Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 282 Pro
    edited October 2023

    With the absence of the 2.x KK preview panel in 3.0, how now can you preview additional sounds and load them into a multi?

    I guess I should say I am on an MK2 assuming this can be done on the MK3 hardware.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert

    Good catch B.Minor.

    I think this is gonna be very helpful for NI to narrow down causes


  • Peachy
    Peachy Member Posts: 1 Member

    Tried version 3.00 didn't like it, hate the need to flip back and forward between the browser and the loaded plugin. The images in the browser all appear blurry. The plugin strip across the top takes up too much room. The KK standalone takes longer to load as do the plugins hosted inside of it, in fact it's just way slower full stop. Typing c when adding or modifying a controller name causes the editor to close, so it's impossible to use the letter "c" in any controller name....

    Rolled back to v2.9

    v3.01 arrived, thought to myself you just need to get used to it mate and upgraded again, but no, it's still a mess... c bug remains, as do all the poorly considered work flow functionality. Going back to v2.9 and avoiding v3 until it improves significantly... Word of warning to others unless you have a Mk3 keyboard do not think v3.0 is an improvement it's not....

  • igesoid
    igesoid Member Posts: 7 Newcomer


    I am also disappointed by the v3.x, becaus it constantly is crashing Reaper. With v2.9 it all runs stable. I am doing this just for fun and nit for as a business, but it is of course annoying, if you had something going an - BANG - Reaper quits an everything is gone.

    Besides that, even if I have (auto) backups every x minutes, it is further more a pain in the a** when loading a backup with mitliple KK-Instance cost several minutes. Thats also the case with 2.9 BUT since this version is not crashing, it happens only once - not good, but I can life with that.

    As a software developer myself, I know, that a x.0.0 version can always be a bit buggy and I also unterstand, that not every combination of OS, DAW and Plugins can't be testet, but I hope that the 3.1.0 will fixed the major stability problems, so NI can concentrate on implementing Features that their users wand/need to be productive and have fun with the products as the had before.

    Best regards.

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 108 Helper

    I don't blame you for being hacked off about this. I;ve had all kinds of problems every time NI decides to 'upgrade' their stuff. It's really unfortunate

    Here's a link where you can choose which 'legacy' versions of KK to install --->

    NI should at least staff up their support since what they do causes so many issues...their disregard for their customers is astounding. Forum members should not have to do personnel should be all over problems like you are having especially since this is how you make $$.

    Hope this helps out. good luck

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod

    For all of you who insist on VST2 version, please read this, because you are wasting your time on something that you will be forced to do, few months later. Maybe is better to consider make this transition (VST2 to VST3) now, while you still have both versions!


    3.0.1 - 2023-10-26

    NOTE: After updating for the first time, please ensure to open the standalone version of Komplete Kontrol 3 and allow a full plug-in scan to complete. This change is necessary to enable Komplete Kontrol 2 and Komplete Kontrol 3 instances to work on the same computer.

    Note long-term support of this solution is not possible, and all users should switch to VST3 over VST2 wherever possible.

    NOTE: VST2 is removed when installing on Windows. If you wish to keep the VST2, please copy the plug-in and move it back to your plug-in folder after installing Komplete Kontrol 3. All users should stop using the VST2, as it will be phased out in the coming months.


    Quick solution:

    • Duplicate your tracks who have VST2 plugin versions (Komplete Kontrol or other plugin)
    • Replace the plugin of the duplicated track with its VST3 Version.
    • Copy plugin preset and all mixer settings of the VST2 version channel, to the VST3 version channel.
    • Delete the VST2 plugin tracks and save your project.
    • Done! Nothing to worry about anymore, for the years to come. ;-)

    Negative aspect: If you have lot of projects, this process could take days to finish.

  • PascalHP HSMR
    PascalHP HSMR Member Posts: 35 Member


    the shortcut is again present in the image.

    I unchecked all VST2 on the preference menu, and I escaped the launch of 3.01.

    I didn't pay attention to the processor level,

    otherwise I will go back to the previous version for the second time.

    Good day to all.

  • Martin_NI
    Martin_NI Product Team Posts: 24 mod

    Hey @igesoid,

    Thanks for the report! Do you have crash logs that you could share or some more details on how to reproduce the crash so we can fix the issue?

  • igesoid
    igesoid Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hi Martin,

    I have reverted to 2.9 at the moment, but I guess I can got to 3.x the next days to reproduce an error and hopefuly find some crashlogs.

    What kind of information do you need?

    Is the use of the NI Support Tool helpful?

    How will update the results to google-drive and send you the link, ok?



  • Psalmster
    Psalmster Member Posts: 12 Member

    Same result confirmed, several weeks later on 3.01, on Oct. 31st. Another Halloween treat is that "Synth Pad" reveals only ONE Preset, also from Hybrid Keys. So, the database on tagging is clearly amiss.

    Also, somehow, most of my VSTs, even NI ones, won't load today after a rescan. Not a problem yesterday. Looks like I'm headed back to v.2 until all is sorted with a major update.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited October 2023

    That is odd, I have thousands for 'Synth Pad' - I would not however expect many for 'Pad' as that is not part of the NKS standard categories so any developer who has used that tag is likely to be in a very small minority (obviously the quality control over adherence to specs is pretty poor, as you can see from the screenshot, however anyone who does use non standard categories runs the risk of anyone doing a search finding just a handful of presets for their non standard category and just for that one plugin - which is stupid)

  • Psalmster
    Psalmster Member Posts: 12 Member

    I agree with all of this!

    Thank you for the clarity.

    NI: Please listen to THIS!

  • Psalmster
    Psalmster Member Posts: 12 Member

    Interesting. I was running the Standalone. Are you also; or within a DAW?

    At the moment, I've just installed 2.9.4 (going backwards) until all is sorted. I don't have time to beta test.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Just standalone

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