Maschine+ will be great if... (feature requests)



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Groups, projects....I'm still not used to the different names used by NI :-)

  • Eric Rabb
    Eric Rabb Member Posts: 47 Helper

    @ozon I definitely agree, I currently use and or proficient in 4 DAW’s currently, I’d just be nice to use one instead of bouncing around a bit. Well I agree to your customers remark. But here in the states, the customer is always right and it’s applicable in this sense of the amount of requests and time and time it takes for turnaround. Make no mistake we as customers definitely aren’t bosses, but if any customers on any platform or products, including this one where issues aren’t addressed, customers usually leave. Again I love NI ❤️! As I’m sure most surfers on here do too. A timeline would do wonders for the infinity wait loop that were currently in.

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro

    Where even IS the feature request thread area in this new format? I can’t seem to find it

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    There isn't any specific feature request area yet on this community. Here's what I wrote on this thread:

    Where are the feature requests? 

    Feature requests have not yet been added to the general structure of the new community. For now, you can only find one section offering feature requests and it is hosted in the Traktor Pro Public Beta. We're currently evaluating how to best approach this aspect of our community and we will be sharing more information about our ideas very soon. 

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Some really great suggestions on improving, stabilizing, nice-to-haves, etc. but for me there's one thing that really needs some attention is the Maschine+ and Maschine software integration. So yes, M+ is already a great piece of hardware when used as a standalone DAW. Some things are better on MPC or other devices, but overall the M+ is a powerful and feature rich instruments.

    What I'm missing is a monkey proof hardware - software integration. A happy flow could be:

    • Start with an out-of-the-box M+ and using only on-board instruments and standard library. Noting more, nothing less.
    • Make music, sketch-out some ideas, sampling, tweaking, etc. (yes I know, there's room for improvement).
    • Connect it to a computer with the Maschine software installed: hello, there are some differences between the projects and patches on your M+ so let's get in sync first. After that, would you like to continue in controller mode?
    • Maschine DAW opens with all M+ projects, patches, samples, etc. available... simply continue making music with your M+ as a controller. Using the larger computer screen, and:
    • Add some additional VST instruments to the project, or use some (incompatible) Expansions. Simply, continuing to be creative... maybe a (mute-able) notification when something isn't compatible with the M+, but that's it.
    • I'm done, so let's get the M+ in sync again: differences found, would like to install used Expansions and compatible instruments (if storage available) and but mute / hide parts that are not compatible, or would you like to rename this project and keep it as desktop-only?
    • After syncing take your M+ back to the couch or someplace else to use it stand-alone. When continuing on an 'upgraded' project, all incompatible tracks / parts are muted. Of course it would be nice to (temporarily) switch them to 'internal' instruments and patches, so you can use them as a placeholder / preview. Another solution would be to (manually) render them to an audio track and sync that, too.

    Maybe I'm completely missing the point here or maybe there's some other forum topic on this that I'm simply not aware off... or maybe I really should RTFM again. But for now, this is what I'm missing and really would love to see somewhere on the roadmap.



  • nxtseq
    nxtseq Member Posts: 22 Member

    Converting / Playing a stereo sample mono left or mono right. Or just something like Ableton's Utility. (drop an effect on, choose left / right or mono sum etc. etc.) This is something I can't understand why isn't possible on the Maschine+.

    This is for me the most frustrating thing when working with the Maschine. Example: Sometimes you just want the information that is present on the left channel and work with that. Why isn't this available on a groovebox / sampler?

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro
    edited February 2022

    Being able to "star" favorites is one of my absolute favorite features in Maschine and KK, especially considering the incredible amount of great content in the expansions and product presets across the NI ecosystem. (In fact, this ability was one of the main determinants for me when I switched from MPC to Maschine.)

    But if I could make a couple of humble suggestion to improve this:

    1. Allow favorites to be shared across multiple NI devices, especially Maschine SW and Maschine Plus as well as Komplete Kontrol software, and computers (I use my products across multiple systems with the same username but of course only one at a time). In an ideal world maybe the NI back end could sync all of those favorites based on the user's name/ID? (I know I mentioned this in a separate thread but the moderator suggested I add it to this one too. And yes, I understand it's tricky but it would be a great feature.)

    2. It would also be a great enhancement if we could have more than one toggle/flag/type for favorites, say three would be nice (perhaps A/B/C or */**/*** or even better one of the standard 16 colors). Like most people I use starred favorites on kits, sounds etc. as a way of indicating that I like something and at some point would like to be able to get back to. But sometimes I also want to be able to highlight an item which I want to use in a current song. Or upcoming project. Or for a specific client. Or style. Etc.

