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  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Tried to mention Matt from NI today and realized it is still not possible (mobile editor android, here). It has been mentioned before... Is a fix for that possible?

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    We desperately need more leniency on the maximum length of posts (at least for some users) because as it is right now it's almost impossible to write a solid guide, I'm constantly being pestered by the rather obscure: "Your post is too long by 4123 characters" error and it's seriously killing my vibes. When you press "Post" at the bottom the error will show all the way at the top where you won't be able to see it at first. So you'll get puzzled and wonder why your post didn't save.

    Scroll all the way up and you'll finally discover the obvious. The problem here is that if you then save your post as a draft you now risk loosing parts of your guide because that section is also limited, and this maximum size simply gets enforced without asking.

    I just finished re-writing a guide on using Maschine with Ableton Live, you can see for yourself: I had to cut it up into 3 pieces because of the constant errors and that's really not helping when you're trying to focus on the guide itself.

    I'd suggest setting up a user group for dedicated guide writers which are then exempt from this limitation.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,090 Expert
    edited January 2022

    Yeah same. Have to say after a week I'm really not visiting or posting as much or with as much interest. I'm not sure what it is but for all the nice points I just feel there is something missing or maybe too much put in. Possibly things are a little "crowded" now with the preface of a thread shown it screws up skim reading for interesting topics and often I find I read a couple of words in the preface and decide instantly the way it is written isn't good or it sounds boring so I decide more that I am not interested to even click whereas on the old forum I would have to click and often could then skim past the rubbish and find some applicable conversation. Not sure if it's just me that finds this but have really noticed how much less time I feel like browsing posts as I just check unanswered... nothing there, go do something else.

    Also I have issues with the mobile version when you go BACK << a page it doesn't just display a cache of the page anymore for speed it refreshes and displays the cache but refreshes it so as you scroll the page resets and throws off where you were.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Also I have issues with the mobile version when you go BACK << a page it doesn't just display a cache of the page anymore for speed it refreshes and displays the cache but refreshes it so as you scroll the page resets and throws off where you were.

    Yes, I have exactly the same experience. It’s quite tiresome to get back to where I was in the list of discussions… I found out that I need to be more patient and let the browser catch up with the reload and repositioning of the page.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Here are screenshots of how the list of discussion looks on an new iPhone with a reasonably large screen:

    Old Forum

    New Forum

    It shows less than half discussions.

  • Yisooo
    Yisooo Member Posts: 1 Member

    what happend to the german-community-section?

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    What is the meaning of the "accepted" and "rejected" tags?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    It's pretty straight forward - "My Discussions" is the discussions you created (not the one you participated in). "My Bookmarks" are discussions you actively marked as bookmark. Everything you post is a discussions, regardless of the type you actively select (discussions, questions, ideas ... ). Unfortunately, there's isn't a unified space where you can see every single contribution (both comments and threads) but you can still see everything pretty rapidly in your profile under discussions and comments.

    If you explain me in a bit more details what you'd like to have, I can add it to our list for consideration. I'm still not 100% what you actually mean.

    There is tons of benefits ranging from the ease of use (both in terms of getting started and contributing actively), accessibility, higher average reply time, higher contribution level from both members and ourselves ... We're like 10 days in only and we're already seeing improvements. This doesn't even take into account some of the other changes we haven't rolled out that are part of the same initiative such as communication, ideation, power-user programs ...

    Something important to understand thought is that the fundamental use of our community was identified as "getting help from others" and "learn more about NI's future and plans" by an overwhelming margin. Individual needs and use cases are not always going to be in tuned with what the "community" wants. With that in mind there's some elements we decided to prioritise over others. That's why for example, having "ask a question", an integration with our support system and on-boarding more customer care agents here was important. That's also why we're working on a communication framework to give everyone access to more information about our plans.

    This is not a release and forget kind of project. This is a platform that will live and change month after month and there's already tons of new features planned. Just give it some time.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    It was primarily used for "sarcasm" but let's see, it can always make a come-back.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited January 2022

    I answered your DM about this but there is indeed a limitation. We can easily change it and I'm open for suggestion however, we need to be aware that users just do not read very lengthy post. I think right now it's limited to 6000 characters which is quite long (few pages on word).

    I like the idea of user group but this limitation is for everyone and cannot be bypassed for specific ranks/roles. Another idea could be to do these tutorial via PDF and share them on here with a summary to allow some of the content and key words to be indexed and searchable.

    Open to suggestions here

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Accepted answers vs rejected answers. This is something the OP clicks on whenever a "solution" is submitted. It helps highlight the best answers on top of the thread whenever someone checks back.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Hi Matt (would like to hear back on the tagging problem from you),

    Thanks for the answer. Basically, I just want every thread I post in to automatically be part of my discussions. Not going to deep here, but any discussion you actively take part in is your discussion. To ascribe ownership of a discussion to the person who started it is a revolution in communication theory, lol.

    On a serious note, however: if that is not possible, where else can threads that I participate in automatically be listed?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited January 2022

    Can you send me a screen-grab via DM of the issue? I don't have this problem on several mobile devices and we haven't been able to reproduce tagging issues on mobile quite yet.

    It's not about ownership but it's just breaking down discussions you started vs the one you participated in. I think that's a fairly normal concept. We've added this as a feature in any case.

    I mentioned it but on your profile, you can see My Discussions and My comments so everything you ever interacted with is listed there. There's currently no view to bring all the individual threads you participated in.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited January 2022

    I am not seeing what you are seeing in the profile. I only see *my discussions*. I really hope that seeing all my comments/threads with participation is not subject to gamification, because that would really be quite annoying.

    EDIT: Sry, I overlooked that you wanted the screengrab via DM, but as far as I can tell my screenshot shows no sensitive data

This discussion has been closed.
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