In Native Access, why does "Locate Product Content" fail?

adambrower Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

In Native Access, when I choose "Maintenance" and then "Locate Product Content", the software finds no products in the "Users/Shared" directory specified in "Settings" (where they are in fact installed). I have also installed libraries on an external drive in a directory named "NI Libraries." The result at that location is the same. Hard to see how any "Maintenance" is possible when the software can't see the products…

In other words, "Locate Product Content" cannot locate any products at all. Does anyone have ay insight?

Running OSX 14.7.1. and Native Access 3.16.

Is is time to give up on NI support? On November 24th, the "chat assistant" typed:

"Currently, there is no agent available. We have created a ticket for you and will get back to you as soon as possible via email."

As you might imagine, no email has been sent. Am I missing something here?


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    Well, the last communication was from my colleague from January 3rd and it looks like you never replied. After a while without a response from you, a ticket gets automatically closed. These features work for most users, so some troubleshooting would be needed, but it can't be done without you. Let me know if you want me to create a new request so my colleague can continue the troubleshoot?


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