[Sale] Get 50% off in the epic Summer of Sound 2022 sale



  • Lakinmusic
    Lakinmusic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm not exactly sure if I am aiming for Komplete 13 or Ultimate yet. Where are those upgrade prices listed? The ones I saw for the SOS sale seemed to be those prices I listed in the original post. Just want to make sure I know where to go! Thanks!

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    One last question before I pull the trigger on my K13UCE upgrade and sorry if this one is a little confusing but I'll give it a try: What is the best timing for buying/installing/activating the included expansions with that full package and my already-purchased-and-current-installed-expansions once I apply for my license transfers. Does it matter when in the process I buy the upgrade through your website and activate it on native access? I'm just worried between all of the transfers in and transfers out that they may somehow get confused and I may lose the value of some of them. Is the system pretty good at reconciling that many of them will be duplicates? Is it safer for me to do all of the transfers before the upgrade purchase to minimize the confusion/risk?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    Hi @G.B. you can, but there's a keyboard + Komplete 13 bundle atm, so there's no need to wait until fall to get a keyboard + Komplete Select separately: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/summer-of-sound-2022/hardware-offers/#c978811

    Maybe easier for you that way?

  • G.B.
    G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper

    It's not any cheaper buying the so-called "bundle" - than if you just buy the Komplete 13 software and MK2 keyboard separately

    So not even sure why you are advertising "bundle" deals - when there is no deal when bundling - you pay the exact same price.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    @Lakinmusic said:

    Where are those upgrade prices listed? The ones I saw for the SOS sale seemed to be those prices I listed in the original post. Just want to make sure I know where to go! Thanks!

    You might have been looking at an "update" price. Best to check out these pages:

    • If you wanna upgrade from Komplete Select to Komplete 13, see this page.
    • And see this page here if you wanna upgrade from Komplete Select to Komplete 13 Ultimate.

    Don't forget to select "Upgrade for Select" in the drop down menu. Hope this helps!

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    @Peter Harris said:

    Does it matter when in the process I buy the upgrade through your website and activate it on native access?

    I'd say not really. You can upgrade and transfer the duplicates later. 🙂

  • Gribs
    Gribs Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I read about the sale elsewhere and sort of hoped there might be an upgrade discount on Maschine+ and/or an 88-key controller for those of us owning licenses for K13 or K13 Ultimate already. No dice. Oh well. I guess it is easier to absorb costs into the software+content part of the combo sales.

  • Akhilian
    Akhilian Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi there :)

    I tried to purchase the bundle KOMPLETE KONTROL S61 & KOMPLETE 13 ULTIMATE this morning but i get the message "Product that you are trying to add is not available. (code: NOT_SALABLE".

    Is it a technical issue or some out-of stocks situation ?

    Have a nice day

  • G.B.
    G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper

    Does the Komplete Kontrol hardware - S keyboards, etc. ever go on sale - 15% off or...?

  • Donkey Oaty
    Donkey Oaty Member Posts: 46 Member

    I bought KOMPLETE 13 Upgrade for KSelect in the sale. It cost me £179. That's a bit out of my pocket money range. But - WOW! If I'd paid £50 each for the 4 'Session' instruments, I'd have been happy. It's a superb bundle. It's a bit like going to a festival - you look at the ticket price and think 'Ouch'. You work out how many artists and acts you see over your time at the festival and see what superb value you're getting.

    There is so much in this. The Cuba package and The Indian Instruments are going to let me expand my groove repetoire. My only complaint is (and it can me levied at much of the digital music creation industry) is cataloguing. It's poor. Particularly on synths where the naming is typically meaningless.You can waste hours drilling through patch names to find what you want or need. But hey ho! The VIs are generally first class and either better than or complimentary to what I already have. One very happy customer!

  • filipeOL
    filipeOL Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have KOMPLETE 13 Select that came with my machine mk3, then I bought K13 Update When i look in my webaccount, there is a serial for K13 Select and is activated, but when I add serial from K13 comes up an error "base product not found"

    How can I fix this, any ideas?

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    @Akhilian said:

    I tried to purchase the bundle KOMPLETE KONTROL S61 & KOMPLETE 13 ULTIMATE this morning but i get the message "Product that you are trying to add is not available. (code: NOT_SALABLE".

    It's indeed out of stock. 😔

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    @G.B. said:

    Does the Komplete Kontrol hardware - S keyboards, etc. ever go on sale - 15% off or...?

    Our hardware on its own never really goes on sale...

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin

    @Donkey Oaty said:

    It's a bit like going to a festival - you look at the ticket price and think 'Ouch'. You work out how many artists and acts you see over your time at the festival and see what superb value you're getting.

    Comparing that to going to a festival is a nice way of looking at it. 😃 Especially rewarding when you discover artists you've never heard before by chance - and they rock

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