Maschine+ ~1 year with no updates = abandonware



  • cal
    cal Member Posts: 30 Helper
    edited December 2023

    Certainly - PC operating systems are the most glaringly obvious example but you have phones, games, smart watches, MP3 players, game consoles, home alarm systems, musical instruments, GPS and even entire houses run on tech that require updates. Cars now have add on features you can unlock behind firmware. Then theres TV's, washing machines, coffee makers, childrens toys, fitness machines, thermostats, and, if you get it wrong, you get microwaves thinking their steam ovens lol (

    More seriously there are FDA guidelines on how to update firmware on lifesaving medical devices, thats how pervasive this is (

    The worlds largest air defense system gets software updates regularly. ( )

    Our entire digital world is reliant on prompt, functional upgrades to firmware. Pretty much anything that runs on it has been getting updates to stay relevant for around two decades give or take, I'm not sure how you missed this but I got to ask: does the light hurt your eyes when you venture out the cave?!

    J/K but this is the world we live in now. Its just silly to ignore that, the paradigm you're thinking of ended some time ago.

    You also have to remember that not everyone in here is just a casual beatmaker or enthusiast. A lot of the folks in here are operating within a professional studio enviroment as part of an ongoing commercial concern with all the attendant pressures, deadlines and budgetary constraints which that entails. Some people cannot just be a sanguine about waiting on a vague promise of it getting things fixed at a later date because this is their livelihood, thats why you sometimes see people getting so angry.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Yeah I thought that might happen. Once your statement gets challenged, you move the goalposts.

    So now it's not "any tech", but only tech that has firmware. I wouldn't mind betting that if do some research and find some tech whose firmware has never been updated, you'll move the goalposts again.

    Again though, you can't possibly know that every firmware based product released in 20 years has had an update. Prove it.

    Nice try. No cigar.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited December 2023

    @cal wrote

    Our entire digital world is reliant on prompt, functional upgrades to firmware. Pretty much anything that runs on it has been getting updates to stay relevant for around two decades give or take, I'm not sure how you missed this

    Hm. The only devices I remember to have or used to have regular firmware updates are hardware synths, and those are all less than twenty years old (Elektron, Access). Some Mac models received firmware updates, but that was a very rare case. Oh, and the vacuum cleaner robot, which was another of those modern unfinished products.

    IME, AFAIR, pretty much nothing older than ten years received „regular firmware updates to stay relevant“. The product is what it is the moment you buy it.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited December 2023

    Impatience on both sides of the equation (impatient bosses/stockholders of devs + impatient end users) doesn't make any of this easier either

    All I can say is, it is what it is. Sell everything you have issues with until you find a setup/system that gives you what you want, life is too short. Professionals are responsible for their own tool choices, not the manufacturers who compete on the tool industry

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