Help us improve this new community - share your ideas and feedback💡



  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @Trevor Meier Thank you so much for the feedback.

    A lot of what you wrote has been shared and definitely considered (especially things like visual styling). I'm adding your comment to what we already have so we know what matters most.

    For everyone: We're basically noting every bit of feedback (improvements) on our side and we'll start building a plan in about two weeks. This applies to items we're able to build on our side and bigger topic like editor, notifications ... are monitored with our provider. We'll aggregate everything and share what's next here soon.

    Don't hesitate to share as much as you want, every post is important and helps us check what we should do first.

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    That's great to hear @Matt @ NI . Having some kind of dashboard to understand what feedback has been heard by the team (and possibly what changes are on the way) would be helpful. It's kind of what I mean in my post about transparency.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Interestingly enough, nobody requested post excerpts to be removed. This is something that we can obviously do pretty easily but it doesn't seem like it a lot of people want it remove.

    Ask a question is actually probably one the most useful feature we have and it works pretty well. The old forum had tons of threads with no answer or it would take sometime days to get some attention. The ability to see what questions are unanswered helps both our team and other users identify when someone is actually not able to do something, which is super valuable. It also helps with our search since you can look at similar questions if you need help with something.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Every feedback is heard, we literally write everything and that includes DMs. It also includes what we receive internally and from our mods. We'll definitely compile our findings and share that with everyone. So far we've added about 25 individual items and it seems like the top topics are signatures, quoting, editor, sorting/filtering and dark mode.

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Fantastic! That's great to hear. Is capturing every feedback true for input just about the forum, or for various NI products as well?

    It might be a good idea to make this message (or something similar) a sticky so that everyone can understand how their feedback matters.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Here I'm only talking about the online community but as I shared in various other threads, we're already working on how to do feature requests. It's a completely different aspect and I'd prefer to not make big statements until we have a concrete plan. Right now the area of focus for the community team (responsible for this space) are platform improvements and direct-to-user communication. Identifying how to move ahead with feature request is something we have initial ideas about and we're also checking how it could work in practice.

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    "You can see them directly under each post"

    Thanks this is what I meant. I can't see that under iOS which I almost always use that's why I asked but I see them when on my computer.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    There's a lot that need to happen on the iOS version, I sure realised that now 😅

  • tmpc
    tmpc Member Posts: 95 Member

    A PITA! More of the computer world doing what it does best: Changing things for the sake of changing things.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    Interestingly enough, nobody requested post excerpts to be removed. This is something that we can obviously do pretty easily but it doesn't seem like it a lot of people want it remove.

    @Matt @ NI that was one thing I was going to mention as well. I don’t mind the captions on a large screen, but on a mobile device it really takes way too much space.

    It’s hard to get an overview of a forum’s threads on my iPhone before I get CTS from scrolling. 🤪

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Question: what exactly is meant by "my discussions". If it's both the questions and the the discussions I started, I don't think it's what most of us need. I cant tell atm if this has been answered or is still open for input.

    Basically, the expected behaviour judging from most if not all of the other forums I frequent, is to have this reflect every thread I posted on.

    So, I have threads I actively bookmarked which do not show up on that list, things I started and no automation for adding threads I posted in to a list which I can easily access. The notification list is not a good place for this as it shows every single post in a thread as a new notification and I have a list I need to scroll right now, which is crazy considering I only posted in two or three threads so far.

    So, I am at a loss what the benefit is from this fragmented listing of threads to keep an eye on?

    And, in general: I hate to sound like this, but what is the benefit of the overall relaunch for us users at the moment? I can't see any. I thought something big was coming, something that I would use daily, make new contacts, gain new insights, understand NI's decision making process better, learn more, things like that. Right now, I see Like-Buttons and a minimal design. The best thing I can gather is that I can trash one password and I really like that. Apart from that I am a bit puzzled as to what the fuss was about...?

    But I will keep an open mind, I guess the main benefits are waiting down the line, once the kinks have been smoothed out, I guess...?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited January 2022

    I miss the „funny“ vote button. It had many uses, including sarcasm... 😈

  • mrgum6y
    mrgum6y Member Posts: 6 Member

    I was a little surprised and disappointed that the new forum didn't split maschine mk3 and maschine plus threads. Don't know if has been suggested else where.

    As they use the same(similar) software NI present them as the same product but in too many details they just aren't.

  • Splicer
    Splicer Member Posts: 27 Helper

    The reply button would just allow me to reply to someone without it automatically quoting them, which wastes screen real estate and makes it look cluttered. Instead of a quote there would just be a 'In reply to' link at the top of the post.

    Also can I echo requests to be able to edit a quote. Sometimes I just want to quote a specific line instead of the whole thing.

    One more thing: There isn't much visual separation between the post content and the 'Flag' 'Quote' 'Insightful' and 'Like' buttons. Everything is all squished into one side of the page. Why not place the aforementioned buttons on the right of the screen instead, just to add a bit of visual balance and reduce clutter on the left of the forum.


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