Native Access gets stuck on 'Loading Products'

Simon Wienke
Simon Wienke Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I uploaded the newest version of Native Acces…it get's stuck while Loading Products

What can I do?

Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    For Win:
    First please delete the User Registry entries of Native Access and the NTKDaemon:

    1. Click the Windows Start button at the bottom left side of your screen.
    2. Type "regedit" into the search field, then press Enter to open the Windows Registry Editor.
    3. In the Registry Editor, navigate the folder structure to this location and locate the folder for the NI product that is crashing:
    4. HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Native Instruments >
    5. Delete the "Native Access" and the "NTK" entries

    Next please clear the Native Access cache by deleting the following folders:

    1. Click the Windows Start Button on the bottom left of your screen.
    2. Type %localappdata% and press Enter.
    3. This will open the following folder location: C: > Users > *Your User Name* > AppData > Local
    4. go into the Native Instruments directory and delete the "Native Access" and the "NTK" folders

    For Mac:
    First please clear the Native Access cache by deleting the following folders:

    1. Navigate to the following location: Macintosh HD > Users > your username > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments
    2. Delete the "Native Access" and the "NTK" folders

    Next please delete the UserUser plist of Native Access and the NTKDaemon:

    1. Navigate to the following location: Macintosh HD > Users > your username > Library > Preferences >
    2. Delete the com.native-instruments.Native Access.plist and com.native-instruments.NTKDaemon.plist
    3. restart your computer
  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello Wouter De Muynck, sorry for the continuing issue

    Can you please try the workaround below:

    • uninstall NA and NTKDaemon
    • delete the following folder

    Macintosh HD > Users > Shared > Native Instruments > installed_products
    C: > Users > Public > Public Documents > Native Instruments > installed_products

    • download and install NA 3.8.1

    Mac ARM
    Mac Intel:

    • opening NA the first time will open version 3.8.1, but it will self update to version 3.10.3 the next time you open it.
    • In case the login issue reappears after the update to version 3.10.3 please downgrade to version 3.8.1 again the next time you need to open NA

    Please let me know the results afterwards.


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