Can we please make naming from Maschine Mk3/Komplete Kontrol Mk2 hardware a thing?

wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I am sure this has been requested before, but I didn't see a thread in the search results.

This would be such a nice little feature to add to the MK3. It would really be the icing on the cake, ya know?

It would be so nice to be able to rename samples/pads, presets, groups, patterns and scenes from the hardware.

What do you people think?



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Such "on-the-go" naming tasks would be better handled from porting of NI software to iPadOS.

    Let controllers just be devices that convert motor skills into performance data.

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    I don't really see much added value in the ability to rename stuff, also considering that you hardly get to see any names from behind the Maschine in the first place:

    So here I loaded a sound onto pad 2, in the software the name of the preset is prominently present. But if we then take a look at the Maschine itself:

    You'll notice that the actual name is but a small part of the screen, the emphasis here lies on the used devices as well as their settings. You don't recognize sounds (or presets) by name perse, more so by applying specific color schemes to your groups and sounds. At least that's how I fare.

    As such I really don't see much added value of renaming stuff while sitting behind my controller.

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Yeah, colors are cool, but have you ever tried to find and dig through the samples you create to use in another project or program? It is a complete nightmare.

    I want to be able to name as I go, so that when I bounce to Ableton for arrangement, my stems are properly named.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I guess it will be added sooner or later. Mainly because of Maschine Plus.

  • Impermanence
    Impermanence Member Posts: 171 Pro

    Yes! This is a must. It can be done from mk3+ ?

    Another big topic is those Komplete Kontrol colours. Those that let you control different types of expression or change presets of Form and so on.

    How it is even possible that my MK3 doesn’t use any of that info? It is like a public secret for my Maschine.

    In my humble opinion, this makes the whole Maschine product line so much smaller.

    I would really like to know, when will all those flashy colours be implemented throughout the whole NI product line?

    Any news on that?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    You may change names using keyboard now and it is and always will be faster than from controller.

    And you may set colors. For sure using Maschine SW. And probably it is also somehow possible directly using controller. (Not sure, I set it in Maschine SW)

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper

    I do not agree. Personally, my Maschine is set up around 8 feet away from my computer. So when I want to rename, or save a new project, I have to break focus, sometimes take off my headphones, walk over to the computer, usually wake it up and then find the thing I'm trying to rename.

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper
    edited April 2022

    Also, while we're at it, it would be nice (almost imperative) to be able to customize the naming format when exporting.

    It is so annoying, that when I am doing sound design and I export a whole bunch of one hits, to have to go and remove '001 Scene 1 - Group A1' from every single exported file.

    This is a very basic exporting function that I am surprised doesn't already exist.

    In fact, I am going to start a new thread for this function.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Yes, some kind user definable naming template schema would be nice. Not only for export, but also for naming Sections and Patterns or Projects. And maybe others.

    Should not be much work and it would help a lot.

    And for setting name of file from controller could be used pads in the same manner like in pre-smartphone era. It is pretty fast for basic text input.... It would work fine on MK3/+/Studio. Not sure about Mikro/MK1/MK2... And for keyboards there would be nothing, or something rather clumsy.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited April 2022

    All this is indicative of a fundamental "flaw" in the product concept from a 2022 perspective. There is no practical way to deliver (economically to market) the many desired features. The product is essentially painted into a developmental corner.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    It suits me as it is. Yes, there is place for improvements. Sooner or later Maschine 3 will come.

  • Nikal Might
    Nikal Might Member Posts: 32 Member

    I'd settle for default naming that's sensible like track name for my recordings instead of bunchanumbers that don't have any kind of meaning. The Reaper naming system is great. You can add wildcards and the default settings are pretty useful on their own. I'd love to be able to have a specific tag for each of my hardware inputs.

  • Trevor Meier
    Trevor Meier Member Posts: 70 Advisor

    Yes please! I want to rename from my mk3.

    Better default naming is coming with the next update. Samples will adopt the name of the pad they’re sampled into. So even more important to be able to name that pad without breaking flow by staying on the controller IMO

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper
  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited April 2022

    Correct, the current Desktop Version of Maschine does this for samples (v2.15), the next version of M+ might but I am not sure.

    I doubt that renaming from the HW will be added to the MK3 tho, it has no on-screen keyboard.

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