Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor

    One thing that I realized when toggling configurations between KK 2.9.6 and KK V3.0.1 and comparing the behavior of the standalone application after startup:

    In KK V2.9.X the application was always continuing there where you had left off the last time. In other words, in case you were browsing presets located in the "user library", the next time KK was opening again in "user" mode and you could immediately continue working (btw. that also applied to the "vendor" vs. "category" selection which sadly doesn't exist anymore in KK 3.0.1).

    Nevertheless, in KK 3.0.1 it seems no setting at all is saved anymore. The application always launches with the "standard NI library" selected in the first place, regardless of what you had opened in your last session before closing your standalone KK.


    Could you please re-implement the old behavior please? Personally I really appreciated that feature. Thanks in advance.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru
  • Psalmster
    Psalmster Member Posts: 12 Member

    I see my issue now (even from 2.94). As "pads" in the "Character" menu only has 2 entries, when left engaged and then "Synth Pads" in the "Sound Type" menu is searched, only 1 sound shows up that is both a "Synth Pad" and a "pads".

    Rare-user mistake.

    Sorry for my carelessness.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Ah that makes sense

    Like I said NKS creators should not even be using ‘Pads’ as a category so it’s bound to limit results

  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 24 mod

    Hey @igesoid,

    When you upgrade again, could you post any crash logs you get under

    C:\Users\'your user name'\Documents\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol\Crashlogs\

    In a post here with a brief description of what you were doing with the software when it happened.

    Thank you!

  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 24 mod

    Thanks for mentioning this @B.Minor just talking with the team about this at the moment and how it should affect the next feature updates we are bringing out as well.

    The thought process here is if you were using a small amount of Komplete Kontrol instances remembering the state is useful, but maybe if you were using dozens to hundreds it would be confusing for the application to keep opening on different screens.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    I want to add a +1,000 to what @vash1122 says above. As an IT manager (yeah, I still use that term, even though everybody is a product owner or orchestrator or some other thing these days) and before that a DBA, programmer, and developer, I can say that NOTHING will put a person on my "bad" list like somebody who disses my team without cause. Even saying something like "I don't think they're musicians like they were in the past" is mean and may even reveal one's ignorance.

    @Matthew_NI , I feel you man. 100% respect for your defense of your team. By the way, congrats on spinning up QT; I agree that it is key to faster future improvements.

    To everybody else...yeah, yeah, I'm 8 pages behind on this thread. But all of this stuff, or at least a great majority of it, is going to get fixed. We are not dealing with "old NI". I know this because I've been here since Komplete 2. I've been through all the insulting radio silence. I've been through the terminations of B4-II, Akoustik, Elektrik, Kore 2, Rig Kontrol, and who knows what else. I've been through the ham-handed decisions of the old NI. And this ain't that!

    This is a new team and I'm confident that they are trying to do the right thing, starting with better priority-setting and backlog management (as evidenced by Matthew's posts here), and continuing with better communication to the customer base.

    I'll tell you something else too: Nobody ever likes the "MVP" (Minimum Viable Product in "Agile" terms), but that's a concept that just isn't going to go away; it's how work gets done in many companies now, and quite frankly, KK 3.0 is right at that MVP level. Everybody hates it, which is absolutely normal! And of course, who wouldn't hate getting a skateboard when they really want a sports car? Or getting a paper airplane when they wanted a fighter jet? But that's just how this stuff works in the current era.

    Assuming that Corporate doesn't start making everybody attend too many non-productive meetings, start reducing staff, or otherwise elbow their way into the KK dev teams' day-to-day work, these teams just need TIME. It's just going to take some time for them to get a few more sprints under their belts. BIG success only comes from multiple and repeated small individual successes. Week by week, and sprint by sprint.

    I for one am willing to give the team some more time. This is a new NI. They're trying to do the right thing, so I believe every one of us should give some grace. The LAST thing we want to have happen is to give them cause for losing heart. Because once a team loses heart, it doesn't matter HOW good leadership is...because at that point, the hole in the hull is too big to repair before the ship goes under.

