How do I switch snapshots in Kontakt from Ableton 11?

Martin Schmid
Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello... images probably explain my question best.

I've tried to discern the method from various threads, and it seems like this should be simple.. but for whatever reason, I'm not succeeding... It is also quite possibly that as a noob to both ableton and kontact that I'm misinterpreting terminology, etc.

What I want to do is change which snapshot is used for a clip.

E.g., this track I've got Kontakt instrument assigned... and for different clips on the track, I want to change which snapshot is used. I believe I understand that it should be as simple as assigning the Pgm value... is it expected that this value adjusts the snapshot? If so, what is the relationship between the number and the snapshot list (incidentally, I've tried all sorts of values, and nothing changes.. I've also tried various values fro Bank and Sub to no avail).

I did find in one thread that one needs to 'enable program change' on the instrument.. I looked all over, and couldn't find it.. I'm sure I missed it.. could someone provide more details as to where this would be found. I searched the Kontakt manual, and didn't find 'enable program change'.

TIA for any guidance.


Best Answer

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited April 2022 Answer ✓

    Program changes do work with VST3, but Live 11 actually has a bug here - it doesn't send program changes to VST3 plugins. This works fine in Reaper, say, with Kontakt VST3. So, I suppose contact Ableton and tell them to fix their ******, and in the meantime keep on using VST2. 🙂


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    if you close click on "ambient rythm" does then a drop-down list appear and how long is that? Maybe you try to start with pgm 1 and 2. If there is no list you have to create some snapshots yourself.


  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member

    Hi @Uwe303 -- there are about 30 items in the list.

  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member
    edited April 2022

    I came across this other approach in this thread which refers to this... trying the same w/ Kontakt 6.7 and Ableton 11... I must be missing something. What am I doing wrong.. see this short youtube vid for details of what I've done.


  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited April 2022

    So the stupid thing about Live is that you can only set a MIDI Program Change message once, at the beginning of each clip, which is unlike any other DAW out there. So, for each patch change you want to do, you need to make a new clip and adjust the Pgm value for it in Live.

  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member

    Thanks for chiming in, @EvilDragon (I recognize your name from those other old threads)... isn’t that exactly what I’m doing in the video (original session view video)? I tried a similar thing in Arrangement view (video here) to no avail. What is it I'm overlooking?

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    Hmmm, I did exactly what you did in the video over here and it does change programs...

  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member
    edited April 2022

    Ugh... just tried the VST 'version' (?) of Kontakt, instead of the VST3.. and now it works.

    Any idea why that would be? Perhaps a bug in VST3? or would there be some other setting/explanation?

    There it is:

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited April 2022 Answer ✓

    Program changes do work with VST3, but Live 11 actually has a bug here - it doesn't send program changes to VST3 plugins. This works fine in Reaper, say, with Kontakt VST3. So, I suppose contact Ableton and tell them to fix their ******, and in the meantime keep on using VST2. 🙂

  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member

    Super. Thanks for your help. I’ll direct my displeasure towards Ableton on their forums/support.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited April 2022

    (22) How to set up Program Changes & Quickload in Kontakt 5 (Tutorial) - YouTube

    have you tried this? Evil is right but you seem to want to switch snapshots but you have to create a new bank via file menu and click the wrench symbol, then drag and drop instruments there


  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member
    edited April 2022

    Hi @Uwe303 .. I believe I watched that while trying to get this to work... which is what lead me to try what I showed here This works, with that caveat that EvilDragon mentioned, that there is a bug in Ableton 11 that this doesn't properly switch program for VST3.. which if you use VST instead, works as expected... I contacted Ableton support, and they admitted to this, but have no indication of path to resolution.

    AFIK, VST is OK (instead of VST3).. I don't know enough to know what I may be missing out on otherwise.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Yes - only the snapshot thing was confusing to me, but now everything is clear


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