Pro Tools 2023.12 now available: includes official support for Kontrol S MK3

Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,658 mod
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Extended Komplete Kontrol support

Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol support has been updated with the following enhancements:

  • Support for the MK III keyboard
  • Pro Tools will scroll to tracks based on the keyboard selection.
  • Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt can now be loaded into any insert slot (not only the first) to be available from the keyboard

See here:

Thank you to our friends at Avid!


Pro Tools doesn't support MIDI 2.0 yet. For the integration to work with Pro Tools you need to set the keyboard to MIDI 1.0 in the hardware settings and reboot it. On macs, after changing this setting and before switching the keyboard on again, you will need to delete the Kontrol MK3 entry in your Mac's audio MIDI setup (found in Utilities).



  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    I don't think so not yet, to many issues.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,658 mod

    It does include official support - so if you are seeing a particular issue(s), could you create a separate thread where we can help diagnose?

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Already have and a support inquiry. With your included cable and 23.12 and Ventura it does not function. From reading your compatibility chart it states mk3 not Ventura supported. We also need an exact definition of your USB C cable , we need to know all values you use. Also the ability for NI to point out a USB cable that will cover 15’ Not everyone uses a laptop or has a computer right on their desk. Having a problem with a 7.1 Mac Pro Ventura and Pro Tools 23.12. We can run hundreds of feet of cat 6 cable for audio in large live events. NI should figure out to get a 15’ cable with power to run. Your page on the site is not exact enough. Point out an exact cable that is in the market place.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,658 mod

    I am not sure what you mean by Ventura not supported. We support macOS 13.

    Are you on an Apple M1 or M2 machine? If so, it is possibly a USB-C issue.

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Did you read my post? A Mac 7.1 is an Intel Mac Pro. Glad to know your on Ventura now. It is a USB issue, with your cable it still does not control the PT23.12 daw. All firmware up to date everything loaded into the system properly. You should update your site for the new software help description with the new OS. What is the exact output connection of the MK3 ? Is it USB 2 or 3.1, or 4? Is it backwards compatible. The data transfer rates , what is it? The power rating of the cable. What do you need for longer runs? If a power cable used, what wattage? What type of C cable? How many dc volts needed to run?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,658 mod

    I thought you maybe meant you had a 7.1 audio setup, which is why I wanted to clarify your chipset.

    I do not think it is a cable issue though, as I have the shipped cable and am not able to reproduce this issue myself. There is likely another factor here.

    I also don't understand what you mean about updating the software help description.. we already say that we support mac OS 13.5 for Ventura.

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member


    have 9.1.4 for atmos. On your instruction site you have old Mac OS preference not the Ventura OS . That’s fine all loaded properly. However you skipped right over the cable question. And no it won’t run the daw in ProTools. Perhaps you can read the complete post and answer the questions.

    who can we reach in tech support. I would like to use this in a professional environment. However to buggy at this time. And no It doesn’t function correctly with a Mac 7.1 in Pro Tools 23.12 on Ventura OS even with your cable.

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Ok found the issue.. in Ventura audio midi set up it lists the 49mk3 ; main, DAW, EXT. In Protools 23.12 when you select peripherals, it shows the 49mk 3, but it only shows selectable main and EXT ? No DAW. When you double click on the 49mk3 in the midi studio set up, it lists: main / DAW / EXT. It will not allow DAW to be applied. It will automatically select main or EXT which of the two I have selected in midi in Pro Tools. Is this an Avid issue not having DAW in their software or is this on NI ? How can I load the DAW selection into Pro Tools. Is this a software Loading issue or a missing condition?

