Any further news on comparability with Sonoma

MLW Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Unfortunately I was on Monterey and downloaded a security update two days after Sonoma was introduced.My Mac Pro M1 silicon died and had to get it revived.As a result there was only one choice given by Apple and it was to install Sonoma only. My native keyboard doesn’t work and instruments won’t upload.Only positive is already recorded native instrument show and play back. what a pain it is.Apple technicians advised that you can’t go back as it wipes the computer of everything and you have to start again.Ok going forward.

Best Answers

  • felipeazucares
    felipeazucares Member Posts: 38 Member
    Answer ✓

    Yes - come on NI - these OS's have been around since June!

  • MLW
    MLW Member Posts: 13 Member
    Answer ✓

    That’s good news glad you have some change. Mine is also working with the Kontakt 7.7 update with Sonoma. Just a few sync issues with my Native S60 keyboard otherwise recording nicely.

  • reffahcs
    reffahcs Member Posts: 874 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Same here. M2 Studio, had constant crashes with Kontakt when I was running 13.x so I figured I might as well update. With the latest updates from NI and 14.1.1 I no longer have system crashes/kernel panics.

    I had some minor issues when I moved all the NA content to an external drive, there were a handful of items that NA said it had to repair. Not really sure why, but it was easy enough to just reinstall/repair them.



  • felipeazucares
    felipeazucares Member Posts: 38 Member
    Answer ✓

    Yes - come on NI - these OS's have been around since June!

  • MLW
    MLW Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks for your support Felipeszucares.😂

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited November 2023

    All NI Sonoma news can be found here:

    macOS 14 Sonoma Compatibility Statement – Native Instruments (

    And - for those who think this has been out since June - the version of Somoma (preview) that was out in June - apparently changed significantly (thanks to Apple) between then and Sept 26 - causing all audio vendors to scramble.

    While I am not going to defend NI's testing schedules - they do have a ton of stuff to test.

    FWIW - pretty much all other third-party vendors still do not support Sonoma as of this writing.

    Finally - any Mac user should know to stay away from any new MacOS release until at least the ".2" milestone has been reached AND they can confirm with 100% certainty that all their software (from main DAW to every plugin) have been vendor tested for compatibility.


  • Tomboman
    Tomboman Member Posts: 66 Helper


    Sometimes, you don't have a chance - The new Macbook Pros with M3 come with Sonoma, you can't install something else, so you NEED compatibility, otherwise you can't use the software at all

    @MLW There is no Mac Pro M1 by the way ;)

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert

    you NEED compatibility

    ....but you don't NEED to buy that computer. 😁

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited November 2023


    "Sometimes, you don't have a chance - The new Macbook Pros with M3 come with Sonoma, you can't install something else, so you NEED compatibility, otherwise you can't use the software at all"

    And someone twisted your arm to buy that new MB pro? Or it was somehow required?

    Or maybe you just assumed all software that you might use was already magically supported in the real world?

    The "choice" (in this case) is to buy an M3 - well AFTER every piece of software you currently use - is actually tested and declared supported by each vendor to run properly on Sonoma.

    You always have a choice.


  • MLW
    MLW Member Posts: 13 Member

    Today I downloaded Kontakt 7.7 on my Mac Pro m1 silicon using OS 14 Sonoma and Komplete came up in native instruments and working. My native S60 mk2 keyboard is also working since the K7.7 download and synching with Logic and internal instruments.Haven’t tested everything yet but it’s progress.

    @Tomboman - your comment “There is no Mac Pro m1 “ Yes there is a Mac Pro m1 silicon I own one then there was 2 and now 3.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert


    "Today I downloaded Kontakt 7.7 on my Mac Pro m1 silicon using OS 14 Sonoma and Komplete came up in native instruments and working."

    "Working" (for you on your machine) does not mean tested, supported or working for anyone else.

    Hopefully no else reads too much into that assumption.

    When NI confirms it has been tested and officially sent thru their Q&A process - then it's working.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    Theres no M1 Mac Pro, it came out on the M2 era... perhaps you're confusing Mac Pro with MacBook Pro?

    @Vocalpoint asked:

    And someone twisted your arm to buy that new MB pro? Or it was somehow required?

    Knowing full well Sonoma is not officially supported if I had to buy a mac laptop now I would 100% buy the latest with the M3 chip and I'd would still come here to ask for official support, as one should. Theres no way in hell I'd buy a slower computer for the same price as more modern one just because theres some bugs with Sonoma and NI.