    @Matthew_NI , if your team really IS doing CI/CD (Continuous Innovation/Continuous Development), I see success in your future. And I see your team becoming an incubator for bright young developers to become the experts of the future. I wish tailwinds for you going forward, and I'll admit that as a leader, I'm a bit jealous of you, lol!

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 180 Advisor


    Thanks for the answer. I was only talking about the "KK standalone" application, not multiple plugin instances running simultaneously within a DAW (= where the libraries/FX to be opened are anyway saved for each single instance by the DAW itself).

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,081 Expert
    edited November 2023


    "Assuming that Corporate doesn't start making everybody attend too many non-productive meetings, start reducing staff, or otherwise elbow their way into the KK dev teams' day-to-day work, these teams just need TIME"

    100% agree with your analysis - but I think the biggest issue that most of the folks have (that are really cranky about this) is that TIME - has already been expended - possibly for years - when one considers the lead time needed to bring hardware to market (Kontrol Series MKIII).

    While NI will never divulge EXACTLY how much time has been consumed getting from point A (No MKIII) to B (MKIII world release) - it is not a stretch to assume that an extraordinary amount of "time" should also have gone into the MKIII's sole co-pilot on this mission - KK3.

    It is pretty clear to anyone paying any attention right now - that KK3 feels like it was cobbled together in about 3 months and shoved out as is on Oct 12.

    I also have to challenge you calling KK3 an "MVP" too.

    If KK3 is to be considered a "true" upgrade (and it must be if there is any justification for changing from v2 to v3) and as we all found out (quite suddenly on Oct 12) that KK3 is not even KK2's equal at this juncture (bad UI, missing functionality etc etc) - calling KK3 an MVP is not close to being accurate.

    A better label for KK3 (right now) would be a MUV (minimum usable version).

    As of today - KK3 as an MVP (at least for me) does not even exist and the real "upgrade" we were all expecting - a version of KK that justifies a version number increase to "3" and makes an upgrade past KK2 worthwhile - is still way out in the future like circa Fall 2024.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    Yep. I've been asking for a roadmap for YEARS, and we finally have one. Plus it gets rereshed and reiterated every couple weeks. I'll take it, yay!

    I get it when the customers are upset about something, such as a software release that kind of went pear-shaped. But there can be a lot of reasons for that, and much of it might have been unavoidable. Of course, everybody likes to assume that "management" has superpowers of some sort and can guarantee proper staffing levels at all times. But that's almost never true.

    Plus, any kind of cr@p can happen without warning. A team member takes a line-drive to the noggin in his softball league on Saturday (out for 8 weeks with a concussion), another team member ends up sick with covid (out for 1 to 2 weeks; missing a full sprint), a third team member gets himself in a motorcycle accident (we won't know when or IF he's coming back at all), and a fourth team member decides to just quit his job because he wants to make beats all day with Maschine (Oh yeah! This actually happened with one of my team members, LOL); all while you already have two people out on vacation and another one doing offsite training through the end of the current sprint. And then the Investment Team shoves a new hot project at us, saying we have to drop everything and work on this other thing, right when I need to be going into "hiring manager mode" to replace the one who quit, while also getting squared away for the 5th team member who's going in for open heart surgery in just a week or two and has tons of benefits questions.

    The best you can hope for is that all that stuff I listed above doesn't happen all at once...or at least only overlaps a little bit. But really, you don't get much of a choice, do you?

    I count myself fortunate that I've not (yet) had a team member die while working for me. That's harsh. Super harsh, and that team might needs months to recover from the trauma...if they ever do recover, that is.

    This is why I give grace to NI, who no doubt has people working from multiple countries, each with its own set of labor laws. At least they're not keeping secrets from us like they used to. Roadmaps for the win!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    I appreciate your insight, VP. I had no prior experience with "MUP" (Minimum Usable Product), so that's a new point of reference for me, thanks. Learning something every day!

