,405 Expert

    To complement JesterMgee's reply: Linux itself doesn't have a huge market share when it comes to consumer desktops. In fact, the market share has been constantly floating in the 1-2% range in the past years. This month, it's residing at 2.45% (see link below).

    Developing software for it just isn't worth it.

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