    But more importantly, nothing stops anyone from downgrading the OS the computer comes with... So it's a non-issue to start with.

    Sometimes you do... i had to get an M1 when my old intel started crapping it's pants, I wish i could have waited until now and got the M3.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert


    "Knowing full well Sonoma is not officially supported if I had to buy a mac laptop now I would 100% buy the latest with the M3 chip and I'd would still come here to ask for official support, as one should. "

    That's the part I do not get - why would anyone "have" to buy a Mac laptop? Unless they have absolutely nothing I suppose?

    But regardless - it is pointless if almost everything is still unsupported.

    "But more importantly, nothing stops anyone from downgrading the OS the computer comes with... So it's a non-issue to start with"

    That's what I thought too - but some folks in here seem to think that what they get - is what they have to stay on.


  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor

    I don't think you can downgrade the OS on a Mac to an OS lower than the one that was installed. So when you get an M3, you can not install Ventura, since it came preloaded with Sonoma. If you buy an M1 or M2, you should be able to downgrade from Sonoma to an earlier OS.

    People that bought an M3 are basically stuck with Sonoma.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023


    That's the part I do not get - why would anyone "have" to buy a Mac laptop? Unless they have absolutely nothing I suppose?

    I guess each person will have their own reasons but usually folks upgrade when their current computer is getting too slow / old to run a certain OS or Software/HW, etc... Or maybe one simply wants more CPU for more tracks, fx, etc.

    The argument that one doesn't "have" to do something can be used for everything: do you have to use a vehicle to travel long distances? No, you can go on foot, or buy a horse instead. 😅 Ridiculous example but you get my point.

    In my case it had a dual-core intel CPU that was not up to part with what I needed it to be able to handle anymore, especially in the hot summer festival season, so I had no choice - My laptops function is just to be used live so it really cant have any performance issues that can embarrass me in front of a crowd. I'm a desktop guy, I hate having to buy laptops but I really have to do it every 6-8 years.

    But regardless - it is pointless if almost everything is still unsupported.

    It's really not tho, 'not officially supported' doesn't necessarily mean unsupported to a point things don't work, often it's a way for companies to protect themselves from being spammed with little bugs and whatnot while they run those complicated thorough tests.

    I'm only on Sonoma on my Desktop (I don't use it live so i can risk it) - everything I have works except Native Access, Firefox and one 3d printing SW, i have tons of hobbies besides music... Electronics, SW development, 3D, illustration, Video, Photo Editing, CAD/CNC, so you can imagine how much SW i have... 98% of what I have works fine.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    You can, it doesent matter what comes preloaded.

    You need a clean install, meaning making a bootable USB with the installation for Ventura, boot from it, wipe the SSD and install. It's not that hard, a quick google search will tell people what to do.

    When M1 chips first came out you couldn't downgrade the OS it came with because it had the first MacOS version compatible with Apple Silicon, that's not a problem anymore.

  • MLW
    MLW Member Posts: 13 Member

    So when I purchased my M1 in 22 it came with Ventura.When I used my WD passport to transfer files from my iMac not all music applications worked and I had to download everything all over again eg 300 waves plugins Native Instruments etc. I think you know where I’m going it takes ages and is time consuming and then some didn’t work due to bugs others missing.

    When my M1 died on me Sonoma was the only choice as it was wiped.Yes you can go back but don’t expect all your applications to be there,no guarantee Time Machine will do its job.This is what Apple engineers advised me after it was wiped.So I stuck with Sonoma.Ok not everyone will decide to do that.Two days after Sonoma was introduced Waves came out and all plugins were compatible with Sonoma as well as Eventide,Newfangled Audio and more.I wouldn’t have updated in normal circumstances had my M1 died on me.You cannot rely on companies to upgrade in a timely way.You have to go elsewhere and buy what does work to continue whatever you are doing in your music especially when you have contracts to meet and deadlines.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert


    "It's really not tho, 'not officially supported' doesn't necessarily mean unsupported to a point thing don't work, often it's a way for companies to protect themselves from being spammed with little bugs and what not while they run those complicated thorough tests."

    Well - each to their own. If a user just decides to install Sonoma just because it "runs" - without caring what the impact is (or might be) - it's on them to figure it out.

    I do not need vendor support very often - but when I do - it's a relief. However - installing something like a major OS upgrade - while practically nothing is supported for it - is a risk that I would not take with my work.


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