MPC 3.0 How will NI respond?



  • macchinista
    macchinista Member Posts: 52 Advisor
    edited July 2024

    With some much touchscreen usage, might as well get an iPad and a MIDI controller…. having said that, kudos to Akai for the continued improvements to their products and listening to users' requests 👏

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    I’m not looking to jump ship, I love my +, but that MPC workflow/DAW in a box, and stem separation is something I want to try. I would likely never even install the soft on my comp and just experience the MPC One in standalone. What a beast!

  • nickstomp
    nickstomp Member Posts: 31 Member

    the problem now is that I'm trying to sell my maschine+ for like 3 months and nothing is moving nobody wants it with the lack of updates and support(especially considering it's not cheap!!)

    i think I'm gonna remain stuck with it.

    and i likes the ni software packets but they didn't port almost anything to maschine if they start just porting their plugins they have the better software in the market but like this is useless

    it's a shame as a system was a really good setup but now akai has a ton more features

  • growers
    growers Member Posts: 16 Member
  • skolarr
    skolarr Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2024

    The moment I saw Akai's video for the MPC 3 software update, it occurred to me just how far M+ is lagging behind the competition. Between Akai's software update and what Ableton is doing with the most recent update for Push 3 (and what appears to be their vision for the future of Push 3), NI has a lot of catching up to do if they want to stay relevant.

    That said, I really like the workflow of the Maschine series. It's so fast and intuitive. Even more so than my Push 3. Akai really isn't my thing. So I don't see myself jumping ship anytime soon. As I've mentioned elsewhere on this forum, I would like to see a hardware update with a single large screen and MPE. Though not necessarily as large a screen as the MPC. I'm not against a touchscreen, but it's far from a priority for me. I don't need a full fledged DAW-in-the-box with all the bells and whistles of MPC 3. But I would like a basic arrangement view that I could record into in real time with both MIDI and audio tracks. From there, I can transport to the software on my computer if I need to do more granular editing and arranging.

    I'm excited to see what awaits in the Maschine 3.0 software update. But will it be enough to silence the skeptics?

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    hopefully it will be enough to silence one’s own doubts

  • Braz
    Braz Member Posts: 73 Advisor

    I'm thinking about selling my M+ + but the massive price drop on second hand market makes it a too big loss of money.

    I guess I'm stuck there

  • djneural
    djneural Member Posts: 38 Helper

    I think it is a mistake from NI to systematically release something on price then drop it almost half the price.

    it’s almost like recognizing its product is inferior to what they thought.

    When I bought my Maschine+ over $1300 and I received it, I didn’t feel like I had paid too much for what it is. It is 10 times better built than an MPC One/+, just that adds at least 200 bucks to the price.

    Inside, the compute module is x86 if I recall well, with twice the RAM. It’s a choice, I don’t know if it is a good one but it is way more costly than a basic ARM SBC.

    It comes with quite a lot of software already. The quality of the plugins is excellent.

    For me NI should never have let one sale at less than $1000 in their distribution channel. The list price should have remained at around 1200 and with rebates closer to 1000.

    It is quite a shame because even if we can find brand new MPCs @$700, M+ being @$800 or a bit over $1000 would have changed nothing on people deciding to go with MPC or Maschine workflow.

    Even more than synths, we choose/keep our grooveboxes based on the workflow and the feeling with the unit. And though, yes MPC does start to seriously catch-up on the workflow, the build quality (which I believe is also part of the feeling) is just starting to get close if you get an MPC Live II or X.

    Unfortunately NI has had this strategy with pretty much any of their hardware, including DJing hardware. And even their loyal user base is desperate about this.

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