Native Access for Win7?

Sandyrb Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi folks.

To cut to the chase I'm disabled and on a very low income so I can't afford to update either my machine or its OS.

My current Native Access no longer functions properly (not surprising as the rest of the world's moved on) so I need to get whatever the latest Access version is that's compatible with Win7. Could someone point me in the right direction, please and thank you?

Kind regards,

Sandy B.

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    Answer ✓


    As gently as I can answer this - as of this writing - there is no version of Native Access that is supported on Windows 7

    Windows 7 support ceased in Jan 2020 and the last version of Native Access that ran on Windows 7 was v1.14. Which is also now retired.

    A final shutdown of its old infrastructure is scheduled for Feb 2025. It has not been maintained for a long time now and cannot be considered usable.

    Unfortunately the only way forward it to update to Windows 10 at a minimum and use Native Access v3.13.0 or higher.




  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    Answer ✓


    As gently as I can answer this - as of this writing - there is no version of Native Access that is supported on Windows 7

    Windows 7 support ceased in Jan 2020 and the last version of Native Access that ran on Windows 7 was v1.14. Which is also now retired.

    A final shutdown of its old infrastructure is scheduled for Feb 2025. It has not been maintained for a long time now and cannot be considered usable.

    Unfortunately the only way forward it to update to Windows 10 at a minimum and use Native Access v3.13.0 or higher.


  • Sandyrb
    Sandyrb Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks for your help VP, I appreciate you getting back to me. Have a great day. :-)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert


    Well, @Vocalpoint is not completely right. There is Native Access 1, that can be installed on Win7 and should work till Feb. 2025. But one user reports, that that version of NA updates and updated version is not Win7 compatible. I have not tested yet…..

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited August 2024


    As I am sure you are you sensing - judging by the recent spate of reports of users still insistent on using Win 7 + Native Access v1 - and are suddenly surprised they can longer connect - it is clear (to me anyway) that something might already be happening in the background over at NI to prepare for the final shut down of NA v1.

    Retired is retired - regardless of what some 5.5 year old web page might infer about NA v1 "still" supporting Win 7. That page link is ancient history and was really only made sense when Win 7 WAS a supported OS.

    Win 7 has not been supported for over 4 years now. Could be the simple fact that a user is trying to use NA v1 ON Windows 7 that is making it no longer work.


  • Sandyrb
    Sandyrb Member Posts: 4 Member

    Folks, thank you so much for your input, I really appreciate it.

    I guess I've resigned myself to the fact that my Komplete stuff is just going to have to stay as it is and not updated. This said, it all still works, thankfully. So maybe that'll be the case or maybe I'll come into some money and build myself a new computer. And who knows? Maybe the horse will learn to sing hymns. ;-)

    Thanks again,

    Sandy B.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert


    Yes, I wrote, that maybe NA1 will not work on Win7, as one user reports problems. I will try today on my Win7 system.

    But generally, it is violation of EULA, if one cannot authorise licenced SW on OS that is supported by that SW.

    Service Center works on legacy OSes and it has means for offline authorisation. NI could go on to support offline authorisation. Just NI has decided not to support it. It would solve all the problems…. Licencees would send file generated by Service Center and NI would send back file to import to Service Center.

    NI should do this when planned to shut down servers that SC have used for online SW authorisation….

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited August 2024


    "Service Center works on legacy OSes and it has means for offline authorisation. NI could go on to support offline authorisation. Just NI has decided not to support it. It would solve all the problems…. Licensees would send file generated by Service Center and NI would send back file to import to Service Center."

    Lucid and well thought out. Makes complete sense to me. But that is not the world we live in now.

    This sounds like "work" and therefore sounds expensive. And if it is expensive - it would need to be approved. (usually by the guys n gals who make budgets)

    The other side effect is that devoting resources to this old tech means the current tech (NA v3.13.x) gets no time. And given the current mess that NA v3 is in right now - I know where I would be spending any available money these days

    As a developer and business owner myself - I have a pretty good idea where this is going to end up.

    That said - if NI could pull off some sort of offline authorization before Feb 2025 - it would be pretty cool.

    Let us know what you find out on your Win 7 system when you can.


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    if NI could pull off some sort of offline authorization before Feb 2025 - it would be pretty cool.

    Now you're talking.

    Agree wholeheartedly with @Kubrak - Im not in this legacy boat yet but I can see it coming and I certainly feel for people who are there now.

  • PatrickW
    PatrickW Member Posts: 9 Member

    Try this:

  • Sandyrb
    Sandyrb Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you PatrickW for sharing that URL. Honestly I'm not that great with computers so I'm going to have to read it a few times, but if it's a way forward then it'll be mission accomplished. Thank you again and have a great day. :-)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert


    "Service Center works on legacy OSes and it has means for offline authorisation. NI could go on to support offline authorisation. Just NI has decided not to support it. It would solve all the problems…. Licensees would send file generated by Service Center and NI would send back file to import to Service Center."

    Lucid and well thought out. Makes complete sense to me. But that is not the world we live in now.

    This sounds like "work" and therefore sounds expensive. And if it is expensive - it would need to be approved. (usually by the guys n gals who make budgets)

    For sure it would cost something. One week of labour? NI could even implement it in NA3 (NI considers to support offline authorisation in future…).

    And that it costs? OK, NI may issue pernament keys for affected OSes or release old version with copy protection disabled. It was in EULA of that time, NI should fullfill it… I bet that anyone who would put the case to court would win…. IMHO NI relies on that, that nobody does it, and/or in case there would be the threat NI offers something in exchange. (handful of new licences, loads of vouchers, and so on…)


    I have tested NA1 on my Win7 and it has stopped working. I haven't tried workaround posted by PatrickW, as I do not use W7 anymore for music creation and do not want invest time in checking, if it works….

    But it raises question about the future of authorisation of Absynth,

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Well - maybe NI simply does not see the value. Or the business is focused in a different direction (clearly it is). Or maybe the current owners of the company simply do not want to - whatever the reason - we cannot know.

    And - yes - I know that it all seems "unfair" and "let's sue them" and all that - but business is never fair.

    I take a different tact - no one is forcing me to buy this stuff.

    If I do not like (or cannot accept) the rules of this game - with this vendor - then maybe it's time I buy something else from someone else.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    Well, sure, but if one He has already spent a lot… He might not buy more, but still has frozen assets.

    I am not going to buy any new NI HW as they made me angry with terminating support for KK Sxx MK1 just few years after end of sale. And concerning NI SW…. I will see, most probably I will Update much less frequently, if at all.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Well - that's the rub for all these folks - perhaps even yourself - who continue to view software/hardware as an "asset" - which makes zero sense to me.

    Actual investments (made right) are intended to increase in value. Same goes for specific desirable assets (real estate, rare wines etc).

    On the other side - you have depreciating assets - like a car or an iPhone - and while software is certainly akin to this - it is in a class by itself as it's depreciation is measured in months, weeks or days before the next version comes. It becomes more like a fleeting moment hurling toward a guaranteed end in an never ending circle.

    For me - software is a tool for the "moment" (however technically long that "moment" will last) . Yes - it is costly. Yes - it is a pain to see something you invested heavily in 5 years ago suddenly get benched. But they all will be retired just like every other app since the beginning of time.

    If one cannot reconcile the 'sunk" costs incurred in this specific game - they should probably never even bother getting in because the end is always the same.


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