Pro Tools 2023.12 now available: includes official support for Kontrol S MK3



  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    No it does not populate with the daw option in 23.12. Which software is this in your NI or Avid. Just ran a test in PT’s it has main and ext only. However it runs the session play stop record. You still have to arm the track however in the PT screen. Removed all except mk3. Used multiple instances on two tracks. Once I selected the daw button on the mk3 it would not allow me to go back to plug in or browser. On the mk3 window it did not select between different plug in windows. The last window stayed on screen. When you clicked on the track that sound instance would play, but the mk3 display would not follow.

    The picture you put up, what Mac are you on, what OS are you running, what cable are you using.

    I hope you are all at the NAMM show, perhaps a complete explanation can be given face to face about software, cables, and all these issues everyone is encountering.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @bzone Please continue troubleshooting with my colleague, it is too complex to discuss here and it will probably require a deeper look in your system. There have been no other reports so far. FYI, I tested on a M1 Macbook with Pro Tools 2013/12, the cable provided with the keyboard + a USB C phone charger for power but I really doubt this would affect this issue at all. I doubt you will find support agents at the NAMM show unless someone wants to buy me a plane ticket from Berlin.

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    First class? LOL, I understand. Definitely a system issue. Unfortunately my system is set up for work and it must remain that way. My interest was to use the mk3 to quickly use the NKS protocol in atmos Pro Tools . Since now we can add dialogue/ efx. / music at any point. It would be nice to add a quick VI instance for music even if later it has to be sent out to a sound stage for live orchestra and added later. I know it’s tough with all the different systems and configurations out there. There are a lot of reports in the community of it not working yet. Hopefully in the future. It can function in Logic. We run VSL as a stand alone into Logic syncing to Pro Tools for deliverables. I was hoping to be able to try the Pro Tools end of things. Thank you for your time.

  • MarkDan
    MarkDan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I'm having the same problem as bzone's post on jan 9. No DAW option in the peripherals window, and unable to select between multiple instances of Kontact.

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Are you on an Intel Mac? What OS? I finally got it populate automatically. However it only shows main and ext. In selections. But the auto populate in HUI must be daw. You can not have any other HUI controllers selected and the MK3 should be in position one. In the midi input selection do you have mk3 selected in main /ext. ? Is daw selectable? It’s funny I was just at the NAMM show and spoke with the Avid team, they had a mk3 . They said that had it set up only as a midi controller, the rep indicated that there were to many issues to try and get it to function with Pro Tools. He may of just been lazy, or as you know Avid wants to sell their controllers first. Looked like NI had a closed booth, cold not get any answers there. This I’m sure is a software code issue .

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @MarkDan What version of Pro Tools are you using?

    Please reach out to our support if you are having issues with the integration:

  • MarkDan
    MarkDan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Version of pro tools is 2023.12.1

    the mac is a intel core i5

    macOS v 12.6

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @MarkDan Thanks, please submit a request through the typeform above.

  • MarkDan
    MarkDan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI Thanks for checking in, however, i started an incident thru sweetwater, so I don't want to double up your tickets. The tech at sweetwater is going a great job working thru things.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    I've edited the original post to include this information, as we've seen a few cases already:


    Pro Tools doesn't support MIDI 2.0 yet. For the integration to work with Pro Tools you need to set the keyboard to MIDI 1.0 in the hardware settings and reboot it. On macs, after changing this setting and before switching the keyboard on again, you will need to delete the Kontrol MK3 entry in your Mac's audio MIDI setup (found in Utilities).

  • kewl64
    kewl64 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    KK S61DAW is not showing up on in my Pro Tools either, this is annoying!
  • kewl64
    kewl64 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    Kontrol S61 MK3, DAW is not showing up in my Pro Tools 2023.12 either!
  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @kewl64 Have you checked that MIDI 1.0 was selected on the keyboard, as explained in the thread?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    In addition, you may need to set it up, and reboot Pro Tools. I had to do that the very first time.

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Unfortunately this still doesn’t work. I have stayed away waiting for updates. Installing the latest firmware and the latest KK. At this point in PT 24.01 , on a 7.1 Intel Mac on Ventura, there is no daw control present. It will function in PT , but, once you select the daw button on the MK3 it stays there and the plugin or browser button can not be selected. Also all my NKS VSL libraries do not show up in the Mk3 browser along with my full Symphobia libraries. In PT in instrument tracks even selecting different tracks the plug in does not change in the MK3 display. The sound will change, but not the image. My main function was to use the new keyboard with all my NKS libraries in ProTools. At one point all my libraries were visible and functional in the MK3 keyboard even with the missing daw control. I would believe new firmware and KK updates would retain the past functions or improve on them? In stand alone the VSL and Symphobia do not load either. In Kontak 7 the Symphobia library will load. This is puzzling to me as we purchase a product based on advertising to work and it does not function?

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