Reaktor 6 will not install?

JBMcD Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I am using Windows 11 running Komplete Now. This is a screen shot of what I keep getting. I have tried changing the App Location to several different settings with no luck. Can anyone please help me to get Reaktor 6 installed correctly?


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert
    edited April 2024

    Your preferences look a bit strange.

    From your screencap - I cannot tell if these are your "top level" Preferences or if NA is displaying a box specific JUST to this Reaktor install.

    Would be better if you screencapped your actual File Location preferences by clicking Preferences (lower left the NA interface) and show us what your overall paths look like.

    Here are mine:

    I have Reaktor 6 rolling here with no issues - but using the above standard locations.

    Hoping you can post your main paths for some study.


  • JBMcD
    JBMcD Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Here are my main paths

    Also, this is kind of strange, when I click on Installation Paths for Reaktor in the Native Access wondow this is what I get:

    I have tried to change the application Location with no luck. I've cleared the cashe from the computer but it seems to be stuck on c:\program files\native instruments\Reaktor 6\. I suspect this is where the proble is? I've tried re-downloading and installing Komplete Now, but I seem to get the same thing for Application Location (C drive).

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert

    If I click on my Reaktor (specific) installation paths - I see this:

    The Application Location makes sense - as it relates to Reaktor itself - that is where the actual files are.

    But my VST location - reflects my "standard" (very well established) location for ALL my VST Plugins. A path that almost every DAW and plugin install would tend to gravitate to.

    Your App Path is good - do not try to change that.

    Your VST Location is not so good. Of course - it is usable as any path would be - but this path is so obscure to many (if not all) of today's DAWs - you would need to manually set this in each for it to work right.

    One tip I can offer is to be sure to set your key path preferences in Native Access as the first thing you do when you first set it up. Well in advance of installing any software.

    Not 100% sure - but I believe this goofy VST plugin path is the default that Native Access has in there when you first install it. Native Instruments should know better as this specific pat\h is about as non-standard as it gets.

    Since I do not know your exact layout or how many plugins are installed and/or might need to be moved - I can't really make suggestions on how to tackle this. I would suggest you reach out to NI support to gain some correct knowledge on moving these paths to a more standardized layout.

    Pretty sure your initial errors have something to do with this.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod

    You path settings looks OK to me except the Download one with the in the Public folder (which might also be OK, I just use one my user folders)

    Exit Native Access (no need to log out)

    Then uninstall Native Access from your computer using Windows app uninstall !

    Then go to the C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\ folder and delete the Reaktor 6 folder then go to the public download folder you have chosen and delete all content !

    Then remove the RAS3 (see '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing activation tokens') and delete both NA XML and if there then offending Reaktor product XML (see '3. You have corrupted XML files') , ref. : My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access

    Then (if still there) delete the whole Native Access directory found in : C:\Users\[YOUR User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Native Instruments\Native Access or found in %AppData%\Native Instruments\

    Reboot PC

    Then download Reaktor 6.4.3 for Windows (link top right on page)(if you have a problem downloading then log into Google and try again) (Reaktor link courtesy of Jeremy_NI)

    Then install the downloaded Reaktor file as an Admin to the folder C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\

    Then download N.A. from here and run the downloaded N.A. installer as an Admin and allow it to do it's setup ! (the above did not include removal of your NTKDaemon which ought not matter in this case)

    By now N.A. ought to be started and logged in , but else then run the N.A. app as an Admin and log in.

    Give it up to 5 or 10 minutes to accept the Reaktor 6 installation (ought then say installed)

    Hopes that the above helps 🙂

    Else please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support

    On normal work days at least then there is chat support for Native Access now :

    Quote : For assistance with purchases, accounts, and Native Access, you'll have an option to initiate a chat session. Simply click on the chat icon located at the bottom right corner, and you'll be assisted by a virtual assistant. If your issue remains unresolved after consulting our help articles, a human chat agent will be available to assist you.

    Please refer to the : How to get in touch with our Customer Care or read my Support page functionality changes post here !

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