Mikro MK3 in midi mode



  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    I'ver downloaded your template, how do I get it into controller editor?


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 387 Pro
    edited March 16

    the new ones I just posted , drag them into the column with your existing template

    The old ones , were actually configurations , ( which can be a group of templates )

    Under file ( in controller editor) you will see open configuration/ save configuration and open template

    So Ignore the old ones

    Download the ones with the extension -.ncmm3

  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    • Thanks, I downloaded and installed them, quick question, as I'm new to this, do have to put the numbered template at the top of the list as number 1 to use it?

    When I'm just using machine 3, do I select factory template as number 1? Is that how it works?

    Thanks again for all your help.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 387 Pro

    yes the mikro only holds one template , so move the template you want to the top of the list (1)

    Do you mean when using maschine 3 as a plugin ?
    Maschine standalone you wouldn’t use a template

  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    thanks for that, yeah I meant as a plugin

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 387 Pro
    edited March 16

    as a plugin, yeah the idea in logic , is to use the mikro in midi mode , so it recs in logic , and triggers maschine

    I don’t know how you intend on using maschine , personally I think it is only good for 1 group

    In any case , all 3 of those templates should work fine , the pro and basic one are the same apart from the mcu controls on the extra buttons , and some of the colours .

    Those have 8 groups of Pads , in controller editor you’ll see I’ve name a group maschine , that marks middle C (blue on the pro , green on the basic )

    The page before it is c2 ,(green on the pro , red on the basic ) if you set the group midi input routing to drumkit that’s the page you want

    The drum kit template , just has one page for 16 pads starting at c2 , for the group midi input , drumkit setting , you only want to use that one , if you are just gonna use it as a drum machine , ie no pitched instruments

    There’s also some mcu controls ,


    some of the other pad banks have some mcu , and some have some banks of notes , I was experimenting with

    I should of made the pad colours the same across the templates , but you can change them if you want

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 387 Pro


    On the drumkit template, the mikro 3 , note repeat button is set to REDO , but on the pro Template it’s set to SOLO , so you might want to change that

  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    ok thank you, very helpful

  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    that's great , can I ask why do you need to transpose each sound after kick , 1, 2,3,4, what does this mean?


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 387 Pro

    that’s because , otb the drums sounds are triggered by c3 , so if you’re using 1 midi channel you need to transpose so , the snare is triggered by c# and so on , otherwise c3 would trigger all the sounds at once, which is kinda what happens if you don’t set sounds to midi notes before you updraft and drop .

    If at the earlier step , where you set the input mode to manual , you selected drumkit , you’d have to transpose the kick by -12 , the snare by 11 and so on , because drumkit mode starts at c2

    don’t worry it’s not transposing the actual sound/sample , it’s just the midi trigger

  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    I’m a bit lost I’m following your instructions, but don’t understand how I transpose the sounds, would you mind taking me through this process?

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 387 Pro

    go to the sound midi output , there’s a knob that says transpose, after channel

    Kick stays at 0 , then increase each one in numerical order , so snare (sound 2 ) is 1 , sound 3 is 2 , sound 4 is 3 , and so on untill sound 16 , which should be 15

    Each increase represents the next note , so starting at c (0) , c# (1) , d(2) , d#(3)

  • hobbah72
    hobbah72 Member Posts: 120 Member

    thank you!

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