Native Access 2 - Known Issues 🚨



  • Juergi
    Juergi Member Posts: 4 Member

    Hi all,

    am also facing this issue now (on Windows 10, latest build). Ticket to NI is already submitted.

    More detail:

    • Had the old NA Version working fine.
    • Updated to latest NA2. Had the known problem, that NTKDaemon did not install.
    • Fiddled around with uninststalling it, re-installing with NTKDaemon 1.5. Failed also.
    • Tried to downgrade to NA 1.14. Did not work. "Use valid install package ..." or so was the message.
    • Get kind of a message, that there is already an NA Version installed. But can't see one in WIndows Application Settings.
    • Tried to work around this with IoBit Uninstaller. Did not get me any further.
    • Tried also the other hints here in the thread (Firewall and/or Virus Checker deactivated). Did not help.
    • Tried also the solution with gpedit.msc. Does not work for me, since I have Win10 Home. It does not have local rights for registering services.

    The strange symptom is, that during the install process of the NTKDaemon, a window opens where you are supposed to choose or select some icon in a list with feature descriptions. This window is empty. But you can click "Next". A few clicks later, a message pops up with "... installation package for NTKDaemon can not be found ...".

    Now I am stuck between two chairs. Hope to see a solution soo.

    LG, Juergi

  • Juergi
    Juergi Member Posts: 4 Member

    Funny ... just found a solution for me (Win10 21H2 Build 19044)

    In short:

    • Seems like the installation process does not have sufficient user permissions to install and register the NTKDaemon.

    Solution (for me !)

    • The initial (partially failed) installation of Native Access 2 was still on the PC.
    • Download and unpack the NTK-Daemon installer 1.5 . Link is on Known Issues page.
    • Open a PowerShell with Admin Rights. With Admin-Rights ! This is very important.
    • Locate the file "NTKDaemon Setup PC.exe".
    • Within this PowerShell, change to the directory, where you unpacked the NTK-Daemon Installer Files to.
    • Within the PowerShell Window, enter "NTKDaemon Setup PC.exe" (without double quotes) and press Enter.
    • The installation of the NTK-Daemon should now run through. In my case, I still had 2 or three error or warning messages popping up. Did just ignore them for now.
    • After this, start Native Access. It then takes a 2-3 minutes. You will also be asked to login to NI.

    After this, Native Access 2.0 was looking OK. Did not yet use it. Will now give it some tries.

    LG, Juergi

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Hey @Juergi this was a thread about several known issues, what specific issue do you mean? What is the error message? so I can maybe link that to the right thread.

  • Juergi
    Juergi Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2022

    Sorry about that.

    The issue I meant was, that the installation of NTKDaemon does not get competed.

    Had thought to post my question and solution here in order to have all solution alternatives together.

    Feel free to move it to the right place.



  • aaffleck
    aaffleck Member Posts: 4 Member

    I never heard back from support via email and I still can't sign in (see above).

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited September 2022

    @aaffleck You got a reply on September 2nd, I sent it again today, please check your spam and inbox filters.

  • aaffleck
    aaffleck Member Posts: 4 Member

    I don't get why I am not getting the support replies. I am getting notifications of these messages and it's the same address. I have checked spam and a bunch of other things.

  • Scott Frost
    Scott Frost Member Posts: 82 Advisor

    I can report that after the latest update Controller Editor has downloaded, however it doesn't solve the slowness of NA2 -- sometimes it gets stuck with a spinning wheel and I have to close and reopen it.

  • Jonathan Green
    Jonathan Green Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited September 2022

    Firstly I am blind and dictating this so please forgive any errors.

    I have Mac M1 6Gb RAM, VoiceOver and Zoom are constantly axtive,

    have installed Native Access 2 and once opened, it Seems to authorise everything every time I open it. It also takes around about 10 minutes to get to the loading stage upon which it seems to freeze and does nothing.

    seems to authorise everything every time I open it. It also takes around about 10 minutes to get to the loading stage upon which it seems to freeze and does nothing.

    Sometimes, after an hour or so I get to the stage where my products are shown but I can’tSeem to download any updates. I’ve cleaned out system deleted native access, restarted and tried again, to no avail.

    Seem to download any updates. I’ve cleaned out system deleted native access, restarted and tried again, to no avail.

    Have followed your post about what to do specifically for M1 machines.

    Nothing worked there either.

    have even tried to go on your website which now doesn’t even let me in anymore. It lets me login but when I click on my icon to go to my downloads, no drop lDown menu appears. I have been going on at this for three days now and it is just getting ridiculous.

    down menu appears. I have been going on this for three days now and it is just getting ridiculous. I even changed my web browser from safari to Firefox just in case it was the web browser but exactly the same thing happened. There is nothing anywhere on the website to say you are having problems. There doesn’t seem to be anything in the community saying you are having problems.

    I have made the grave error of deleting everything native instrument related for a complete fresh install. This now seems to be a grave error on my part because it seems it’s definitely not my end and now I have to install everything but just can’t.

    There must be a problem. Please help


    Tried to change the preferences for final locations and the application location field was flagged as red even though the folder existed.

    tried to change the preferences for file locations and the application location field was flagged as read even though the folder existed.

    I did a get info on native access application and found the following:

    System: read and write,We’ll: read and write, everyone: read only

    wheel: read and write, everyone: read only

    I have managed to add myself to the list and give myself read and write access to see whether this will improve things.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @Jonathan Green I'm really sorry you are experiencing all these issues with Native Access 2. Did you give Full Disk Access to Native Access as explained in this article: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    We have a deidicated support section for installation here:

    Honestly, I'm not sure how it translates to the visually impaired, so let me know about the full disk thing and if it changes anything. If not, I'll create a request for you and forward it to our specialists.

  • Jonathan Green
    Jonathan Green Member Posts: 9 Member

    @Jeremy_NI thanks for getting back to me. I have sorted out the access issue by adding my user as read write access via the ‘Get Info’ section. This has not resolved the application start speed issue but I’m leaving it going in the hope that all 146 products will install overnight. Maybe in you next release NI will address the permissions issue.


  • marc5000
    marc5000 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    An issue with Native Access 2.6.2 (16e4409 / is that the 'Updates' section constantly has updates which never clear. For example; Analog Dreams v.2.0.3 has an update. You press the Update button and it goes through the motions of downloading and installing. It claims it's installed; but then never clears from the list. Is this a known issue, or, is there a fix coming? Thanks!

  • safeite
    safeite Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2022

    This terminal level tool does not work on M1 running 12.6. Another waste of time for me.

    Error message given:

    zsh: command not found

  • Butchie
    Butchie Member Posts: 4 Member

    I gave my NA full access to disks. Keeps sticking on Loading Products forever. Deleted everything, and it seems like it will only start after fresh install and approving NTKdaemon the first time. After that, forget about it. I was only trying to migrate my NIKU13 over to my new Mac M1 on new hard drives. Now I am stuck with this ******. NA2 is just not ready. I tried to go back to NA1, but it wants to update to 2. Someone reported this on July 23, and it is almost mid-October. Auto reply from support. I don't have time to wait for them, so does anyone know a workaround? I did all the .plist, hidden library, app support, secret handshake stuff, but it tells me nothing and stares at me with it's little black screen:)

  • Butchie
    Butchie Member Posts: 4 Member

    Yep. 12.6, M1, NA2 = :-(

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