Logic Users, you can now record midi from maschine without midi mode

ALDREAD Member Posts: 389 Pro
edited March 21 in Maschine

it is now possible to record midi straight from the maschine plugin into logic and from the controller without midi mode

Im still testing it but it’s looking good

step 1

Turn on the logic and maschine virtual port in logic and maschine (standalone)

Open maschine ( not multi timbral ) on a logic track

In the logic track inspector

Set midi - to all or your controller

Set - internal midi in - to instrument output - maschine 3

Set - record - set it to rec from both the main midi input and maschine

Set Midi in channel - to the same maschine group /sound channel you are using

Set midi out channel- to the same

Step 2

Go to maschine plugin and load group

Go to group -midi - input - set to manual

Turn off thru

Set source to Host

Channel to the same as logic trk

Set start note to c3

Go to sound output

Select all sounds ( with sound 1 selected, hold shift and select sound 16 )

Set source to host

Channel to the same as logic trk

Unselect all sounds ( hold shift click on sound 1)

Transpose each sound after kick ,in numerical order , 1, 2,3,4 and so on, the reason for this is to set the note that the sound outputs

Kick will be c3 , because of the start note setting made in the input , so sound 2 is 1 (c#) sound 3 is 2 (d) sound 4 is 3 (d#) and so on.

And that’s that

Press record in logic and it should record your pattern from maschine to logic ( it’s important that thru is off on the input otherwise it starts to add notes transposed by an octave )

The controller should input notes in normal mode , arp should work etc .

here’s a video , had to zip it for some reason


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 389 Pro
    edited March 21

    a few things to note

    This only work on the non multi timbral version plugin , if I try to use one , the virtual port starts to disappear, you can get it back by opening maschine standalone , but you have to leave it open or it goes again , and it doesn’t seem to want to separate midi channels , if you’ve got 2 c3 note playing it kinda cancels one out

    I’m going to test that some more ., but I think at the moment, you need to use more than 1 group , you need to use another instance of the plugin

    The other thing is

    If you want to record your pattern from maschine into logic that’s fine , but if you want to record from the controller into logic , make sure your maschine pattern is empty

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