Maschine 2.15 is out!



  • izrael berlin
    izrael berlin Member Posts: 11 Member

    That's with a pinch of bitterness but seems to be quite true.

    I am a relatively new NI user. Got M+ a few weeks ago and after initial disappointment, I start to love this thing. This device has such a big potential and software wise is already advanced but could use some extra features like probability for midi events and some extra FX. If only NI could do some extra work to develop the software further. BUT, it's enough to take a quick look at NI front page to see that their target is rather different. Now they are selling Orchestral suite plugins for a few hundred euro a piece... And that's only one of myriad of products they offer, so how M+ could compete for priority in their workflow pipelines....

    Well, I am still hoping for the best and still, still patiently waiting for the promised autosampler firmware update 😅

  • [Deleted User]
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  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited May 2022


    Almost none of the popular suggestions from this forum have been implemented in the history of the product. The only time i can remember them adding something discussed here was when the JAM buttons got a mode to make it more clear which groups were selected and deselected."

    There have been so many requests that have been ignored for so long, the backlog must be stretching round the block by now. I think they may have felt in producing clips they were answering one of the most called for features, especially as it had been promised previously.

    Unfortunately it looks like the need to maintain backwards compatibility with a very rigid and strict system that appears to have sacrificed versatility for simplicity and speed, stymied that effort and led to a very confusing and inelegant solution, that has made readability and ease of use far worse.

    Similarly, the changes to naming and duplication have resulted in a system that for many is far worse than existed previously.

    It kinda becomes irrelevant if they produce a road map if, in making any further implementations, they don't consult with users on the question of usability because just making more badly implemented features rankles more than it helps and adds to a lack of faith with users. It certainly can't help better morale with the workforce, either.

    Oddly enough, one of the least heralded and very much called for new features, the restore function, seems to work very well indeed. At least it has done for me.

    Shame so few other long, long, long overdue features are hiding so far below the horizon it's difficult to see them ever gaining the energy to rise above it.

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor
    edited May 2022

    I've gone from MK I to MK II to Studio+Jam to MK III and never had an issue with anything, hardware-wise. I definitely don't leave the screen on though, I turn the device off when not in use.

    By KK's success, I meant that it is in WIDE use throughout the industry, especially with professionals.

    By Mature I meant that NI might think that it's doing what it was meant to do and the reason it doesn't get a lot of attention is that it's as complete as they feel like pushing it toward - of course they can't literally do nothing because they don't want to make it seem like the software is dead (especially when trying to market the Plus), so you get the Poly Synth, etc.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,952 Expert

    @tempsperdu wrote:

    […] clips […] led to a very confusing and inelegant solution, that has made readability and ease of use far worse.

    Really?! I didn’t even notice clips until I accidentally wound up in that mode. Which confused the hell out of me and I decided to postpone that experience to after reading the manual.

    Then when the day came I wanted to add some special transitions in a track, I sat down, read through the manual, watched some tutorials (Jef’s my hero!) and experimented for a couple of hours. No problem with Clips since then (except for some oddities or bugs in the implementation).

    So, may I kindly suggest to RTFM!

    Similarly, the changes to naming and duplication have resulted in a system that for many is far worse than existed previously.

    Yet, we’re not hearing an uproar of ten of thousands of users being as unhappy as you are.

    But I admit to wish for more flexible naming options, especially on the Plus. Respective feature requests are submitted and pending.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    There is still work to be done to make the manipulation between patterns and clips cohabit more elegantly. In particular, in the software, the change of mode between pattern/clips would be better if it were transparent. In the arranger, it should be possible to select a pattern by simply clicking on it even when in clip mode. Currently you have to click on the scene name to select a pattern. A bit confusing.

    Same thing in the sequencer view, no button on the screen to switch between the two modes.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited May 2022


    So, may I kindly suggest to RTFM!

    That wouldn't actually make the darkened screen more usable or readable, I wouldn't have thought. Nor would it stop you accidentally getting clips when you wanted patterns. The thing for me with Maschine that really sold it was speed and ease of use. Both of those have suffered badly in recent developments.

    Yet, we’re not hearing an uproar of ten of thousands of users being as unhappy as you are.

    I may possibly be the most vocal, but I am far from the only one. Why that should seemingly be a problem to you is a little bit bizarre.


    Doesn't stop Clips from being a lackluster bandaid solution that was late, and hasn't been fleshed out much since. Still can't split or join ala Ableton Live.

    Indeed and if it was possible, for many a split and merge solution would possibly have been as useful or better.

    I don't envy the developers because they are in a very difficult position. They are having to play catch up through probably no fault of their own and attempt to fulfil promises that probably never should have been made.

    The fact that yet again there's more disgruntlement among users just adds to the feeling that there never will be a corner turned where any faith is restored, with users still seeing far more wasted potential than apparently those that could make it happen.

  • Julian
    Julian Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2022

    Guy who write that he can't sell his m+

    I have the same issue 😭 no one buy it even for a price 700 $ ****** ...omg guys get mk3 for the workflow.need Standalone?

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    I am confused, what all is wrong with the new update?

    Sorry to ask but I have been so busy I haven’t dug in hard to the update and have been mostly using M+ in standalone (still waiting for update). Looking forward to finals ending so I can get some free time with my favorite platform, hopefully M+ will be updated by then!

  • dj MvT
    dj MvT Member Posts: 8 Member

    Actually when I bought the Maschine last year I accidentally bought an expansion that was already on the Maschine, sent a mail to support with the mistake I made and if it could be swapped for another expansion (including the name of the expansion) and within 48hrs my expansion got swapped, no questions asked.

  • dj MvT
    dj MvT Member Posts: 8 Member

    Bought my Maschine+ last year and haven't touched the software ever since. Only playing standalone which is awesome. I did get a crash last week but since I'm always saving tracks during building it didn't impact my work all that much (was only 1 pattern behind of my last save).

    Sure I would love to see more functions but for me the Maschine does almost everything I want. Only major thing missing for me is file renaming and deleting.

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