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  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2022

    Interesting... Where did you experience that problem?

    AFAIK Google is smart enough to tell signatures and thread text/titles apart and prioritize the latter but maybe other search engines don't (?). I did a "Maschine RX560" search in Google and in the old forum internally and none of my posts shows up, only the one's where I actually do mention "RX560" in the thread text itself; signatures are fully ignored from search.

    The point of having my HW there is just in case someone has an issue and sees I have the same HW then they can ask questions and confirm it's not an HW issue; if that sort of thing causes issues then it could just be disallowed but tbh I never heard of that before.

    Personally, I love to see people's exact specs at a glance, so if user Y says software Z runs fine at a buffer of 32samples with 700 tracks with Massive-X I know what that system is capable of, and have a poi t of comparison, this includes more details than XYZ CPU as that only says half the story. Benchmarks in the Audio world are rare, in the tech/computer / gaming world they are all over and specs are common in signatures.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    @D-One I only mentioned you because I know you have something like that in your signature. I'm speaking more generally about that concept that has been on internet forums for the last 20 years; not necessarily something I've seen here. I end up resorting to "intitle:(blah blah)" and google starts asking if I'm a bot.

    I'm not entirely sure if there's a way to stop google from indexing text in signatures. If so; I wish every forum would do that. It looks like the old NI forums don't show the signature unless you're logged in; so that's nice. If that's the case with this new forum too; great.

    I promise I wasn't trying to call you out. "This villainous person with a signature!!!"

  • __DREW__
    __DREW__ Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello. The new forum looks fresh and slick! Congrats NI on your hard work!

    Greetings from Germany,


  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Just so I understand the points about replies. What would your reply button do? Tag a user?

    Also mind you, when you've already visited a thread, it should go to latest page automatically and not the first one. I'll check that again.

    I'll take note of the size and colour. Having css style for admins/mods should be a quick thing.

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 329 Pro
    edited January 2022

    @Matt @ NI

    I think I found a bug/mistake.

    I´m able to edit all comments in the "Come say hello" thread! 😳

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @c0nsul You are the true hero of the day!

    I guess I clicked in a wrong box and the custom permission of the welcome area were messed up. It should be sorted now 😰

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 329 Pro


    It is fixed. I´m not able to edit other people´s posts anymore!

  • Goon
    Goon Member Posts: 1 Member

    Dont like the new forum, for me its a mess, Im out.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Liking the new look and feel, only complaint, when Screenshots are posted, they are rather small and hard to read...or is it just me!!!😂

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin
    edited January 2022

    Hey! Happy to have you here. We tweaked a couple of things earlier. It should be better now with new uploads.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    Suggested it already on the previous forum but just so we are clear, Dark Mode Please :)

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @JesterMgee Yes, it was already on our radar and we need to find a way to make the theme switchable for users. I'll try to do finish the theme when I can and share a screenshot here.

  • Antarikhya Mohapatra
    Antarikhya Mohapatra Member Posts: 6 Member

    Brilliant to see that this community is going somewhere.

  • D2Lover
    D2Lover Member Posts: 59 Advisor

    Cool. I'll let you know how it feels after i get use to the new format.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    Is there no way to quote a specific part of a comment? I want to quote someone, but want to focus the discussion on a specific section of what they wrote. Normally I'd just delete the text not related to what I'm responding to.

    ...and these vote up/down buttons will turn into reddit troll fuel.

This discussion has been closed.
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