Maschine 3.1 - Can't toggle IDEAS / SONG views after 3.1 update

Ahdee Member Posts: 32 Member
edited March 19 in Maschine

I can't change between IDEAS and SONG view in the software or on the hardware. However the song was last saved that's how it stays. (Windows 11)



  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 310 Pro

    Switches fine between them for me (clicking view then selecting). How about using the keyboard commands? (Ctrl+1/2/3)

  • Ahdee
    Ahdee Member Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 19

    The commands work for Browser and Mixer. But there is no selecting (either with commands or hardware or drop down menu) Song mode if the file was last saved in Ideas and vice versa. (If you open the file in Ideas, you can use the key command and drop down menus to select Ideas, but not songs.)

    Edit: In the software the little icon to the left of the scenes also does nothing on click.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,275 mod

    Someone else had a similar problem a while back and it turned out the audio interface settings weren't set correctly. Yep weird, but setting it correctly fixed the problem. Might not have anything to do with your problem but it's something you could check just to eliminate it.

  • Ahdee
    Ahdee Member Posts: 32 Member

    Thanks for this suggestion, and you’re right. The Windows interface (which I loaded initially right after making the update) doesn’t work correctly. But the Maschine MK3 and my Quantum ES interfaces do work. Thank you!

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