    Just a couple of blue-sky proposals from a very enthusiastic customer and NI evangelist. 😉

  • Sofine
    Sofine Member Posts: 4 Member

    It would be fantastic if we could run different modes on Maschine+ and the Jam at the same time. Currently they are tied together, so that engaging one mode on the M+ forces that same mode onto the Jam.

  • Analog Sol
    Analog Sol Member Posts: 18 Member

    Great ideas! I love my Maschine + but I have my feature request list too

    • Filter plugin In Low pass mode currently cannot be set high enough for an unaffected signal to pass
    • Favorite tags made on Maschine + and computer should stay in sync
    • Ability to tag samples , groups, sounds etc all from M+ hardware
    • Needs a good analog tape delay emulation plugin
    • Ability to midi learn parameters directly from M+ hardware so we can add more hands on knobs and faders without having to use the computer
    • ability to assign more than one parameter to a macro knob. With amount for each parameter. This would be super helpful when playing live. (Like in Massive, Ableton etc)
    • Option to save cc midi mapping in groups and have it remembered when the group is next loaded
    • Probability amount for each note. Like the “conditional trigs” in Elektron boxes
    • Compressor to show gain reduction meter
    • Compressor to use a more traditional Ratio knob rather than Amount
    • Text search option for samples, instruments etc in the browser

  • rupert.bates
    rupert.bates Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Modulators! Like they have in Bitwig, let us use LFOs, envelopes etc to modulate any (or certainly most) parameters within Maschine. This would be an absolute game changer for creativity.

    For anyone reading this who doesn't get what I'm talking about take a look here:

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @Analog Sol wrote:

    Filter plugin In Low pass mode currently cannot be set high enough for an unaffected signal to pass

    Same for the Hi Pass filter! Starts way too high.

    Favorite tags made on Maschine + and computer should stay in sync

    Definitely +1

    Ability to tag samples , groups, sounds etc all from M+ hardware

    This is probably not so easy and a UI nightmare. I'd prefer to have a better editor on the computer and some sort of capable Expansion Builder App.

    Needs a good analog tape delay emulation plugin

    There's a Roland Space Echo emulation in the Reaktor User Library which actually can be made to work on the M+.

    Ability to midi learn parameters directly from M+ hardware so we can add more hands on knobs and faders without having to use the computer


    ability to assign more than one parameter to a macro knob. With amount for each parameter. This would be super helpful when playing live. (Like in Massive, Ableton etc)

    This is not an M+ request but for Maschine in general. Being used to Macros from Massive, I actually expected this feature and was quite surprised to find Maschine works differently.

    Option to save cc midi mapping in groups and have it remembered when the group is next loaded

    +1 (could be considered as bug)

    Probability amount for each note. Like the “conditional trigs” in Elektron boxes

    General Maschine Request but definitely +1000

    Compressor to show gain reduction meter

    Compressor to use a more traditional Ratio knob rather than Amount

    Also more of a general Maschine Request than M+ specific.

    Text search option for samples, instruments etc in the browser

    That could be helpful, although again it is a bit difficult with the current limited text input options.

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    Ability to tag samples , groups, sounds etc all from M+ hardware

    " This is probably not so easy and a UI nightmare. I'd prefer to have a better editor on the computer and some sort of capable Expansion Builder App. "

    For the tagging of samples, at the moment it would be nice if it was done automatically (like on cosmos) when importing a sample bank. At least for the type of sound. It would reduce the tedious work of tagging considerably.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Auto tagging would be a start. Better than nothing at all. Cosmos is quite good but it gets things wrong sometimes too.

    Of course the tagging thing wouldn't be as necessary if M+ had the ability to search. Lack of search was one of the biggest surprises for me when I bought it.

    I have a large collection of old Akai samples from owning an S900, then S1000, then MPC1000. They're on my M+ card but not being able to search is a big restriction. Tagging them would take forever.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 213 Pro

    It is selfish request, but if M+ had Replika XT and Super Charger XT I would be able to trade projects from M+ to Software much easier. These plugs are my favorite NI FX, they are pretty darn perfect and would be powerful in standalone.

    also, the ability to put an LFO with sync on any parameter would be amazing.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    I'm a huge fan of the Projects on Maschine as learning tools so I would love to see the NKI audio preview of projects fixed. (It is the only category in the browser that doesn't have previews to my knowledge.) 🙏

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