Anyone having a Sync issue with the new EMPIRE BREAKS Play Kontakt Instrument?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,626 mod

    @choralsm @Stefan Wendin Sorry to get back so late on that issue. Would it be possible for you to reproduce the issue in a very small project, zip it and post it here so we can try & reproduce the issue?

  • Benny Makes Music
    Benny Makes Music Member Posts: 3 Member

    Same issue here and still no update or fix from NI. Bit gutted I've wasted £44 on something that works for a bit and then goes completely out of sync 😪 I'll try and zip a little thing in here hoping we can get to the bottom of it! Such a shame as that extension has such great sounds 😮‍💨

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,626 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Benny Makes Music Have you tried the steps in this thread? IT's been consolidated as a KB article: My KONTAKT Instrument Is Out of Sync in FL Studio

    If that does not apply to you please give more info, like operating system, DAW, how to reproduce the bug, etc...

  • sickvisionz
    sickvisionz Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2023

    Was having the same issue and came to this thread. Solved it instantly. I've had weird tempo, timing issue with other things and I wonder if this was the solution as well.

  • Adaggio
    Adaggio Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi all

    I still have issues with synchronization (time sync) Empire Breaks in Ableton Live 10. Has anyone managed to solve this problem?

  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Just experiencing this now with all the sequencers in my Kontakt instruments. Here's a video with the instrument sequencer lined up with the one in FL Studio. They're not synced.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,626 mod
  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Yes, I've tried the 'Use fixed size buffers' setting, but no luck.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,626 mod

    And if you go to the Master settings in Kontakt, is the Ext button on?

  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Any more ideas, please?

  • Neural Tech Music
    Neural Tech Music Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Windows 11 (update is from around February of this year)

    i913700K (8 performance cores overclocked and stable to around 5.43 and the 16 goofy efficiency cores are disabled in BIOS, because they were causing issues in Live, which has been well documented all over the net for the last year+) I built this machine thinking I wouldn't have any performance issues… and it took me months and months to learn that the efficiency architecture is for the birds, and parking cores is definitely a huge nono in Windows 11, because… Microsoft go brrr when they code anything apparently… I miss my XP buikld, but I digress)

    128 GB DDR5 (stock speed)

    Live 11.3.13

    Kontakt 7.10.5 (EXT sync set to on/off, tried different buffer settings [currently locked and maxed all the way to the right letting my memory do all the heavy lifting] and other settings in Kontakt, no change - and this option that this thread is mentioning, to force the buffer rates, doesn't exist in the current version of Kontakt anymore… which is really nice, so I can't try that.)

    Damage 1 and The Score are having sync issues with Live. With Damage 1, if I make a midi clip using a note representing the 'loop key', then it will come out of time as soon as it completes the loop and circles around. If I 'drag the midi' from the patch, onto a track in Live, then that works perfectly.
    The Score - with any combination of notes in a midi clip, will not stay in sync once the clip loops and circles around… it "drifts" out of time, same thing with the example for Damage 1 above. The track latency for The Score is -50 ms to make it be in perfect time, but again… once the clip loops, it starts drifting. This is with EXT on and off in Kontakt and all kinds of other attempts to see what's causing this.

    I tried multiple other libraries in Kontakt, of which I have myriad… and from around 10+, mostly percussive based, I had zero issues and they all looped beautifully and stayed in sync for minutes worth of testing. The Empire Breaks library that is referenced in this thread was one of the ones I tested… after reading this thread, I made sure to test that one, lol… stays in sync and loops like a charm.

    Does anyone have a clue why Kontakt is having these sync issues? And where is N.I. to discuss this????

    (gonna make a seperate thread in the hopes that this gains some traction, apologies if that annoys anyone)

    Thanks in advance to anyone who has the time to help me with this - I really want to get down with The Score, and I was eagerly awaiting some future sales/deals at Sonuscore, because I wanted to pick up the rest of their synths with the Ensemble engine, but not if it's going to archaic and not understand simple midi sync.

  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 32 Member

    "gonna make a seperate thread in the hopes that this gains some traction, apologies if that annoys anyone"

    Well, this thread on its own isn't doing much. First post was nearly 2 years ago and they still haven't fixed this. It has been 10 days since I clarified I'd followed all the suggested steps and it was still out of sync for me, leading me to ask for further help… and then no further replies.

    Go for it. Make 10 new threads. We clearly do need the tracktion!

  • Neural Tech Music
    Neural Tech Music Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    (for my issue)


    Sonuscore responded and told me that The Score 1.2 is having issues with 44.1 sample rate and that they're working on a fix. Heavyocity gave me a suggestion to try out, still haven't had a chance to see if it works though. So happy that Sonuscore was aware of it. My N.I. rep wasn't familiar the issue.

  • Neural Tech Music
    Neural Tech Music Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Perhaps you could try different sample rates? (pardon me if you already stated that you tried that)

    I understand how frustrating it is to not have an issue fixed and believe me!! I fee blessed to hear from Sonuscore this week telling me the golden news that they're well aware of the issue in 44.1 sample rate and they're already working on patching it - hurray. Perhaps their suggestion might work for you, running your rig at 48 or another sample rate?? Perhaps even if only good enough to get some things to sync, get 'em rendered, and then use them as audio? Just a thought, good luck with your issue and thanks for the support and chiming in!

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