    As for "time being expended", I won't oppose you on that...except to say that when I say time is needed, I'm still not wrong. More time is indeed needed. I'm not here to point fingers, although I do hope that NI does a proper post-mortem analysis on this release. Again, learning something every day, and maybe preventing a future recurrence too; that would be good.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,081 Expert
    edited November 2023


    "I appreciate your insight, VP. I had no prior experience with "MUP" (Minimum Usable Product), so that's a new point of reference for me, thanks. Learning something every day!"

    Like you - I am an IT manager (and developer) and you are bang on. More time - a lot more time - is sorely needed here. I cannot imagine that NI is not doing post-mortem judging by the outcry from the past few weeks on KK3

    Here's hoping this gets turned around with a release (soon) that makes us all go - "Oh - they ARE working on it after all").

    I think we need a noticeable (but easy) win here from NI to make the crew calm down a bit.


  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    I concur! And if they are indeed following a steady sprint cycle (whatever that cycle may be, whether it's a firm 2-week cycle or something different), I'm sure we'll see something this week or maybe next week. CI/CD does not lend itself to looonnggg and complicated sprints. I would even go so far as to say that long sprints are not the same thing as CI/CD.

    If they keep the bites small, we might get two sprints before the US Thanksgiving holiday. And who knows, if they can knock out even a couple of their top-priority backlog items in that amount of time, maybe people can enjoy some football and turkey, right? Of course, not everybody celebrates Thanksgiving, so maybe we can get a sprint on that week.

    Hey, didn't we just have an NFL game in Germany this week? I'm confident that sooner or later, we'll get everybody converted! Nothing beats a good grilled sausage with peppers and onions on game day! 😅

  • igesoid
    igesoid Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    Hi Martin, I just tested with KK 3.0.2 and KK does not crash, but it leaves Reaper in an unresponisible state. I can load KK as FX, browse and preview sound. I also can load them - even if this is way more slower than loading the presets in Kontakt - but it loads. But when I interact with the plugin within KK it freezes after some clicks here and there showhing the loading indicator and game over :/

    So, for that reasons I don't have a KK crashlog :/

    I have to mention, that the KK3 runs (also slow but) stable in Vienna Ensemble Pro 7.

    Some tests with the latest Cubase 12 Version (12.0.70) leaves me alone with suden C12 back to desktop crashes.

    With 2.9.4 it is also slow, but it is absolut stable within Reaper. I have tried both KK versions with a fresh Reaper 7.02 and also with my (not fresh) latest Reaper 6 version. It is the same behaviour with both reaper versions. KK 2.x was also always stable within Cubase 10, 11 and 12.

    For me both KK versions are not realy useable because of the long loading times. As far as I observed it (in Reaper), it "thinks" for at least 30 or more seconds before even loading the sample content. And when lit loads the sampe content it is doing it slower as Kontakt.

    I read somewhere here that V2.8.x might be tha last "fast" loading version, so maybe you shoud do some "diff" the nail that down, because this loading times are a real killer for creativity and inspiration.

    I will for now use KK with VEP to somehow keep the "you can browse, preview, load and manipulate"-dream alive, because I belive that you at NI also want to deliver a useful product. I say you had one usable product with KK 2.8.x but you are - al least for me - heading in the wrong direction.

    Best regards


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,081 Expert
    edited November 2023


    "I read somewhere here that V2.8.x might be the last "fast" loading version, so maybe you should do some "diff" the nail that down, because this loading times are a real killer for creativity and inspiration."

    Seems to me like this could be a Reaper-centric issue as all versions of KK 2.7.x/2.8.x/2.9.x load in about 2 ms in Studio One as an Instrument track.

    If I had to wait 30 secs every time I loaded KK while my DAW "thought about it" - I would be getting a new DAW.


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