VST3 support - how is it going?



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,361 mod
    edited June 2022

    That's awesome, thanks for taking on-board our feedback on this!

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 111 Helper

    So now the question is, will the KK VST3 implementation follow the Maschine timeline?

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    That's because nobody can actually get access in Centrecode, everybody I know has either tried and never been accepted or simply got banned for never explained reasons.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited July 2022

    Just to say I can access Centercode OK, so it is possible. It might be worthwhile asking one of the staff if there are any known problems. I know unfortunately things on the forum appear to have got somewhat Draconian, with people not being banned but deleted, which is painfully sad to see, but I haven't so far heard of any such actions at Centercode.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro

    I know a lot of people who were removed or have access to centrecode, but only ever given access to Native Access betas, myself included.

    To be fair I don't care so much anymore, from what I hear from friends who are staff.

    Maschine is what it is, I use it with that in mind.

  • Yasaf
    Yasaf Member Posts: 11 Member

    Can anyone on Centrecode confirm or reject whether VST3 has been implemented to the BETA yet please?

  • muzilla
    muzilla Member Posts: 7 Member

    The management of our production company has ordered not to buy further products from NI anymore until VST3 is fully supported in Maschine.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @muzilla This should come soon. Maschine 2 next update should come early Q4. This update brings M1 native support and VST3 support for all third party plug-ins.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited September 2022

    I wonder Jeremy if you would care to comment on why Hammy Havoc, who was an incredibly helpful member to the community, was deleted which actually means all his helpful comments went with him, so how in any possible way is that helpful to the community?

    Is this really the way forward for this company who has abused its users on multiple occasions which it actually kinda acknowledged. Is there ever going to be a corner turned where the concept of mutual respect can be fostered?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @tempsperdu There is a code of conduct for this community. Hammy Havoc was warned countless times for breaching them. My colleagues even tried to reach out to him, without success. He breached the rules again, then got banned.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited September 2022

    @ Jeremy_NI

    From what I gather, I don't think either side on this properly understood each other, nor took into account Hammy's autism which can make some comments appear more rude (or lacking in social grace) than is actually intended. Regardless, what I find really overly Draconian is deletion rather than banning. If he'd had been banned, his posts, many of which have been helpful to others, would presumably have been retained. It would also then be easy for others to see and understand why he was deleted rather than think it was possibly to censor criticism.

    I tried at the time to find what posts had been flagged when he was warned, but they didn't seem to be marked up which makes it hard to help elucidate.

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