Download speed is too slow

lgh1379 Member Posts: 3 Member

Download speed is too slow. I have checked the related documents and turn off the FileVault thing. I don't have any firewall, vpn and antivirus software. I've tried downloading at different times lot but still slow. It only takes me few minutes to download spitfire plugin.

any solutions?



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    I know tht this advice is a bit generic (sorry in advance), but maybe the internet affects the downloading speed.

    Speaking from personal experience: I have 1 home router and 1 mobile router.

    I tried the home one when I wanted to install Factory Library 2 and it was painfully slow.

    Then I used mobile router (the faster router) and it worked flawlessly.

    So, if you have 2 or more routers at your home, try each of them to see which one is the fastest.

    However, if you have only 1 router, then dissconect every other device you have from that router except the one that downloads the content you need, so the router will have the increased speed.

    Let me know if any of these helped.

  • lgh1379
    lgh1379 Member Posts: 3 Member


    thanks for your reply. i don't think it's much related. i was using the wi-fi at home yesterday night and the wi-fi in the office now. still very slow. and if the download speed does matter, why some other plugins take much lesser time?

    i am a bit frustrated. coz i don't have to face this in the past. everything is simple and direct without native access.

  • lgh1379
    lgh1379 Member Posts: 3 Member

    one thing to add is that the speed was normal at first, then after 1-2 minutes it just stopped right there.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Might be a download problem with N.A. if it stops or could be connection problem, impossible for me to say.

    I suggest that you contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support

    At the page N.I. Native Access and Installation Support be sure to scroll down to page bottom to see if there is a log-in request , if there is then log-in , at next page again scroll down and small blue chat box ought occur within 15 seconds. Then write in chat box and when getting suggestions then select did not help when it didn't , that ought to bring you on to either chat with human or open a ticket.

    There has been introduced chat support for Native Access assistance (at least daytime on normal work days) :

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert
    edited May 2024

    The only thing that matters is that you are attempting this via wi-fi. It's a non-starter in all cases - but especially with large payloads.

    Native Instruments downloads are regulated AND speed capped and VERY dependant on where you are in the world.

    Their bandwidth is not limitless. If you are hitting the servers while 1654 others worldwide are doing the same - you know the answer.

    You need to be hardwired (via Ethernet) for any chance of a reasonably fast download.


  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    I bought the Komplete 14 Standard on 15.5.2024 and so far never successfully download one single instrument. a 67MB instrument said to be just a 2 minutes download which is superbly slow IMO. But NI stopped at 2 minutes, still I waited for another 3 minutes, it still sat there without progress, I cancelled downloading it.

    I have a new Asus Vivobook S16 flip Intel core i-9, a wifi bandwidth not less than 400mbps , I wonder how can I download Noire 15GB with such a downloading speed, that could really take me several months or year to be able to play it. Don't tell me it's my problem, as I have no issues downloading from Musio or other VST instruments websites, they also have GB files, it took me 2-3 minutes to download their whole string ensemble, pianos etc for just a trial.

    I don't know how to download my paid Komplete 14 Standard if a 67MB file took more than 5 minutes if I did not cancel the download. Hey, I never know ordering a hamburger, I am asked to come back months later to pick it up.

    NI takes our money speed fast but their customers are in a long waiting line to take the ordered hamburger, is that fair? Can anyone in NI help us please? We are your customers not beggers!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert
    edited May 2024

    Native Instruments downloads are speed capped and VERY dependant on where you are in the world.

    And whatever your wi-fi speed test says - is not what you will get in the real world.

    NI Servers are busy 24x7 - you are just one of hundreds (or thousands) at any given minute worldwide - trying to get your stuff.

    You cannot compare NI server traffic with one of your Musio downloads - who most likely have zero people downloading from them when you are.

    The age and power of your machine also has nothing to do with this - your network infrastructure, where you live and how good/bad your ISP is - but most importantly - how many others are in competition for that finite download bandwidth - determines everything.

    All I can suggest is to try in off peak hours and use a wired Ethernet connection. Getting off wi-fi for this is the first step - that alone is enough to guarantee failure.


  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    the 3rd day now I still haven't got one single instrument downloaded and installed no matter it 's peak or off peak hours, sure this 400 Dollars as a birthday present to myself is in a ditch and a lesson to me. a 90's company using dialup connection heritage still alive nowadays claim to have the lion share of the music industry will soon take their own lessons as well.

