Petition for Linux



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    @BIF while I fully agree and what you explain previously, there’s actually one benefit of having to support more than two platforms: Adapting code and releasing products individually will become so painful, that the development teams must increase code modularity, code quality and build automation in order to cope with the complexity. Which will lead to better products eventually.

  • Keshlam
    Keshlam Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Adding to the petition. I don't even insist that it be native; there are decent tools these days for running VSTs in what amounts to an emulator/wine process, and while native would burn fewer cycles I'd settle for mostly-compatible with that. Heck, I'd even settle for running the plugin on a small Windows box with high-speed connection to Linux pipewire, if it was actually supported.

    But Windows 11 is not going on my existing machines since MS refuses to support them, and I'd rather not have to consider discarding several thousand dollars worth of DAW modules when Win10 goes end-of-life. Running Windows without a patch stream is not tenable, and since I want an open development environment Mac isn't of much interest. It's gonna be Linux. The only question is how much of to upgrade money I've been giving NI will go to other vendors who want to outlive Microsoft's suicidal impulses.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    "Adding to the petition. I don't even insist that it be native…"

    This is actually reasonable, to be willing to accept that it may not be native.

    Thank you for the comment, but I wholeheartedly disagree with your logic that making it more complicated will actually result in efficiencies down the road. There's just no evidence that what you suggest would ever happen.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    @BIF expressed:

    Thank you for the comment, but I wholeheartedly disagree with your logic that making it more complicated will actually result in efficiencies down the road. There's just no evidence that what you suggest would ever happen.

    It‘s not my opinion but a simple fact many agile development teams have to face today. The evidence is found in countless companies all over the world.

  • DJ Yazu
    DJ Yazu Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'm still astonished that the same 1-2 People keep chiming in on what is still in essence a Petition thread, not an open debate.

    I'd also like to point out then the massive elephant in the room here, both technical and economical.

    👏 NI 👏 Does 👏 Not 👏 Make 👏 Money 👏 From 👏 Its 👏 Software 👏
    It's core business is Hardware - Devices. Making the physical peripherals that plug in to your computer, or Don't in the case of their newer standalone gear (And Guess what powers them under the hood - Hint, It's not Windows Or Mac)

    Second side of this elephant. Traktor Pro 3 is a Qt application, and guess what that is? A platform-agnostic Framework. Fun Factoid, KDE/Plasma is an entire desktop stack written in Qt.

    Porting or getting Traktor to run on Linux via WINE if they wanted to wouldn't be that difficult. Hell even I managed to get it to run fine in wine a long time ago - save for a few small issues that could be fixed easily by developers, but the new garbage Native Access application quickly put a stop to that.

    Anyway besides that, I've been poking my head in to the github repos of the guys working on Mixxx and CtrlA to get the S4 Mk3 working fully and the progress has been amazing.

    It'll be sad to say goodbye to traktor in the near future, but I'm one of the many who won't be upgrading my Mac, Or using Windows 11 and above, so to continue doing what I love, it's going to be whatever software is available to me (If it's not traktor by then it'll be mixxx etc.) and probably a shift away from relying on a laptop for the core operation and over to standalone.

    Ps. No this isn't an oversimplification, find a new catchphrase.

  • Laurence Taylor
    Laurence Taylor Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'm not going to Windows 11, come hell or high water, it's awful pushy dodgy stuff, and if NI doesn't even allow rolling back to when things did work under wine, I'm going to be eager to disentangle myself wherever possible.

    Breaking Massive X under Linux Wine on a point release was jarring to the extreme, whether or not you're interested in marginal people or opinions doesn't detract from the inhospitable gesture.

  • Hi5Mind
    Hi5Mind Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I 100% fully support the petition for Linux.
    Manjaro is what I am using per default for everything except music producing, sadly.
    Before I had an old Mac that died so I had to get a new laptop just with Windows on it to have the Native Instruments ecosystem running on it. But this is just temporary.

    I even bought the Komplete Collectors Edition but now I am thinking about switching to analog systems like electronic synths and the MPC One.
    Just because I have severe issues with Windows 11 even though there are is no other software installed then those which I use for producing music.
    One time Win11 just did an update without bothering to ask which resulted in the most hideous and eardrum ripping sound that shook to the marrow of my bones.

    It breaks my heart because I liked the Maschine workflow and its creative UI.

  • Laurence Taylor
    Laurence Taylor Member Posts: 13 Member

    I've just moved over to Manjaro because my Windows partition died so badly that the recovery console is inoperable.

    The outstanding issues with this way of working are

    1. Don't ask me to figure out how to get Native Access 2 to work. The WineDB says it does but I don't know
    2. This means Reaktor 6.5 is unavailable under Native Access 1.
    3. NI Komplete Kontrol doesn't work
    4. Massive X the browser is bust, and because they used the same browser:
    5. Kontakt 7 browser is bust.

    I've pieced together the rest and will proceed with updates and installations from Native Access in separate Wine prefixes in case (when) they decide to break other things.

    Yabridge is awesome and practically everything else works, and there's a bunch of work being done elsewhere as people try to divest from venture capital

  • indigenous
    indigenous Member Posts: 1 Member

    +1 from me… I have reached out to NI about this a couple of times over the years… I have also been reaching out to other devs asking them to support Linux, it's now time with many people switching from Windows to Linux for their daily drivers. Ubuntu 24 LTS is very good with the RT kernel and RME, it seems Ubuntu has become the distro of choice for Audio and with long term support it makes it far less of a moving target… I have even reached out to PACE who have been watching Linux from a far. A couple of devs have said yes and I have been testing Linux builds of their plugins, I am sure we can get more on board when a few people start going to shows and showing people what Linux is now capable of… We are now at 39 pages and counting on KVR, it just needs NI and Arturia to tip the scales and more companies will follow…

  • yvan
    yvan Member Posts: 1 Member


    It's not if but when. Before or after all their competitors?

    My current DAW support linux and has strong library/store. So I don't really care if I can use NI tools or not…

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