Products missing in Native Access



  • Tahoma
    Tahoma Member Posts: 4 Member
    Answer ✓

    My problem fixed after reinstalling NTK Daemon from

    this thread

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @psiagarik And? Did the solutions provided here help at all? Have you contacted our support?

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    My Older Kore 2 Plugin installations like Absinth 4, 5 Guitar rig 3, 4 and Kontakt 3, 4 are missing in NAtive Access 2 and are now running in Demo Mode. So Kore2 is now Useless !!!

    I am Komplete 5 customer and still have the installers - the only problem is that the old versions of massive, fm8, absynth 4, 5 guitar rig 3 and 4 and Kontakt 3 and 4 don’t get activated by native access v2 

    So everything except of kore2 and reaktor 5 are now in Demo Modus and these Plugins wants to run service Center.

    The Plugins are all old versions I have kept in a seperate plugin folder only for kore2.

    Because kore2 doesn’t work with actual versions of these plugins and the older versions are required and also part of kore2. 

    I was able to activate my older versions with Native Access V1 and was able to use the full kore2 experience with every expansions working on Win11 without any problems.

    the last update of kore2 in 2011 was vst2 with 64 bit - so everything perfect so far. 

    Since Native Access V2 I had an cpu upgrade and had to activate all NI products again.

    But I can’t activate the older versions of massive, fm8, guitar rig, absynth and Kontakt because they have been removed in Native Access 2 activation, but they were able to be activated on native Access V1.

    As Komplete 14 CE user - it doesn’t make sense to downgrade to Native Access V1 from V2

    So please Native Access Team - can you integrate these old Service Center Activations from NA V1 to NA V2.

    Also Kore2 is still on NA2 activated but all sounds are now in demo, because it doesn’t recognize the full versions of old NI komplete 5 to Komplete 7 products - like these older massive, fm8 etc versions 

    Native Access 2 has not migrated all activations from native Acces V1 and I don’t want to use a crack to solve this problem on my own.

    I have spent a lot of money for Komplete 5, Kore 1 and Kore 2 and every expensive Kore 2 Expansion 

    More than 3000€ and you have removed these activations. I Know that you have abandoned Kore 2, but Befroe Native Access everything has worked very well on my Win11 64 Bit, much smoother than Komplete Kontrol 2 / 3. Since the activations of the older Plugin Versions are missing, Kore 2 can't edit these soounds anymore, because all of these Plugins like the old Massive version are now in Demo and want to run Service Center.

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    You can forget NI support, maybe it's outsurced to india. I have asked several times the support to integrate the activcations to Native Access but they always reply that Kore2 is a discontinued product from 2011.

    Battery 3, Kontakt 4, Guitar Rig 4 and Reaktor 5.5 are still working and get activated in native access, but older versions of Massive, FM8, Absynth 4 and 5 are only activated in later versions, that don't run in Kore2, because they have changed the presets from KSD sounds to a newer library for Maschine 1. So these products are now running in Demo mode and can't be activated with Service Center. I also tried a downgrade to Native Access 1 but it also can't activate these older versions. Battery 3 has the same age than these Versions of Massive and Fm8, so they should migrate these activations to Native Access.

    They don't get the point that Kore2 and all other plugins are working fine on Win11, the problem is that Service Center has no connection and can't activate these older Plugins:

    They write that Massive, Fm8, etc can be handled by NA, thats right, my actual versions are activated, but not my older Versions I have in a seperate Folder only for Kore. All of these Plugins are working fine, but only in Demo because NI has stopped the activation of Service Center !!!

    That was last answer from NI after many Emails:

    Hello xxx thank you for getting back to me. 

    Please note that you are inquiring about a product that was discontinued several years ago. This product has never been tested on a current operating system and we cannot recommend using it in a contemporary configuration.


    On A Windows 11 system you must use Native Access 1 or preferably 2 in order to activate your software. 


    For products like: "massive, fm8, guitar rig, absynth and Kontakt" - These can all be handled by NA1/2


    Unfortunately Kore 2 was discontinued in 2011 and is not officially supported on Windows Vista and higher.


    Kore 2 should still work on Windows 10 despite not being officially supported anymore.


    You can download the Kore 2 installer here:



    Be sure to install the Kore 2 2.1.4 update that is available here:



    Opening Native Access afterwards should activate it.


    Older legacy products may require an an activation via Service Center which is unfortunately not possible on Windows 11, the activation is not removed but it is accessible via a compatible operating system. 

    Please note that Absynth 4, Guitar Rig 3 and 4, and Kore2 are legacy products and are not compatible with your system. 

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited October 2023

    It would appear to me that your only way to get old stuff working would be to have two setups, where one would be for the old type setup and one for the new type stuff , and then when/if all up and running then take backup and then keep that at that state.

    Anyway , it is the same kind of discussion as with the Komplete S-series MK1 EOL. With all the stuff going on with software , OS , computer hardware , keyboards , whatever , then you should expect that things breaks eventually despite you pouring a lot of money into it.

    Quote : "I am Komplete 5 customer" ! Wow , wish it were me that had had the money to have been onboard that long ! But maybe you ought not expect e.g. V5 to keep playing along with he new stuff ? Maybe be give the old version it's own sandbox and then leave it at that ? Don't get me wrong , few knows better than I about holding on to your beloved old stuff but one can only expect to be able to use it for so long then because of changes in newer OS and software then it is bye bye...

  • sacer11
    sacer11 Member Posts: 60 Helper

    I have done much updates like Komplete 7, 8 ultimate, 9 ultimate, 12 CE and now 14CE.

    my problem i that i have lot of projects from the past that i still use for inspiration or to do a rework. The problem wouldn’t be solved with a new and old system, because everything works fine on my win11 system.

    the only problem is NI that have shut down authorisation. There are still a lot of products like battery 3 with the same age, that are still activated by Native Access, but a lot of others can’t be authorised anymore.

    they have shut down service Center and some very old products like b4, Pro 53 have been removed from their authorisation system. Most others should be migrated to Native Access but they have migrated nearly nothing to NA.

    they are only focused to sell new products, their backward compatibility is a kick in the ass.

    Every Komplete you get a new major version, like Kontakt 7 or Guitar rig 7 and have to keep older versions on your system to open older projects. but now they have shut down the authorisation for these older versions. It would be no problem to let Kontakt 7 open older Kontakt 3 projects, they would sound the same. Instead you need many versions of guitar rig, absynth, Kontakt, Maschine and Reaktor on parallel in

    After giving up the NI support, the only solution would be to crack, but I don’t want to have something like that on my system. The problem is that actual massive and FM8 and Avsynth 5 versions are in Native Access, but older versions that are needed for Kore2, don’t get any activation and want to run service Center. It would be no problem for NI to integrate these activations. They don’t care how much money you have paid in the past, they have changed developers into PR and marketing.

    there is no other company that has shut down activations after 10 years. I am feeling robbed.

    Komplete 5 together with kore 2 and all expansions was very expensive, around 3000€

    I don’t expect any update nor some backward compatibility- but shutting down their authorisation system is a kick in the ass.

    Komplete 14 CE will stay my last update - I am done

  • o.berg4
    o.berg4 Member Posts: 9 Member

    I feel your pain - sometimes support pages can be a maze. Did you try reaching out to NI through social media?

  • proteus1712
    proteus1712 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Additionaly For Windows: Afterwards start NI Access with admin rights - then it worked for me.

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Then delete the following .xml file:

    Native Access.xml

    Restart your computer and Native Access afterwards.

This discussion has been closed.
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