    Don't think that other competitors has 0 customers otherwise they shouldn't be named competitors. To demolish one's reputation takes second, NI is sure at the "top" range.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert


    Just noticed that your "vivobook" does not even have an Ethernet port. Not a good choice for DAW unfortunately.

    And we are most definitely not dealing with "dialup heritage" here as thousands of folks have no issues worldwide.

    This appears to be a combo of things working against you. As I do not know where you live or who your ISP is - it is impossible to troubleshoot.

    But one thing I do know - wi-fi will be painful if that is your only way.


  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    Sorry VP, I am not complaining about you. If NI turns blind to what's hot on REDDIT, sure thousands of users have no issues but millions or billions of folks are under frustration about the tortoise speed of NI. All resources maybe go first to famous artists, DJs, general folks are queuing after them. Mind you, I had seen numerous cases on website that having a ethernet cable wouldn't help speeding up the download. It's a lie from front desk and always point back to customers, its our problem. This is the best technique in after-sales service. Who would bother once they grab your money?

    For five days 24/7, I could only get around 3 GB downloaded for "Noire". I can't even use dial-up to name such a speed. It's a real shame on music industry. A real shame! One off deal, Never never again.

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 329 Pro

    have you tried doing traceroute to see if an intermediary location is culprit?

    have you tried changing your dns to google or cloudflare vs your isp?

  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    Tried but no better progress. I'm fed up, just let it be. My time is for composing not baby sitting a low speed server day and night , night and day. Find my luck if it comes. There are other VST or standalone competitors, I can easily pick one up. If I were not too picky with those pianos from Musio, I wouldn't have stepped onto NI. I'd rather turn to Keyscape.

    From now on we should grab a ethernet cable along with us, somewhere some places when we go into a cafeteria, we may need a cable for internet connection.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert
    edited May 2024


    Sorry to hear about your on-going troubles.

    Nothing much can be done if this ends up being a factor of your ISP - or that new laptop. Or both

    Have also read/heard that some countries out there have IP blocks in place for all sorts of things - could be that your location simply does not allow access to a nearby NI server.

    Some other tips here:

    Especially this one:

    Change your laptop DNS address to (Google).

    You can find instructions for Mac and Windows in this article by WhatIsMyIP.

    Hope you catch a break


  • Izak Polman
    Izak Polman Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi VP. ,

    I searched and read nearly all threads on Reddit how to solve this problem the next day after I bought the Komplete Standard 14. I tried to change DNS but no luck, still in extremely low speed. I don't think it's the IP problem cos I can download small files speed fast like Beam 17MB, Bite 49MB which are obviously less interested to users, for popular instruments like 40's very own Keys, Noire etc, it's just always failed, have to press continue downloading button. That means I need to stay all time before my pc if I want to shorten downloading time.

    BTW, I noticed this when I first bought Kontakt player, Yangqin speedfast, Irish Harp as well. Factory Library 39GB took me some 4-5 days to complete. It's just my wishing thinking buying a Komplete Standard may have better connection speed, obviously I am too naive.😆

    I do not use VPN, but have set rules on Internet Security letting NI and its exe files an exclusion. I will try on Firewall setting as described from your above link. Actually I have no issue connecting NI, just slow and always stop and fail for hot instruments. It doesn't matter anyway, maybe I am too aggressive wishing the products in my PC within an hour or 2. If that's what NI can provide, let the nature take its course.

    Thanks for your suggestion anyways.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,250 Expert

    @Izak Polman

    "It doesn't matter anyway, maybe I am too aggressive wishing the products in my PC within an hour or 2. If that's what NI can provide, let the nature take its course."

    Not surprising that small files come down fast - and large ones take a ton of time - that is a known downside of wi-fi. It simply cannot sustain full bandwidth throughput like a wired connection can. AND - the fact that NI servers are bandwidth controlled (to a degree).

    NI can't let 500 users take all their available bandwidth with 500 fibre connections coming in at the same time…

    It appears that you are in a location where there may be 15 network hops to get to a NI server and once you do get there - one or more of these hops is simply not optimal - giving the end result you are seeing.

    No vendor can control or help this scenario - short of setting up a server right in your location to reduce hops to a minimum.


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