Kontakt 7.8.1 in Digital Performer and other DAWs crashes Mac after Sonoma 14.4 update

MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

As the title indicates, Kontakt 7.8.1 crashes my Mac after Sonoma 14.4 update. I noticed this in DP and a couple other DAWs.

The stand alone app does not have this issue nor does it crash in Logic.

I spent a few hours on the phone with Apple Support who did promise a fix soon for many of the issues that 14.4 has created. Since one cannot roll back to macOS 14.31, the only suggestion was to create a new APFS Volume on my System drive and load Ventura onto it. I'm hoping this gets fixed first.

Because I'm on Apple Silicon, booting into an external drive is not a solution. There are many .kxt files that cannot load onto an external and the drivers for my audio interface are among them, no matter the Security Settings. This is by Design and Apple has no intentiin of changing this anytime soon.

So, I have no idea who needs to fix this: Apple? Native Instruments? MOTU? I do hope it gets fixed soon.

macOS 14.4, Studio Ultra M2, Komplete Ultimate Collectors Edition 14 incl. Kontakt 7.8.1

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey all, the new Sonoma 14.5 update should be available to everyone now. It's been confirmed by many users already that updating to 14.5 fixed the kernel panics issues, so please update your MacOs and let us know if that fixed it for you.



  • benenglish
    benenglish Member Posts: 10 Member

    Can you explain where it is crashing please? I am using an M1 Max with 7.8.1 on the 14.4 update with Logic 10.8.1 and it seems to work fine? Would be grateful if you could tell me the repro scenario? Is it any particular libraries or functionality you're using?

    I'm asking because I'm about to embark on a major piece of work and if it's going to die on me then I'd like to know - thanks!

  • Chrisdm1978
    Chrisdm1978 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Man I just bought a new M3 max as a producer friend of mine wanted to buy my M1max..so was a decent way to upgrade my machine. Had done the research to insure all my software was 14.xx ready. Everything pointed to yes, so when the new mac asked if I wanted to update from 14.3 to 14.4 I thought nothing of it before migrating my stuff over. NI stuff crashes the mac hard, not just Digital Performer 11 (most up to date version) but literally forces the computer to kernel panic and restart….No idea if this is DP specific, an Ni thing or Apple…I’ll have to give Logic a try and see if this happens, but I think it’s DP related. Guitar rig pro 7 runs fine in standalone mode……but lots of people having issues with Ilok with 14.4. My ilok stuff seems unaffected but so far Kontakt 7, Guitar rig pro 7 crash the mac hard. I need to get my new machine up and ready for sessions as I need to move the M1max on to the friend who has bought it.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @songman Thanks for the information.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @MHalloran Since we're not sure yet if your crashes are related to Sonoma 14.4 yet, have you tried to open Kontakt in standalone? Does it crash as well? Have you tried these steps? Kontakt Crashes

  • Chrisdm1978
    Chrisdm1978 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hi Jeremy, I am having the same issue on an M3max, Sonoma 14.4 with Guitar Rig 7 pro, and Kontakt 7. Both work in Stand Alone mode, but crash the computer forcing a restart when opened in Digital Performer 11.31.

  • Chrisdm1978
    Chrisdm1978 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Oh and Kontakt 6 works fine in 14.4 with DP. The newer NI products seem affected...maybe an interaction with DP? Or the 14.4 update....

  • efiebke
    efiebke Member Posts: 8 Member

    Just to be clear. . .

    There is no doubt that those with M2/M3 Apple computers, and are using Kontakt 7 with MOTU's Digital Performer, are experiencing significant crashes after updating the macOS to Sonoma 14.4. Testimonies can be found on www.motunation.com. (Kontakt 7 can be opened in stand-alone mode.)

    Also. . . Significant issues are being experienced by people who updated their macOS to Sonoma 14.4 using Apple's Logic Pro, using similar M2/M3 Apple computers, and plug-ins by VSL and EastWest. Apple's Logic Pro will not recognize those plug-ins and basically renders them useless. Testimonies can be found on www.logicprohelp.com

    It seems that the cause of all of this trouble is between maOS 14.4 and the latest version of iLOK. (Not sure about this, though.)

    It is HIGHLY recommended that those with M2/M3 Apple computers do NOT update their macOS to Sonoma 14.4.

  • eugenioazurmendi
    eugenioazurmendi Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I install programs remotely using anydesk. While I am connected to my client's computer kontakt works perfect, now when I close anydesk is where kontakt crashes in digital, logic, etc... And the mac restarts. It's incredibly mysterious, while I'm watching my client's screen in anydesk everything works perfect, when I stop watching it crashes! WOW!!!

  • eugenioazurmendi
    eugenioazurmendi Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Kontakt 6 solution for now!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @efiebke I've enabled you to post links. Can you share some links from these forums? I've looked in some threads and found a lot of ilok related crashes but none where it explicitely mentions Kontakt crashing. All these crashes seem to be related to iLok or PACE, Kontakt 7 uses none of those but we would like to make sure. Do you experience Kontakt crashes yourself?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @MHalloran It looks like you didn't contact our support, we'd like to have a look, so please get in touch here: https://bit.ly/NI_support_kontakt

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @eugenioazurmendi Can you please also contact support for your Kontakt 7 crashes?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @Chrisdm1978 I see you're in contact with my colleagues from support. Let's see if those crashes are due to Sonoma 14.4 or something else.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    You can also share some crashlogs here, that could be helpful.

    1. Press COMMAND + SPACE
    2. Type Console
    3. Then you see this
    1. Then you can right-click the Crashlog and click on SHOW in FINDER.
    2. Then zip the file and attach it to your post.
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