[Sale] Get 50% off in the epic Summer of Sound 2022 sale

Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin
edited November 2023 in NI News

Make big moves this summer. Blistering offers now up for grabs until June 30, 2022. >>Shop the sale<<

☀️ 50% off updates and upgrades to KOMPLETE 13

☀️ 50% off updates and upgrades individual instruments and effects

☀️ 50% TRAKTOR Pro update

☀️ 50% KOMPLETE 13 when bought with MASCHINE, KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboard, or KOMPLETE AUDIO

Something for Everyone

Take a quiz and find out which deal is for you:

1. Do you already own a KOMPLETE bundle?

  • Yes, I own KOMPLETE 13 Select/Standard/Ultimate ➡️ It's time to level up. Upgrade now.
  • Yes, I own KOMPLETE 2-12 ➡️ Then what are you waiting for? Update now.
  • No ➡️ See the next question.

2. Do you already own software like MASCHINE, KONTAKT, or KOMPLETE KONTROL?

  • Yes, but I've heard about this amazing thing called KOMPLETE 13... ➡️  There's a thing called crossgrade!
  • Yes. Though now that you mentioned it, my KONTAKT is pretty old. ➡️  Update to the latest version.
  • I have other old instruments and effects. ➡️ Update to the latest version.
  • No ➡️ See the next question.

3. Maybe you're a DJ and own TRAKTOR?

  • Yes. Are you a psychic or something. ➡️ Yes and we can tell your TRAKTOR probably needs an update.
  • No, I actually don't own anything from NI. 🥺 ➡️ Let's change that. May we suggest a special hardware/software bundle? 👉👈 See the next question.

4. Are you looking for something to...

TL;DR Just head to My KOMPLETE Offers page.

All Your Questions, Answered

Check out these resources to help you navigate the NI universe before you make a purchase.

Qualifying Base Products for KOMPLETE Updates and Upgrades

What Exactly is a Crossgrade / Update / Upgrade and How Do I Qualify?

Compare KOMPLETE 13

How to Register a Hardware-Software Bundle

How to upgrade from K Select to KU13CE

Made a purchase but didn't receive a download yet? Contact support.

Let us know if you have any other questions below!



  • G.B.
    G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper



    There is no more savings if you buy hardware along with the software - than if you buy the software itself...

    What am I missing here...?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @G.B. @Tony Jones It doesn't say you get even more discount on the software with a bundle. We wrote: "It’s that time of year again, with Summer of Sound bringing 50% off KOMPLETE 13 bundles with selected hardware purchases".

    A new customer wouldn't quality for updates/upgrades on Komplete and that's what these bundles offer. You would get a first tier of Komplete with the hardware and automatically have savings on your upgrade/update. The bundles are here to make it more clear and prevent folks from choosing the wrong licenses.

    We do this every Summer of Sound.

  • EmmFra
    EmmFra Member Posts: 6 Member

    Will there be free Upgrades to Komplete 14 like 2020?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Unfortunately, we can't really predict or talk about what could potentially happen if K14 was going to come out. With that said, Summer of Sound never meant free upgrades to a new version. This offer is pretty much what you see on the website.

  • G.B.
    G.B. Member Posts: 73 Helper
    edited June 2022

    No one is saying it says you get even more of a discount on the software if you buy it in a bundle (with a piece of hardware...)


    States/implies that if you purchase a new piece of hardware (keyboard, Maschine...) with a software package - that you get an additional discount on the hardware.

    Otherwise there is no reason to state:


    Just pretty much common sense...

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,368 Expert

    > Something for Everyone

    Unfortunately not. I already own Komplete 13 Ultimate (Collectors Edition) so there's no upgrade path for that.

    It contains lots of instruments and FX already, so those are excluded.

    Expansions are not discounted, but I have them all anyway. :-)

    I've been considering the S49 keyboard and Maschine Mikro, but no hardware discounts either.