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    If anyone is following I’m updating as I believe it is important. Tech support reached out to try and resolve this issue. If anyone is on a 7.1 Intel Mac Pro on Ventura, if you go to preferences in your set up does your mk3 show Main / DAW/ EXT ? My system only shows main and ext. Everything loaded correct in complete disk access. The latest Native Access and all the updates installed. Also using their supplied 6.6’ cable. At this time it will not function in 23.12. There are M2 Studio users that have had success even with long cable runs. Any one had success with a 15’ or 16.4 out of a 7.1? I realize 23.12 just out allowing Komplete Kontrol and the new mk3 keyboards however this needs to be tested and resolved. NI let’s give an exact USB C cable , the USB ratings 2, 3, 4 , Thunderbolt, the frequency ratings, 10g, 20g, 40g ? How about power ratings, 40w, 60w, 100w, 240w ? Current 3A , 5A. Hopefully we can get some exact answers. Happy Holidays!

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    This is a great forum, was able to search and found a USB C cable at 15’ that works without power. Thank you a lot of great info here. However still on issue in midi with pro Tools 23.12 that the mk3 is seen only as main or ext, no daw function. Can control KK however no daw control; play / record / stop. All good in Logic. Works fine as a midi keyboard with other VI’s Happy Holidays !

  • Adrian oliver
    Adrian oliver Member Posts: 28 Member

    Still waiting for the FL Studio support ..

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Well I have done exhausting testing in Pro Tool 23.12 Ultimate , Logic Pro 10.8.1 and in Vienna Ensemble Pro Server. This is new software and a new mk3 controller. How ever on a 7.1 Mac Pro Rack HDX3 with Ventura 384 g ram 16 core, 990 pro 4T M2 SSD drives on Sonnet M2 8x4 PCIe Card in x16 slots. There are a lot of issues. Not sure what has been programed into code at this point and there are no exact instructions at this time into Pro Tools. So the experiments were fun. Tested in Logic to verify how it would work in Pro Tools. Here are the issues: No daw control in Pro Tools, cleared PT preferences and Midi set up. Loaded new Native Access and got it to load 49mk3 in peripherals and to self populate inputs and outputs. Complete disk access and start up items as pointed out through research. You can control the browser and the plug in. In Pro Tools you have to select track to record hit 3 on the keyboard and away you go. It's more important to work in the mix and edit window than on a mk3 controller anyway. When your in a instrument tract it won't work with the plug in key on the keyboard, when you enable record on tracks the mk3 will trigger what ever you have pulled up in KK on that track, no visual on the mk3. Logic is about the same way, you loose image, on the Logic screen all the time, but not on the mk3 plug in window. In Vienna Ensemble you have zero mk3 keyboard control. Had Mk1 and MK2 keyboards working for years in the past. This new mk3 keyboard is in question as well, do not know the ram inside or the chip set it needs to be turned on and off to reset it. I know it's all new, unfortunately its more like a toy at this time, than a professional piece of equipment. Spent good money on the smaller keyboard to test before the 88. What are you going to do NI? Good Luck with your future programing, I'm sure you will get it working. Right now we can trigger VI's with it.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,220 mod
  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    Ok reset keyboard open up 23.12 Pro Tools and had daw control. Stop / Play / Record . Had to arm track with mouse click no mk3 keyboard. Was able to use browser / plug-in buttons. However when you tried to go from daw back to plug-in or browser you needed to click on the KK plug in it self on screen to get back to browser / plug-in keys. Closed and saved session , reopened, everything populated, however no daw control. Very interesting is this an Avid issue where they need to upgrade or is this NI? could click back and forth between tracks however the last plug-in loaded on the mk3 would stay up and would not cycle to the other plug-ins. If you selected different tracks with the mouse click and record armed the track you could play the original sound you had selected with the track, but the last plug-in stayed on the mk3 keyboard. All works well in Logic with Complete control, as KK should work. Just updating incase anyone is interested.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @bzone Pro Tools host integration should work, I just checked again, everything is functional. This is what you should see and choose:

    I see that you contacted our support, unfortunately my colleague was not aware that Pro Tools has host integration now. I've updated him and he should get back to you.

    I'm wondering if it could be related to your setup, HDX3, VEP Pro.

    For troubleshooting only, I'd recommend to try with only your MK3 keyboard connected, no other MIDI devices or other control surfaces.

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