About new hardware.....



  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    Please consider Denon DJ, Rane, Akai are all imMusic brands. Now think on Maschine and MPC :-)

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Was Native rejecting Pioneer back in the day (with Djm t1 rip off into Z2 and avoiding HID support of cdjs) what made Pioneer invest into Rekordbox and get over Traktor. Looking it backwards maybe it was a mistake or genius move… depending on how NI manages the actual “come back” we will find that out. I will love more support for other vendors but S2/3/4 mk3 strategy pointed the same strategy.

    Maybe Traktor4 could bring some answers the day it becomes reality but it still seems too soon for that.

  • WilliamThaKonqueror
    WilliamThaKonqueror Member Posts: 19 Member

    Yes they have. It's only in the best interest for both to continue to work together. I remember when Pioneer mixers were Traktor Ready, who knows who's to blame about that partner ship falling apart.

    I just think that Pioneer should make traktor ready mixers,

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited January 2022

    There was a time when everyone wanted NI to make their own controllers. There was a time when nobody wanted to use external sound cards also.

    I don’t think the issue is needing Traktor ready controllers or mixers. The thing is that Traktor is not ready for these new controllers and mixers.

    True Traktor can now use any dvs mixer but these mixers now require Traktor to have 2x external effects routing when Traktor only has one.

    True Traktor can be mapped to any controller but a lot of these controllers require Traktor feedback for things like motorized platters and screens.

    The grass is not that greener on the other side either. Serato is taking flac for dropping support for all SL boxes, for the Rane sixty series of mixers, and theclass compliant” Tm57slmk2. Also the ns7 series controllers have been dropped (dj Quartz) too.

  • Winwin
    Winwin Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Can you explain, what had you meant about these points for new hardware comming.

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    New hardware from NI is immanent and it usually comes out around February.


  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro

    People comparing Traktor (NI) with Serato when talking about Pioneer and their controllers should remember that Serato do not make their own hardware. They have no choice but to team up with Pioneer or Rane.

    Serato with Pioneer is an instant win for both companies.

    People have been saying it's in the best interest of both NI and Pioneer to team up for years, but maybe it isn't?

    If it was a no-brainer from a business point of view they would have done it wouldn't they?

    Maybe it would be great for the consumer to have more choice but it always appears to me that folks on the forum think they can work out a solution better than the people who actually decide these things at Pioneer and NI 🤷‍♂️

    Don't get me wrong, If there was Traktor + Rane 70/72 integration I would have already moved from my Traktor Z2 to one of those mixers because of the 2 mic inputs and if the Pioneer S11 had 2 mic inputs I may have done the same as well (but my experiences of Pioneer mixers tells me otherwise) so I totally understand the desire for more 3rd party hardware to work with Traktor but why would NI want that?

    I'm fairly certain that no matter how good and how much I love my Z2, if the S11, S7 and R72/70 mixers were Traktor certified, sales of the Z2 would have plummeted - simply because the former mixers are newer and more feature rich.

    I'm happy for NI to do what is in *their* best interest.

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper
    edited January 2022

    I think someone would first decide on hardware and depending on it take a decision on the software. That’s why hardware is bundled with software and you are getting Traktor Pro for free if you are buying a NI Controller.

    This is valide if you are a beginner, you choose a controller which attracts you and also for advanced users. If someone is coming to the point that NI hardware is not fitting the requirements he will switch hardware and therefore in some cases software as well. This is what NI could eliminate :-)

  • markski
    markski Member Posts: 26 Helper

    I totally understand that unlike NI, Serato makes its money by taking a cut of hardware sales that unlock the software they distribute for free, whereas NI needs to make this on direct software and hardware sales. I dont presume to have the inside knowledge to try and work out a valid business case on behalf of NI, I just want to use the best modern DJ hardware I can with what I consider to still be the best DJ software (Traktor).

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

    Its exactly the opposite.

    NI should support Pioneer gear. Pioneer hardware is the standard.

    Just look at how VirtualDJ does it.

  • markski
    markski Member Posts: 26 Helper

    100% this, even if it means following Virtual DJ's higher cost or subscription model. Mabe have NI hardware supported by default and charge extra for specific bolt on licences (Pioneer CDJ licence, Rane One Controller licence, Phase DJ licence etc etc). If thats what it takes for better support with third party hardware then I'm sure the gigging DJ's will happily pay the extra to use the gear they want with the software.

  • milan8888
    milan8888 Member Posts: 19 Member

    I doubt sales on the Z2 are that high anyway. Its simply outdated (released in 2012), the S9 is way ahead of it and got released more than 6 years ago... There is a reason why you can buy the Z2 2nd hand for 150-250€.

    NI should have teamed up with Reloop to get the Elite fully Traktor compatible...

  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro

    Are they mutually exclusive? I think not.

    If NI's business model wasn't good they wouldn't have a product. It's very easy for users to think that what suits them, is the only way to do business.

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    I think in these type of scenarios, not everyone will be happy or content with what the outcomes, progress and direction is. I think it’s pretty fair to say Traktor lost its way in the mix of other software companies and are now picking it up again. I just hope they keep supporting and developing Traktor to make it king or queen of DJ software once again. With some enhancements I’m sure they can.

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