    I might have been tempted by the 40's stuff and Playbox (which aren't in K13 UCE) - but again no discounts there.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    I've been looking forward to the sale for a while! But I just want to confirm one thing before I buy my K13UCE upgrade. I binged like crazy during the nine for nine expansion sale earlier this year and I just want to confirm my understanding of the licensing. From what I understood then and now, as long as any expansions I bought either during that sale or independently person to person with license transfers (i.e. any separate purchases that were not part of a Komplete package and were purchased independently with an official license transfer from the original owner facilitated through NI) I can resell those expansion licenses and essentially replace my access to them with the 70ish that are included with K13UCE.

    Am I understanding that correctly? I have gone to a lot of effort and expense to acquire my complete set of all expansions and I just want to make sure that I can resell my duplicate non-Komplete-acquired ones without losing access to the duplicate ones are included in K13UCE upgrade. (Yes, I understand the caveat that they have to have been acquired long go enough that they are outside of the short-term license transfer embargo.) Obviously being able to resell them will make the decision much easier about the upgrade expense and hopefully benefits everyone involved.

    In the meantime, thanks again for everyone's hard work on NI products and M/M+ especially. I continue to be an enthusiastic supporter!

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 180 Advisor

    Any expansion that you bought independently can be resold—simply check your License Transfer page in your NI User Account to verify if that expansion is listed there with a checkbox to transfer.

    Do note that NI products cannot have their license transferred within 60 days after you have registered the license serial number—you need assistance from NI Support to do that, but after 60 days you can do it yourself online.

  • Hauthril
    Hauthril Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2022

    *-------Translated by Google translation French => English-------*

    I've been wanting to buy a Komplete Ultimate collector's Edition for a while now with a standard price of €1599.

    A price a little too difficult for my budget as a composition worker.

    What do I see right here... Promotions that can finally help my finances.

    But I don't own any NI products and would like your help so that I don't make a financial mistake.

    I wish to acquire Komplete Ultimate Collector's Edition at 1599€.

    Here is my path to the desired product following the current promotions:

    Purchase : K-Select = ~€200

    *DL : K-Ultimate = ~€500

    DL : K-Collector's Edition = ~€300

    Total: 1000€.

    *The concern is that the DL: K-Ultimate says: "This upgrade is exclusively for users of KOMPLETE SELECT (included with KOMPLETE KONTROL S-SERIES keyboards and MASCHINE hardware that includes MASCHINE 2 software)".

    Is it consistent with my promotion path even if I don't have Komplete Kontrol, Keyboards, Maschine...)?

    I'm a music Amateur and not a professional, but the desire to have an ocean of sound is part of my greed, but in a serious way: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMr0hM972o823qXfvUeYmPQ

    I am aware that my request will involve you in checking my promotion path and will take a small portion of your time, for this I thank you, N.I community.

    A way for me to have official and quality products.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    @PK The DJ said:

    I already own Komplete 13 Ultimate (Collectors Edition) so there's no upgrade path for that.

    I've been considering the S49 keyboard and Maschine Mikro, but no hardware discounts either.

    I might have been tempted by the 40's stuff and Playbox (which aren't in K13 UCE) - but again no discounts there.

    yep looks like this sale is not for you. keep an eye on our next one in that case.

    P.S. Playbox was 25% off when it was launched. You didn't get it in time?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Just like @victorp.sg said, you can resell any individual licenses even the ones you got as part of the 9 for 99 special.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,937 admin

    @Peter Harris said:

    I can resell those expansion licenses and essentially replace my access to them with the 70ish that are included with K13UCE.

    Yes you're correct! We have this Buy/Sell/Trade thread if you wanna give it a try.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited June 2022

    If I remember correctly, the best way from Komplete 13 Select is to go to Komplete 13 and then to Collector's Edition. Here's how it would look like:

    You'll get the error message you mentioned during check-out because nothing would be registered in your account but you can put all of this in your basket and it will work (just make sure to pick the right licenses ☝️)

  • Braz
    Braz Member Posts: 73 Advisor

    I own komplete collector edition 12 but it seems there is no upgrade possible to 13 ?

This discussion has been closed.
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