Kontakt 7.6 - always opens in old Libraries view?

TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I just updated to Kontakt 7.6 and it always opens in the pre-7.x "instrument rack" view. It is not remembering the state of showing the newer v7 search browser.

So every time I open a new instance, I need to click the little book icon next to the Kontakt logo.

I read the release notes but it sounds like remembering the last view was intended to be improved?

Is anyone else seeing this too?

Best Answer

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    In the plugin you can do this now:

    So do it :) Set Kontakt's view settings (virtual keyboard, single/rack view, side pane visibility, etc.) and then store it as default with this option.

    Note that these visibility settings are now stored per instance from now on, this is one of the bullet points in K7.6 changelog.



  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    In standalone try switching to minimized mode and open the new browser. Close it and now it should re-open with the browser activated.

    I know that's not what you want, but that's all I got! 😀

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    @Gee_Flat Strangely the view persists with standalone, but NOT with the plugin version! Are you seeing that too?

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    I'm not currently using 7.6 as a plugin, so I can't verify. I still use K6.

    I only use the Factory library and a few other instruments, so I really don't need the new browser.

  • Pete Lazegla
    Pete Lazegla Member Posts: 3 Member

    I have the same here. Also 7.6 is not opening in Studio One v 6.5. Is there a way to go back to Kontakt 7.5?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    What exactly is happening when you drag an instance of K 7.6.0 into Studio One? Error? Crash? Nothing?

    Not exactly sure what you mean by "not opening".


  • Pete Lazegla
    Pete Lazegla Member Posts: 3 Member

    I can drag Kontakt in the song in trackview. But clicking on it does not open the plugin. So you cannot choose a library to use. I can drag midi to the track. But because there is no library/sound you don’t hear anything. Also opening an excisting song with K 7.6 in it does not show Kontakt in the trackview. That track has gone. It does show in channel view. But then it is greyed out and I cannot change that. As I have over 300 songs with Kontakt in it I would like to return to a previous version of Kontakt. Is there a place where I can download it?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    "I can drag Kontakt in the song in trackview. But clicking on it does not open the plugin"

    When I drag K7 into an empty song - the actual K7 interface opens, and I am presented with an "empty" Kontakt shell. And then can proceed to selecting a library. Matter of fact - ANY VST dragged into a session will behave the same - drag, drop and the instrument opens.

    Now you say "But clicking on it does not open the plugin"

    Where exactly are you clicking? There is a very specific area that must be clicked to actually open the plugin. You cannot just click anywhere.

    I am almost suspecting that Kontakt 7.6 is not even installed correctly.

    Please open Native Access and confirm that Kontakt 7 is actually installed and activated.

    Then in Studio One - click on View->Plugin Manager and find a button (lower right) that says - Remove Plugin Settings. Click it and then confirm that you want Studio One to restart and do a FULL scan. This will take several minutes but will completely reset the S1 plugin database and refresh all installed plugins.

    If Kontakt 7 is still not behaving after this - you may need to submit a support ticket to Presonus.


  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓

    In the plugin you can do this now:

    So do it :) Set Kontakt's view settings (virtual keyboard, single/rack view, side pane visibility, etc.) and then store it as default with this option.

    Note that these visibility settings are now stored per instance from now on, this is one of the bullet points in K7.6 changelog.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,213 mod

    Will this also fix the problems in Logic with the search bar passing info to Logic?

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    No, that's a bug on Apple side they will fix in subsequent OS updates.

  • Gorilla Texas
    Gorilla Texas Member Posts: 42 Member

    It's simpler to go back to Studio One 6.2.1 as I have no issues with Kontact I'm playing with 7.6 now

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,213 mod

    I think it helps though - I found previously as long as I keep the window size constant inside Logic I can use the search fine in Logic, it's only when I resize it in Logic I get keystrokes passed to Logic, but now I can set a default size it makes Kontakt responsible for retaining windows size info and even after I resize manually, if I set it back to a default and restart Logic the bug goes away

    TORLEY Member Posts: 93 Helper

    @EvilDragon OOH LA LA! You to the rescue! Thanks very much for the tip to "Set view settings as default".

  • xgman1
    xgman1 Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited November 2023

    This does not work, Even after set as default, you STILL have to click on Library to get the old Library Rack view. I don't like this new method at all. Can NI not give us the option at least to set it back the way it was to default on the full rack view with the library on the left?

  • B.Minor
    B.Minor Member Posts: 195 Advisor

    NI is constantly changing their K7 settings. Depending on the 7.X version you have currently installed, you may find different "startup-view" options in the "File / Options / Interface" menu. I don't remember the exact phrases which they have used in recent K7 versions, but in your case I'd search for an option which contains the keywords "new Rack View" or "fullscreen". The current option in K7.7.1 that changes the startup view is "Display when launching new Rack View instance".

    The behavior is kind of weird, as it's quite the opposite from what it actually says: If that option is enabled, K7 will open up in "Browser/Preset" mode, and if it's disabled, it will open K7 up in the classic "Library/Rack" view again. I hope that could help you.

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