Maschine+ Same CC in different MIDI Channels



  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    yep....and funniest thing is there is an option within the soft to choose midi channel, so it looks just this is a bug, and they never ever addressed that.....I have found it in hard way:), when programming BCR2000, with agenda to have mixer, sends/inserts, instruments and effects midi mapped...

    ....wait until you discover Maschine has only 4 stereo inputs...:)

    this will be painful to find out, especially if you have few hardware boxes/synths you would like to connect to the box.....quite frustrating this limitation, considering it's software....there is no explanation why on earth only 4 stereo INs???...:/

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    Why it's a problem when the productivity and Creativity are more important and Maschine plus standalone mode is capable of holding several projects in one. Creating Costume Chords to Pads.

    Connecting to right interface you can have 8 Stereo Channels but in the end it's capable device which can be synced with many different devices.

    Just with Maschine plus standalone mode impossible can be done.

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    😃 It's actually possible to control Lock States, Scenes and Selections via MIDI for OUT to IN on M+ standalone mode. It's crazy

    It's Beautiful when you control Lock States with Program Change for external device but it's not the same as Maschine is doing it internally or just in Keyboard mode , at least it's big difference for me because I am more precise with Notes.

  • Seqsual
    Seqsual Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2024

    Not 100% true in my experience, yes, macro controls (things assigned to 8 knobs on Maschine HW) ignore MIDI channel but MIDI channel is preserved if you map CCs directly in the instrument. That said I have not tried it on Maschine Plus so that might be a different story.

  • r s v
    r s v Member Posts: 17 Member

    Well, unfortunately I’ve found another odd limitation. Although I’ve mapped a few CCs, if one tries to change a sound in a group, the M+ forgets the mapped CCs. I understand that if we change a Poly Synth to a Massive, for instance, it would be reasonable to be “unmapped”, but I just changed a preset in the Same Synth. Why? The MIDI mapping is Only addressed to a particular Sound, in a particular group.

    That was hard to find out, it means that it’s impossible to try out different patches in a synth, we’re stucked to that CC on that sound.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert

    @r s v the Mapping is saved in the preset. The advantage is that you can taylor the macros for each sound, such as having the 8 most important parameters for your performance on the first page.

    It would be nice to have some sort of „Macro lock“ or capability to transfer mappings between presets.

  • r s v
    r s v Member Posts: 17 Member

    Transfer Mappings between presets would be really Nice and time saving!

    I uderstand it's more powerful by preset when tweaking the M+ knobs, but with a MIDI Controller, I am looking for a more personal, hassle-free way. It would be wonderful if we could toggle macros by preset, or by synth.

    To achieve my goal, I guess I'll have to duplicate all Presets with a new name and save them with the intended macros, one by one. Need a lot of time for that, thou.

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