Transition between two personal collections

fotispirou Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I have been using tractor pro since 2010 when I already had a quite large music collection, but lately it has become even larger exceeding 103.000 tracks!

I started with a 500Gb disc and now I am on an 4Tb USB 3.0 external HDD mostly filled with flacs. Although I experience a tiny lag when I load a track into decks, my M1 Macbook Pro has no problem dealing with my collection. But since on my dj gigs I use no more than 250 tracks, I though I might shrink my collection for my live sets. That’s why I bought a High-Speed SSD Storage & 10-In-1 Hub with an NVMe SSD Enclosure. In order to avoid buying an 4tb ssd which is quite expensive, I thought that I could buy an 1tb instead and fill it with my mostly used and necessary music files.

My question is this:

Is there an easy way to switch between two collections, one large and one small without messing with file consistency? In that case, would I have to keep the same folder structure on both discs? Meaning that I would keep traktor’s music folder intact and delete all the unnecessary files in the 1tb ssd.

Is there another way? Or a proper way?😍


Best Answer

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    i don't think there's a built-in function to do this specifically, but what you can do is set up traktor so that your library and root dir etc. all point to a specific drive name, and then assign that drive name to the directory that contains the collection you want to work with before you start traktor. it should read the files correctly from either, if they were made with the same version. therein lies the rub, however - updating traktor. i don't know if it's possible to update it twice, once for each collection? because you'd need to update both collections. and since updating traktor with a nonstandard root dir location is not a nice experience even when there's just one of them, this is not something i'd personally look forward to. but that's how I would do it if i had to keep separate collections.


    it might be a better fit for your use case to keep JUST the small collection in traktor and only have the extended set of tracks living outside it. you can configure traktor to store most information in the mp3 files so that when you need to re-add something to the working set, the data is there.


  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    i don't think there's a built-in function to do this specifically, but what you can do is set up traktor so that your library and root dir etc. all point to a specific drive name, and then assign that drive name to the directory that contains the collection you want to work with before you start traktor. it should read the files correctly from either, if they were made with the same version. therein lies the rub, however - updating traktor. i don't know if it's possible to update it twice, once for each collection? because you'd need to update both collections. and since updating traktor with a nonstandard root dir location is not a nice experience even when there's just one of them, this is not something i'd personally look forward to. but that's how I would do it if i had to keep separate collections.


    it might be a better fit for your use case to keep JUST the small collection in traktor and only have the extended set of tracks living outside it. you can configure traktor to store most information in the mp3 files so that when you need to re-add something to the working set, the data is there.

  • Dj-Eric T
    Dj-Eric T Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    hi the flac file are to large and i have converted all to 128 - 441 i use dbpoweramp to convert the files

    to a format that works saving loads of space and works well well.

  • fotispirou
    fotispirou Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thank you for your suggestion, but flacs are large for a reason, which is quality.

  • fotispirou
    fotispirou Member Posts: 8 Member

    If someone could explain what happens when you add another collection to traktor, I think it might help me.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    You may switch collections. Just load collection desired. But it takes time to process. And each collection has its own set of playlists.

    I do not switch collections back and forth, but few times it has happened that something went wrong and collection used was "corrupted" (missing playlists, missing tracks in playlists, maybe more....), so I have been forced to load one of backup collections that Traktor aumatically makes.

    So, what you desire might work. The only question is, how long it takes to switch.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    This is why i wrote what I wrote above. Switching the contents of the directory does not re-import the collection, so there's no additional time that switching would take

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    Switching content of directory could probably work, but one has to try to be sure....

    If the info is also stored in tracks one would have to synchronize the content and so on. IMHO, if one is not cautious and precise in synchonizing the content, he would run sooner or later into the problem....

    Just try, and you will see. I guess Traktor does not have the possibility to switch collection without rescanning on reason....

    Maybe it would be better to install Traktor twice..., but still consistency would be problem....

    Only if you have smaller set of tracks on PC and the rest on PC or external disc, it could work fine.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    yeah, it would be difficult to keep the two collections in sync. as i said, it might be better to only keep the smaller set as a collection, and draw from the larger set as needed

  • sweeney.b
    sweeney.b Member Posts: 13 Member

    Why dont you export the songs what you need by adding to a playlist then exporting the nml file plus tracks onto a separate drive then open Traktor on a new user account on your computer and plug in external or usb drive

  • sweeney.b
    sweeney.b Member Posts: 13 Member

    and convert your flacs to 320 mp3

  • Member Posts: 175 Advisor

    Just to check if you have reformatted your external storage as GUID-APFS, or at least “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)”? Using native macOS file system will speed up file read/write access.

  • Joan GT
    Joan GT Member Posts: 13 Member

    There is a platform that is used to manage DJ software libraries called MIXO, which I have started using and would be useful for what you want to do. It is based on having a data cloud so you can manage your library between several devices and everything updated as you want. Take a look.

  • Gully B
    Gully B Member Posts: 14 Member

    I'm about to attempt a similar thing as my 1TB 2014 Macbook Pro is almost out of storage, and I'm about to upgrade to a new M3 Pro :D

    My situation is the same, I've got about 65,000 tracks, but I probably only use <1000 on a regular basis as a DJ. So I'd keep everything on my old machine as an archive incase I ever needed them in the future, but want to transfer the playlists and tracks to my new machine without making duplicate files (as some tracks appear in different playlists).

    Could somebody confirm if my theory would work please?

    1. Make one master traktor playlist on my current machine, like 'DJ Music'.
    2. Export this playlist and copy the files to destination, on an external hardrive.
    3. Export the other playlists I need as NML files only.
    4. Copy master folder 'DJ music', onto my new machine from the external hardrive.
    5. Start a new collection on my new machine, and drag/drop the 'DJ music' folder into the collection.
    6. Import the data from 'playlists' NOT 'files'.
    7. Drag/Drop the other playlist NML files into Traktor.

    Would everything be where it should be? So all the files will play, and still keep the original cue points/loops etc?

    Thank you, and if I'm correct in the theory, then hopefully this might be a helpful solution too!

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